Урок на тему "British customs and traditions"

Про матеріал
ТЕМА: British customs and traditions. МЕТА: Ввести і активізувати нові ЛО теми. Розвивати навички сприймання тексту на слух. Практикувати учнів у читанні та усній бесіді на основі прочитаного тексту. Розвивати навички письма. Виховувати повагу до звичаїв і культури інших народів. ОБЛАДНАННЯ:підручник, текст “National traditions and customs and traditions of Great Britain”, роздатковий матеріал, “Broken words”, магнітофон. ХІД УРОКУ I. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення. 1. Greeting. T.: Good morning children. Sit down, please. 2. Aim. T.: The topic of our today’s lesson is “Customs and traditions of Great Britain”. By the end of the lesson you should be able: - to identify main ideas and details from the reading; - to ask about and describe traditions and customs of Great Britain. 3. Warm-up. Game “Sentence Expansion Exercise”. T.: Let’s play a game. I want you to play this game in two teams. I’ll write you a word on the blackboard. You have to make up a sentence with the help of this word. Try to add different words ( nouns, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives ets. ). Do it in turn. Are you ready? ……… customs…………. II. Основна частина уроку. 1.Presentation of new vocabulary. 1) Game “Broken words”. T.: Now I’ll give you the cards with broken words. You have to make up the words and read them. Try to do it as quickly as you can. When you make up a word, rise your hands and read it aloud. Work in groups of four. ( The teacher gives the cards to the pupils and they make up the words). tra dit ion ra ve ns cav alry man cu st om parl iam ent 2) Oral speech.. T.: Now let’s speak about Ukrainian customs and traditions. Do you Know any of them? ( The pupils tell about some of Ukrainian customs and traditions). T.: And what English traditions do you know? ( Now the pupils retell English traditions they know). T.: Do you know that the English love their homes very much. And what proverbs about English homes do you know? P.: - There is no place like home. - East or west, home is best. 2. Listening. Text “Guy Fawkes’ Day” ( Enterprise 4 SB ) T.: Now I suggest you listening about one of English traditions, celebrating “Guy Fawkes’ Day”. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps. 1) While-listening activity. The pupils listen to the text for two times and fill in the gaps. GUY FAWKE’S DAY Guy Fawkes’ Day is celebrated all over Britain on ………… 5th. Every village, town and city ………… a huge bonfire to remember when Guy Fawkes tried to ………… the British houses of Parliament. Children gather …………… and make Guy Fawkes dolls. The bonfires are lit and everyone gathers around while Guy Fawkes dolls are thrown into the …… …… . Then, fireworks are …………… . Everyone …………….the rhyme. “Remember, remember, the fifth of November”. Bonfire night is …………… for everyone. Keys: 1. November; 2. lights; 3. blow up; 4. wood; 5. flames; 6. set off; 7. sings; 8. exciting. ( The new unknown words are written on the blackboard): Bonfire- багаття; Event- подія; To throw- кидати; To set off- запускати; T.: What have you written in the first… gap? 2) Post-listening activity. (The pupils answer the teacher’s questions on the text.) T.: Answer my questions: 1. When is Guy Fawkes’ Day celebrated? 2. Why is it celebrated? 3. What preparations are made? 4. Where do they throw the Guy fawkes dolls/ 5. What do they do after that/ 6. What do people sing? 7. How do people feel on Guy Fawkes’ Day? 2. Reading. Text “British customs and traditions” ( http://www.sixthsense.ru/topics/great_britain/60431/ ) T.: We have just talked about some of English traditions. But do you know that British people keep them up more then other nations. Let’s read about other English customs and traditions. I’ll give you the cards with the text which is broken in paragraphs. I’ll give to each pupil only one part of the text. Listen attentively the person who will be reading because your card may be the following one to complete the whole text. If you want to know more about the history of life of different countries you must study there traditions. English people carefully keep up their traditions. Many of them are connected with the capital of Great Britain - London. Thus every night the traditional ceremony of the keys takes place at the famous London Tower. At 9.53 p.m. the Chief Warder, carrying the Bloody Tower, where the present guard is waiting for them "Halt! Who goes there?" - the guards ask. Keys, marches from one Tower to another, locking the gates. The escort follows him. Then they march to the Chief Warder answers: "Queen Elisabeth's keys". "Advance, Queen Elisabeth's keys. All's well. " - they are answered. At 10 sharp the Chief Warder proceeds to the Queen's house to return the keys from the Tower. It is a tradition with English people to celebrate holidays. Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night, St. Valentines Day, etc. Christmas is more important for Englishmen than any other holiday. People travel from all parts of the country to be with their families on the 25-th of December. English people decorate Christmas trees with flashing lights, wrapping paper, glass balls, bake puddings and traditional Christmas Turkey. They decorate their houses with holly and mistletoe. Children wait for the presents from Santa Claus, a mythical man, who lives in the North pole and makes toys for children. On Christmas he visits the homes of good children and lives them presents in their socks. Children put their socks at the foot of the bed or a fireplace. Another colorful holiday is Halloween. It is celebrated for hundreds of years. On this day children dress in funny ghostly costumes and knock at the neighbor's doors. After shouting "Trick or treat" they get gifts of candy or money. But more than 2000 years ago it wasn't a merry holiday. It was the time when the Lord of Dead gathered the souls of dead and presented them to Druid Heaven on October 31. So people thought that all the evil forces appeared in the darkness on that day. To frighten them people made fires. So nowadays Englishmen take turnips, potatoes, pumpkins, cut holes in them and place candles inside. There is one more holiday, which has a great significance especially for young lovers it is the St. Valentine's Day. It is celebrated on the 14-th of February. Valentine's Day is sweethearts' day when people in love express their affections for each other. The message is - "Will you be my Valentine?" Valentines used to be for young lovers, but nowadays grandparents, cousins and friends of any age express their affection through a small gift or a card. St. Valentine's had had a long and romantic history. The Romans carried it to England as a pagan festival, combined with the Christian religion, it formed a good tradition. Nowadays Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries of the world. Mostly the gifts of cards and flowers are presented on that day. These are the most exiting holidays in England, I think. As we can see they make the life of people richer and happier, make them feel proud of their country, its history and culture. 1) Pre- reading activities. New vocabulary: A guard – охоронець To proceed – слідувати Holly – гостролист Mistletoe – омела Evil - зло 2) Wa guardhile-reading activity. The pupils red and translate the text. 3) Post-reading activity. T.: Now write two or three questions to the text ( each for your own paragraph ). Ask and answer the questions. (The pupils write the questions in their copy-books, then ask and answer them). 3. Writing. T.: What holidays are coming? P.: New Year and Christmas. T.: Write on the cards some greetings you would like to wish to each other. Provide your ideas. (The pupils write the greetings on the cards, then the teacher suggests reading them aloud and putting these cards on the Christmas Tree). T.: Have you already written ? So, let’s read them and decorate the Christmas Tree with your cards. III. Performing of the song. T.: To finish our lesson merrily, let’s sing the song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”, so that our guests have a nice and really merry Christmas and festive mood. (The pupils sing the song) We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas And a Happy New Year. III. Заключна частина уроку. 1. Homework.. You have to prepare the oral report on the topic “British customs and traditions”. 2. Summarizing. T.: Which activities have you done today? Do you find any British habits strange and unusual?
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ТЕМА: British customs and traditions.

МЕТА: Ввести і активізувати нові ЛО теми.

             Розвивати навички сприймання тексту на слух.

             Практикувати учнів у читанні та усній бесіді на основі прочитаного

             тексту. Розвивати навички письма.

             Виховувати повагу до звичаїв і культури інших народів.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ:підручник, текст “National traditions and customs and traditions of Great Britain”, роздатковий матеріал, “Broken words”, магнітофон.


                                            ХІД УРОКУ    

  1. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
    1. Greeting.

T.: Good morning children. Sit down, please.

                2. Aim.

                     T.: The topic of our today’s lesson  is “Customs and traditions of Great Britain”. By the end of the lesson you should be able:

         - to identify main ideas and details from the reading;

         - to ask about and describe traditions and customs of Great Britain.

                3. Warm-up.

                    Game “Sentence Expansion Exercise”.

                    T.: Let’s play a game. I want you to play this game in two teams. I’ll write you a word on the blackboard. You have to make up a sentence with the help of this word. Try to add different words ( nouns, prepositions, adverbs, adjectives ets. ). Do it in turn. Are you ready?


 ……… customs………….

  1. Основна частина уроку.

1.Presentation of new vocabulary.

  1. Game  “Broken words”.

T.: Now I’ll give you the cards with broken words. You have to make up the words and read them. Try to do it as quickly as you can. When you make up a word, rise your hands and read it aloud. Work in groups of four.

 ( The teacher gives the cards to the pupils and they make up the words).

tra                        dit                          ion


ra                         ve                           ns


cav                      alry                         man


cu                        st                            om

parl                      iam                         ent  

  1. Oral speech..


T.: Now let’s speak about Ukrainian customs and traditions. Do you

     Know any of them?

  ( The pupils tell about some of Ukrainian customs and traditions).

 T.: And what English traditions do you know?                                                            

  ( Now the pupils retell English traditions they know).

  T.: Do you know that the English love their homes very much.

       And what proverbs about English homes do you know?


   P.: - There is no place like home.

         - East or west, home is best.


               2.  Listening.

                    Text “Guy Fawkes’ Day” ( Enterprise 4 SB )


                     T.: Now I suggest you listening about one of English traditions,      

                           celebrating “Guy Fawkes’ Day”. Listen to the text and fill in the



  1. While-listening activity.

The pupils listen to the text for two times and fill in the gaps.


                        GUY FAWKE’S DAY 

             Guy Fawkes’ Day is celebrated all over Britain on ………… 5th. Every

            village, town and city ………… a huge bonfire to remember when Guy         

            Fawkes tried to ………… the British houses of Parliament. Children

            gather …………… and make Guy Fawkes dolls. The bonfires are lit and              

            everyone gathers around while Guy Fawkes dolls are thrown into the ……

            …… . Then, fireworks are …………… . Everyone …………….the        

            rhyme. “Remember, remember, the fifth of November”. Bonfire night

            is …………… for everyone.


            Keys: 1. November;   2. lights;   3. blow up;   4. wood;   5. flames;

                      6. set off;          7. sings;    8. exciting.


            ( The new unknown words are written on the blackboard):


                Bonfire- багаття;

                Event- подія;

                To throw- кидати;

                To set off- запускати;


              T.: What have you written in the first… gap?


                      2) Post-listening activity.

                       (The pupils answer the teacher’s questions on the text.)


                T.: Answer my questions:

                     1.  When is Guy Fawkes’ Day celebrated?

                     2.  Why is it celebrated?

                     3.  What preparations are made?

                     4.  Where do they throw the Guy fawkes dolls/

                     5.  What do they do after that/

                     6.  What do people sing?

                     7.  How do people feel on Guy Fawkes’ Day?


  1. Reading.

Text “British customs and traditions”

( http://www.sixthsense.ru/topics/great_britain/60431/ )

T.: We have just talked about some of English traditions. But do

     you know that British people keep them up more then other

     nations. Let’s read about other English customs and traditions.

      I’ll give you the cards with the text which is broken in paragraphs.

     I’ll give to each pupil only one part of the text. Listen attentively

     the person who will be reading because your card may be the  

     following one to complete the whole text.


If you want to know more about the history of life of different countries you must study there traditions. English people carefully keep up their traditions. Many of them are connected with the capital of Great Britain - London. Thus every night the traditional ceremony of the keys takes place at the famous London Tower.


At 9.53 p.m. the Chief Warder, carrying the Bloody Tower, where the present guard is waiting for them "Halt! Who goes there?" - the guards ask. Keys, marches from one Tower to another, locking the gates.


The escort follows him. Then they march to the Chief Warder answers: "Queen Elisabeth's keys". "Advance, Queen Elisabeth's keys. All's well. " - they are answered. At 10 sharp the Chief Warder proceeds to the Queen's house to return the keys from the Tower.


It is a tradition with English people to celebrate holidays. Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Guy Fawkes Night, St. Valentines Day, etc. Christmas is more important for Englishmen than any other holiday. People travel from all parts of the country to be with their families on the 25-th of December.


 English people decorate Christmas trees with flashing lights, wrapping paper, glass balls, bake puddings and traditional Christmas Turkey. They decorate their houses with holly and mistletoe. Children wait for the presents from Santa Claus, a mythical man, who lives in the North pole and makes toys for children.

 On Christmas he visits the homes of good children and lives them presents in their socks. Children put their socks at the foot of the bed or a fireplace. Another colorful holiday is Halloween. It is celebrated for hundreds of years. On this day children dress in funny ghostly costumes and knock at the neighbor's doors.


 After shouting "Trick or treat" they get gifts of candy or money. But more than 2000 years ago it wasn't a merry holiday. It was the time when the Lord of Dead gathered the souls of dead and presented them to Druid Heaven on October 31. So people thought that all the evil forces appeared in the darkness on that day.


To frighten them people made fires. So nowadays Englishmen take turnips, potatoes, pumpkins, cut holes in them and place candles inside. There is one more holiday, which has a great significance especially for young lovers it is the St. Valentine's Day. It is celebrated on the 14-th of February.


Valentine's Day is sweethearts' day when people in love express their affections for each other. The message is - "Will you be my Valentine?" Valentines used to be for young lovers, but nowadays grandparents, cousins and friends of any age express their affection through a small gift or a card.


St. Valentine's had had a long and romantic history. The Romans carried it to England as a pagan festival, combined with the Christian religion, it formed a good tradition.


Nowadays Valentine's Day is celebrated in many countries of the world. Mostly the gifts of cards and flowers are presented on that day. These are the most exiting holidays in England, I think. As we can see they make the life of people richer and happier, make them feel proud of their country, its history and culture.


  1. Pre- reading activities.

New vocabulary:

A guard –  охоронець

To proceed – слідувати

Holly гостролист

Mistletoe – омела

Evil - зло


  1. Wa guardhile-reading activity.

The pupils red and translate the text.


  1. Post-reading activity.

T.: Now write two or three questions to the text ( each for your own paragraph ). Ask and answer the questions.

 (The  pupils write the questions in their copy-books, then ask and answer them).

  1. Writing.

T.: What holidays are coming?

 P.: New Year and Christmas.

 T.: Write on the cards some greetings you would like to wish to each other. Provide your ideas.

  (The pupils write the greetings on the cards, then the teacher suggests reading them aloud and putting these cards on the Christmas Tree).

  T.: Have you already written ? So, let’s read them and decorate the Christmas Tree with your cards.


  1. Performing of the song.

T.: To finish our lesson merrily, let’s sing the song “We wish you a Merry Christmas”, so that our guests have a nice and really merry Christmas and festive mood.

 (The  pupils sing the song)


                             We wish you a Merry Christmas

                             We wish you a Merry Christmas

                             We wish you a merry Christmas

                             And a Happy New Year.


III.  Заключна частина уроку.


  1. Homework..

You have to prepare the oral report on the topic “British customs and traditions”.


  1. Summarizing.

T.: Which activities have you done today?

      Do you find any British habits strange and unusual?




Kurmanska Oksana
5 грудня 2022
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