Контрольна робота з англійської мови для 7 класу (за підручником Несвіт А.) за темою "Family and friends".

Про матеріал
Контрольна робота має на меті перевірку рівня засвоєння граматики та ло за темою. Складено у двох варіантах.
Перегляд файлу

Test. Unit 1. My family and friends. Form 7

Name____________________________________   Date___________________

  1. Choose the correct answer


  1. to sew buttons
  2. to iron clothes
  3. to vacuum

  1. to make a bed
  2. to cook meals
  3. to tidy the room

a) to water the plants

  1. to cook meals
  2. to wash up

  1. to water the plants
  2. to cook meals
  3. to wash up

  1. to sew buttons
  2. to iron clothes
  3. to vacuum

  1. to water the plants
  2. to cook meals
  3. to wash up

Пов’язане зображення

  1. to wash clothes
  2. to sew buttons
  3. do the shopping

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "set the table clipart"

  1. to sew buttons
  2. to iron clothes
  3. to set the table

- keeping ___


a) promises     b) chores    

c) hobbies


  •    being  ___ with each other
  1. honest
  2. feeling
  3. secure
  •        ___ about each other
  1.    washing
  2.    staying
  3.      caring
  •          accepting the ___
  1.      promices
  2.      differences
  3.      feelingss










2. Make the Question tags.

1.  He hasn’t been to Asia, ___________?

2. I am a great singer, ___________?

3.  This is the Mississippi River, ___________?

4.  You were playing showballs after the lessons, ___________?

5.  Bob was playing the piano when we came, ___________?

6.  They won’t go to the party, ___________?

7.  This house is new, ___________?

8.  I’m your doctor, ___________?

9. Let’s play snowballs there, ___________?

10.  She never comes in time, ___________?

11. They have got a new house, ___________?

12. They had many tomatoes last summer, ___________?

  1. Circle the verb in each sentence. Then write, what tense is it.


  1. What does this person always teach you to do?


  1. Your friend didn’t know English well last year.


  1. I usually water the flowers on Mondays.


  1. Susan will tidy the room tomorrow.


  1. They had a lot of things to do yesterday.


  1. We will plan our rest near the sea next weekend



a) to water the plants

  1.   to cook meals
  2.    to wash up

a)to water the plants

b)to cook meals

c)to wash up

  1.      to sew buttons

b)to iron clothes

c)to vacuum

a)to water the plants

b)to cook meals

c)to wash up

Пов’язане зображення

  1.      to wash clothes
  2.     to sew buttons
  3.      do the shopping

Результат пошуку зображень за запитом "set the table clipart"

  1.          to sew buttons
  2.          to iron clothes
  3.         to set the table

  1. to wash clothes
  2.          to sew buttons
  3. to dust the furniture

  1.         to sew buttons
  2.        to iron clothes
  3.         to vacuum

Name____________________________________   Date___________________


1. Choose the correct answer

- to set a good ___


a) example

b) chores    

c) hobbies


  •    being  ___ with each other


  1.    honest
  2.   feeling
  3.    secure
  •       ___ about each other


  1.                      washing
  2.                      staying
  3.  caring
  •         household ___


  1. promices
  2. chores






  1. Make the Question tags
  1. The car isn't in the garage, _______________?
  2. You are John,____________________________?
  3. She went to the library yesterday,  ____________?
  4. I’m your doctor, _________________________?
  5. Cars pollute the environment, ______________ ?
  6. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recentl____________?
  7. The trip is very expensive, ________________?
  8. He won't tell her, _________________________?
  9. Hugh had a red car, ______________________?
  10.                 I am a great singer, _______________________?
  11.                 Let’s play snowballs there, ________________?
  12.                 Bob was playing the piano when we came, _________?


  1.        Circle the verb in each sentence. Then write, what tense is it.


  1. Everybody always tries to look calm at the beginning of the school year.


  1. Children are often shy with the people they don’t know.


  1. Will you share your sandwich with me tomorrow? ____________ _______________________
  2. Jane didn’t help Ann with her English homework last night.


  1. We watched this film together yesterday. ___________________________________
  2. My elder brother will be 19 next year. ___________________________________




Середня оцінка розробки
Оригінальність викладу
Відповідність темі
Всього відгуків: 1
Оцінки та відгуки
  1. Ярошевська Ольга Валентинівна
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Несвіт А.М.)
26 вересня 2019
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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