Контрольна робота з граматики за темою "The Noun"

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Контрольна робота з граматики за темою "The Noun" з англійської мови для здобувачів освіти 7 класу містить завдання на вживання артиклів та утворення множини іменників.

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                                      GRAMMAR TEST                           NOUN


I. Give the plural of the following nouns.                                   3б.

Cap, task, lake, song, cucumber, foot, dish, parcel, glass, potato, knife, sheep, goose, formula, raspberry, sky, donkey, fish.


II. Fill in the blanks a or some.                                                     3б.

  1. _________ meat
  2. _________ camera
  3. _________ money
  4. _________ shirt
  5. _________ bread
  6. _________ doll
  7. _________ coffee
  8. _________ sailor
  9. _________ chocolate


III. Change to the plural.                                                              3б.

  1. This dog is in the garden.
  2. He is a tall man.
  3. That is a potato.
  4. It is a beautiful dress.
  5. This is a monkey.
  6. He is my chief.


IV. Fill in some or any.                                                                  3б.

  1. Are there … sweets in your bag? – Yes, there are … .
  2. I need … sugar, … flour, … eggs, … butter and … milk to make a cake.
  3. There is … butter in the fridge, but there isn’t … milk.
  4. Poor Oliver was hungry. He wanted … bread.
  5. Can I have … milk in my tea? I don’t like it black.





I. Give the plural of the following nouns.                                  3б.

Port, pipe, comb, room, lunch, orange, tooth, nut, tomato, bamboo, kite, calf, mouse, datum, sandwich, fly, monkey, deer.


II. Fill in the blanks a/an or some.                                              3б.

  1. ________ water
  2. ________ dolphin
  3. ________ sugar
  4. ________ flag
  5. ________ cheese
  6. ________ orange
  7. ________ butter
  8. ________ milk
  9. ________ carrot


III. Change to the plural.                                                              3б.

  1. The glass is on the table.
  2. This is a tooth.
  3. That baby is in the bedroom.
  4. You are a nice child.
  5. She is a housewife.
  6. It is a leaf.


IV. Fill in some or any.                                                                  3б.

  1. Are there … eggs? – There aren’t … eggs left.
  2. We haven’t got … flour.
  3. To make cabbage soup I need …cabbage, … onions, … carrots, and … salt. I don’t  need … plums or … pineapples.
  4. We haven’t got …milk. We can’t make an omelette.
  5. There is … tea in the cup: the cup is empty.
До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
19 листопада 2018
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