Контрольна робота письмо, 7 клас, 1 семестр

Про матеріал
Семестрова контрольна робота (письмо) І семестр до підручника Несвіт А.М. У роботі містяться завдання для перевірки навичок письма, лексико-граматичний матеріал за 1 семестр.
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 I. Match the words to make up phrases.

1) to wash                                 a)  meals

2) to roast                                 b)  the carpet

3) a wooden                              c)  birthday

4) to cook                                 d)  snack

5) to feel                                   e)  the medicine

6) to take                                   f)  ill

7) to celebrate                           g) a pull-up

8) sour                                       h) opener

9) healthy                                  i) turkey

10) a microwave                        j) oven

11) to can                                   k) up

12) to vacuum                            l) cream


 II. Open the brackets and put the correct tense form of the verb.

  1. Tom ___ (to iron) clothes every Saturday.
  1. won’t iron     b. doesn’t iron      c. didn’t iron
  1.  My dad usually ___ (to take care) of our animals.
  1. took care   b. takes care   c. had taken care
  1. His father __ (not to watch) TV at the moment.
  1. am not watching    b. aren’t watching    c. isn’t watching
  1.  She looks very sick. I think she ____ go to a doctor.
  1. should  b. must    c. shouldn’t
  1. Daisy’s father isn’t an athlete, ____?
  1. isn’t he   b. does he    c. is he
  1.  He __ (to return) from the cinema at five o’clock.
  1. had returned   b. is returning  c. had return
  1.  She __ (to enjoy) listening to his songs last night.
  1. enjoyed     b. has enjoyed    c. enjoyes 
  1. My sister __ (to roast) a chicken every Sunday.
  1. roasts   b. roasted    c. has been roasting
  1. Brian wants ro keep a lizard as a pet, _____?
  1. doesn’t he    b. does he   c. doesn’t Brian
  1.          Let's go to an Italian restaurant and have pizza , ___?
  1. aren’t we    b. shall we    c. can we
  1.          Sarah, did you write this poem ___?
  1. myself    b. yourself  c. yourselves
  1.          Tom __ (to travel) around the world next year.
  1. travels      b. will travel   c. has traveled
  1.          I __ (to be) very busy last summer.
  1. was    b. were   c. been
  1.          You __ (to play) with a ball for three hours already.
  1. have been plating  b. are playing  c. will play
  1.          I __ (to go) to bed at ten o’clock tomorrow.
  1. went   b. go   c. will go
  1.          You __ (to sleep) for ten hours already.
  1. Have been sleeping  b. slept  c. sleep
  1.          I usually a double-decker bus tour. __ do I.
  1. So  b. Neither
  1.          I can’t leave. I ____ finish this report today.
  1. should  b. must  c. shouldn’t
  1.          When __ you __ (to leave) home for school tomorrow?
  1. are you leaving   b. will you live  c. did you leave
  1.          Look! The baby __ (to sleep).
  1. am sleeping  b. is sleeping   c. are sleeping
  1.          You ___ remember to send that email. It’s very important.
  1. should     b. must   c. shouldn’t
  1.          My computer often crashes and turns off by___.
  1. myself    b. himself    c. itself
  1.          __ he __ (to play) now?
  1. Did he play  b. Is he playing   c. Will he sleep
  1.          Alan made this food by ____.
  1. myself  b. themselves    c. himself


III. Write the letter about:

  1. Write the recipe of your favourite Ukrainian dish:
  • What products do you need;
  • What cooking equipment you use / she uses;
  • Describe the process of cooking.


  1. You write to your English-speaking friend:
  • Tell him/ her what household chores you have;
  • How often you do them;
  • Who helps you;
  • What you like/ don’t like doing most of all.


  1. You were ill two weeks ago:
  • Explain what happened to you;
  • If the doctor visited you, what recommendation you got;
  • What helped you recover.


Tkachuk Yana
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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
12 травня 2023
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