Контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 8 класу

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Контрольна робота для учнів 8 класу. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. The Past Simple and the Past Continuous Tense.
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Граматична контрольна робота з англійської мови для учнів 8 класу.

                     The Past Continuous and the Past Simple

1.Make up sentences using the Past Continuous Tense

-We/to play football/from 4 to 6 last Friday.

-She/ to talk with her friend/ for twenty minutes yesterday.

-You/ to wash the car/ in the morning yesterday.

-Tom/ to fix his bike/ all the evening.

-Sarah and Alison/ to wait for a bus/ at that time yesterday.

-Eve and Tom/ to skate/ all day last Saturday.

2. Complete the sentences with when or while

-The boys were playing tennis …. the ball flew into the window.

-Tom was painting the wall …. the bucket of paint turned over.

-Ben was putting a tent …. the boys were gathering wood for fire.

-Rita was sleeping … the alarm-clock rang.

-Nelly was peeling potatoes …. her sister was cutting meat into pieces.

-Nick was skating … he fell down and broke his arm.

3. Put the words in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Continuous

- When I … (to come) home yesterday, my mother … (to read) a book and my father (to work) on the computer.

- I … (to water) flowers when the vase … (to fall) down.

- Witty … (to write) a report from five to eight yesterday.

- While Maria … (to dust) the furniture her sister … (to vacuum) the carpets.

-When the parents … (to return) home, the children … (to sleep).

- Where … Mike … (to go) when you … (to meet) him yesterday morning?

4. Translate into English

- Вони слухали радіопрограму в той час вчора.

-В той час як вона розмовляла по телефону, її мама мила посуд.

-Багато людей чекали на потяг на платформі.

-Що вона розповідала коли ми прийшли? – Вона розповідала про свої  досягнення.

- Яку книгу вона читала, коли задзвонив телефон?


19 січня 2021
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