Контрольна робота для учнів 11 класу "Public Venues" (рівень стандарту)

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Контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 11 класу за підручником М.А.Нерсисян, А.О.Піроженко
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             Test Paper                     the 11th form

Public Venues



Choose the correct option to complete the sentences


1. ____ doors give access to a small courtyard at the back of the house.

a) basement  b) shutter  c) chimney  d) patio


2. I bought these sunglasses from a street ____ in Florence.

a) reveller  b) performer c) vendor  d) merry-maker


3. This movie was ____ Australia by Oscar-winning director Steve Roger.

a) set in  b) released in c) based on  d) filmed in


4. If they ____ these shoes I’ll buy two pairs, because I like them.

a) shell out  b) shop around c) mark down d) splash out


5. Our aim is to make the ____ , museums and our heritage accessible to all.

a) performing arts     b) oil paintings  c) cinematography d) fiction


6. We have lived ____ 108 Rolling Street since 2004.

a) in   b) on   c) at   d) -


7. I would have helped my friend but I had very ____ time so I had to refuse her.

a) few   b) plenty  c) lots of  d) little


8. The teacher gave ___ of the students a piece of paper.

a) every  b) whole  c) all   d) each


9. I told him that I ___ his friend for months.

a) didn’t see  b) haven’t seen c) hadn’t seen d) wouldn’t see


10. Rachael: “Can I go to the festival?” Rachael wanted to know ___ to the festival.

a) if she could go b) if she can go c) if she was able to d) when she could go


11. One of my friend is always ___ getting up early every morning.

a) complaining b) denying  c) accusing   d) promising


12. Mark was angry ___ Jack because he came late to the concert.

a) by   b) at   c) about   d) for

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