Контрольна робота 5 клас (О.Д.Карпюк) за темою "Special days. Grandma's stories."

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Контрольна робота для 5 класу до підручника О.Д.Карпюк за темою "Special days. Grandma's stories." ІІ семестр
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Control paper

Variant I

1.Tranlate the words into Ukrainian(Перекласти на українську мову)

a) to clean up

b) delicious

c) after

d) attic

e) horror

f) thunder

2. Fill in the gaps with  preposition “on”, “in”, “at”.(Заповнити пропуски)

a)…. Monday

b)….. the morning

c)…… weekend



f)….. the summer

3. Translate the words into English.(Перекласти на англійську)

a) дитинство

b) дитячий садок

c) назва

d) павук

e) скелет

f) темрява

4. Write dates in words.(Записати дати словами)

a) 01.01

b) 09.04

c) 31.09

d) 22.04

e) 11.07

5.Fill in the gaps with was/were/wasn’t/weren’t/did/didn’t.(Заповнити)

a) We…..in the History museum on our weekend

b)…..you at school on Sunday?

c)I….at home on my winter holiday.

d) The weather….fine on the weekends.

e)I…..play with my dolls last evening, I studies Maths.

f)I….walk in the park yesterday, I cleaned my room.

6.  Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

St Valentine’s Day, cards, March 8, fairy tale, decorate, presents


1) In Ukraine people celebrate Mother’s Day on_______________ .

2) Santa Claus always brings___________________ to children.

3)__________________is a popular holiday which we celebrate on February 14.

4) My mother’s favourite_____________________ was «Sleeping Beauty».

5) At Christmas people send Christmas ___________to their friends and relatives.

6) We always ______________the New Year tree with glass balls and lights.



Control paper

Variant II

1.Tranlate the words into Ukrainian. (Перекласти на українську мову)

a) to look like

b) tasty

c) before

d) ghost

e) lightning

f) dark

2. Fill in the gaps with  preposition “on”, “in”, “at”. (Заповнити пропуски)

a)…. The moment

b)….. my birthday

c)…… 2006

d)…..the autumn

e)…..Christmas Day

f)….. one o’clock

3. Translate the words into English.(Перекласти на англійську мову)

a) казка

b) мир

c) розколювати

d) чердак

e) грім

f) ховатися

4. Write dates in words.(Записати дати словами)

a) 07.11

b) 06.03

c) 23.08

d) 01.09

e) 15.02

5. Fill in the gaps with was/were/wasn’t/weren’t/did/didn’t.(Заповнити)

a) Bob….in the swimming pool on Saturday.

b)Jane and Liz….in a circus on their weekends, they….in the library.

c) Donna….at winter camp in the mountains.

d)……you ride a bike yesterday?

e)….Steve go to school last Monday? No, he….

f)My mother…..ask me to help her.

6. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.

«The Frog Prince», December 25, delicious, children, Thanksgiving, presents

1) One of the most important holidays in America is ___________________.

2) In Britain people celebrate Christmas on_________________ .

3) On New Year’s Eve people prepare___________for their friends and relatives.

4) St Nicholas’ Day is an important holiday for Ukrainian _________________.

5) When I was little I liked the fairy tale________________ .

6) My mother always cooks a lot of______________________ food on my birthday.

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