Контрольна робота для учнів 7 класу (поглиблене вивчення англійської мови)

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Контрольна робота для учнів 7 класу з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови
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  Test Paper        On Screen

Global issues


  1. Fill in: awareness, pollution, poverty, warming, habitats.
  1. Global ____ causes temperatures to rise.
  2. We should protect animals natural _____ .
  3. Cars cause air _____ in our cities.
  4. They raise ______ about illiteracy.
  5. _____ is a serious social problem.


  1. Underline the correct word.
  1. Hand/Take in your work by Friday.
  2. You must get 55% to do/pass the exam.
  3. I need to resit/attend the test I failed.
  4. We sponsor/donate money to charity.
  5. The charity helps people affected by human/natural rights abuses.


  1. Fill in: I’m not sure – It made me angry – One solution could be – Good thinking!
  1. A: I was shocked by all the graffiti I saw.

B: __________ to see that too.

  1. A: I think it would be a good idea to join this charity.

B: ______________________

  1. A: It would help if there were bigger fines.

B: __________ if that would work.

  1. A: What can we do about the problem?

B: __________ to install cameras.


  1. Fill in: is or are
  1. The police ___ looking for the vandals.
  2. Measles ___ a common disease.
  3. Your school trousers ___ on your bed.
  4. Physics ___ my favourite subject.
  5. The news ___ on now.
  1. Rewrite the sentences using the modals: could, should, ought to, mustn’t, needn’t
  1. You are not allowed to feed the animals.
  2. I advise you to do some practice tests.
  3. Is it possible for her to join UNICEF?
  4. It’s not necessary for you to worry.
  5. It’s your duty to revise for your exam.


  1. Fill in the where necessary.
  1. The lynx is endangered in ___ Spain.
  2. ___ United Nations run UNICEF.
  3. We can help ___ planet by recycling.
  4. ____ lions can be dangerous.
  5. She has visited ____ Easter Land.


28 вересня 2022
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