Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 7-го класу на тему: "Театр і кінотеатр". Метою контрольної роботи є перевірити рівень мовної та комунікативної компетенції за темою; розвивати пам'ять, увагу, мислення та мовлення учнів; виховувати самостійність.
“Theatre and cinema”
1. Match the words with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1) theatrical performance |
a) глядач |
2) actor |
b) слухачі |
3) actress |
c) cюжет фільму |
4) viewer |
d) актор |
5) film plot |
e) учасник |
6) audience |
f) театральна вистава |
7) participant |
g) актриса |
2. Match the words with their meaning.
1. a film A. a large board used for putting advertisements on
2. a cinema B. a series of moving pictures that tells a story, shown on TV
at the cinema
3. a billboard C. the place at the theatre, cinema, etc. where tickets are sold
4. a box office D. a place where drinks and food are sold
5. a refreshment E. a place where films a shown
3. Read the following adjectives and decide what kind of films they can describe.
Violent boring moving complex romantic comical sentimental gripping funny dreadful fantastic sad enjoyable emotional exciting full of many different ideas tragic entertaining historical outstanding low-budget big- budget dramatic |
Comedy |
Comical, |
Thriller |
Melodrama |
Documentary |
Fantasy |
Science Fiction |
4. Make the sentences interrogative and negative:
1. The students have passed all their exams.
2. They have answered all the questions.
3. You have solved the problem.
4. Something has happened to your friend.
5. She has changed much.
6. Jane has made a lot of mistakes in her dictation.
7. We have met him before.