Контрольна робота для 6 класу

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Перевірочна робота в 6 класі за підручником Full Blust 6 Unit 5. Невеличка перевірка лексичного матеріалу заохотить дітей згадати назви тварин та місце їх проживання. Одночасно вчитель може перевірити. чи діти пам'ятають, які матеріали можуть зашкодити тваринам в їх середовищі. Як діти засвоїли граматичний матеріал, який був опрацьований в цьому розділі, можна перевірити за допомогою вправ такого характеру: * вживання модальних дієслів must/ have to/can/ mustn't/ don't have to * різниця вживання структури to be going to, дієслова will та Present Continuous для визначення майбутньої дії * вживання Present Simple та Future Simple в реченнях умовного типу Conditional I.
Перегляд файлу


  1. Write 3 names of animals __________________________________________________________________________
  2. Write 3 places where they live __________________________________________________________________________
  3. Write 3 materials for recycling


  1. Choose the correct modal verb.
  1.      You must / can respect your parents.
  2.      She can/ has to speak English, German and French fluently.
  3.      They have to/ must wear a special uniform because they are pilots.
  4.      Don’t touch the exhibits! You mustn’t/ can’t do it in the museum!
  5.      He doesn’t have to/ can’t go shopping because we did it last weekend!
  6.      This child must/ has to spend more time in the open air because of his health problems!
  7.      All visitors of the aquapark mustn’t / don’t have to feed dolphins!
  8.      Can/ must you jump?
  9.      We have vegetables and fruit at home so we don’t have to/ mustn’t buy them at all!


  1. Fill in the gaps will/ to be going to/ Present Continuous.
  1.      It ____________________( will/ is going to) be Friday tomorrow.
  2.      Watch out! Your bike ___________________( will / is going) to fall down!
  3.      I think Nick and Andy ___________________( will/ are going) to take part in this event.
  4.      Next month you ________________________( will/ are going to) be 14 years old.
  5.      It’s getting cold. I_______________________( will/ am going to) put on my warm sweater.
  6.      Sam can’t meet you. He __________________( will leave/ is leaving) for Lviv tomorrow morning.
  7.      I know that Rob ________________________( will see/ is seeing ) a doctor tomorrow at 5 p.m.
  8.      I am sure we ___________________________( will/ are going to) come in time.
  9.      Be careful! You ________________________( will/ are going to) hurt your leg!


  1. Form the sentences using the First Conditional.
  1.      If you ________( to be) busy, I ________________( to leave ) you alone.
  2.      If my friend  ______________( to come) to see me, I _______________( to be) very glad.
  3.      If my mother______________(to buy) a cake, we__________________( to have) a very nice tea party.
  4.      If he _________________( to send) an e-mail, we _________________( not to worry).
  5.      If you _______________ ( to work) systematically, you _____________( to have) good results.
  6.      If I _____________( to get) a ticket, I ___________________( to go) to the Zoo.
  7.      If I ______________( to live) near the forest, I ______________( to gather) a lot of mushrooms.
  8.      If my father ___________( to return) early, we________________( to watch) TV together.
  9.      If she ________________( to know) English well, she ________________( to try) to enter the university.