Гра КВК. A Competition Between the Pupils of the 6th and the 7th forms
“Happy English”
Teaching objectives.
Educational objective: to motivate pupils to study and understand the English language.
Practical objective: to develop pupils speaking, reading, listening and writing skills through games, plays and various creative activities.
Developing objective: to develop pupils cognitive and creative skills, their abilities to analyze facts and information.
Teacher. Good morning everybody. Dear boys, girls, teachers, and parents I am glad to see you. Today is a big day for us. Today two teams of the 6th and the 7th forms have competition. We are going to talk about myself, brain-teasing fun, sports and games, proverbs and saying, riddles, show plays and sing songs.
Let’s begin the game. Let me introduce the jury: Kolbun Svitlana the pupil of the 10th form and Kuzmych Roman the pupil of the 11th form.
Dear boys and girls there are two teams Team ________ and Team ________.
(A dialogue between two captains)
Dear captains I see that you get a lot of information about each other.
(Pupils receive the handout “Brain-Teaser” and do the task)
Brain-Teasing Fun: Vowels
Fill in the blacks with correct vowels (A, E, I, O, U) to read the answer to this brain teasing questions.
There are 6 apples in a red paper bag and in a blue paper bag.
How can you give 6 hungry friends an apple each and still have one left in the bag.
T__K__ F__V__ __PPL__S
____T __F TH__ B__G
__ND G__V__ __N__ T__
____CH FR____ND
TH__N G__V__ TH__ S__XTH
FR____ND TH__ TH__ B__G
C__NT____N__NG TH__ __PPL__
TH__T __S L__FT
В той час, як учасники команд розгадують головоломку вчитель проводить вікторину з болільниками.
What? Where? When?
(About the United States of America)
Bill Klinton — Georg Washington —Abraham Linkoln
Alaska — Texas — California
In Congress — In White House — In the Pentagon
New York — Washington — San Francisco
49 — 50 — 51
San Francisco — Los Angeles — New York
Colorado — Columbia — Potomac
Julia Roberts — Bush — Marak Obama
The first moon landing — Declaration of Independence — The end of the American Civil War
Answer. Take five apples out of the bag and give one to each friend. Then give the six friend the bag containing the apple that is left?
Teacher. There only six vowels in the English ABC, but without them it is impossible to speak, as you know.
Who write quicker? Team 1 or 2.
L a d e m |
F o l g |
G ni n n u r |
T s a d i m u |
O h y e c k |
Key : medal, golf, running, stadium, hockey.
Добери пару. (робота з картками)
Ski jumping |
Плавання |
Tobogganing |
Боротьба |
Cycling |
Теніс |
Athletic |
Яхтовий спорт |
Aerobics |
Футбол |
Gymnastics |
Гімнастика |
Football |
Аеробіка |
Yachting Tennis |
Атлетика Стрибки на лижах |
Swimming |
Велосипедний спорт |
Wrestling |
Санний спорт
V. Let’s play. You know there are different kinds of sports.
(Погрупувати картинки з видами спорту)
Sport with ball Tennis Basketball Football Golf Billiard Table tennis |
Sport without ball Chess Hockey Figure skating Boxing Running Swimming |
VI. Match the beginning and the ending of the proverbs.
VII.Now, listen to my riddles and try to guess them Team 1 and Team 2.
1.When I eat I live But when I drink I die . What am I ?
2.What is without hands and without feet without head or body, but can open a door?
3.Two brother live across a path. But never see each other.
4.We are four brothers living under one roof. Do you know us?
5.What has an eye, but cannot see?
6.Which man in the world wore the largest hat?
7.He is not a tailor. But carries needles with him.
8.This animal lives with us likes to catch mice.
9.A large brown animal that lives in the forest and likes honey.
10.A very funny animal which moves very quickly. It can hang by its tail.
“The Fox and Crane”
The Fox and the Crane appear before the curtain on the opposite sides of the stage: they approach east other and meet in the centre.
FOX: God morning, my dear friend.
CRANE: God morning, Foxy.
FOX: How are you? I haven’t seen you for ages.
CRANE: Thank you, I am all right.
FOX: I am so glad to see you. Come and have dinner with me, my dinner.
CRANE: Oh, thank you, I shall go with pleasure.
They go away together.
The Fox’s house. A table and two chairs stand in the middle of the room. The Fox and the Crane enter the room.
FOX: Here is my home. Sit down, dear Crane. Dinner will be ready in a minute.
The crane sits at the table. The Fox puts on the table a flat plate with porridge.
FOX: Help yourself, dear. The porridge, my is very good.’
The Crane pecks at the porridge with her sharp bill, but she cannot get a bit.
FOX: I hope you like the porridge, my dear. I have cooked it Myself.
The Crane continues to peak from the plate. At the same time the Fox begins to lap up the porridge and soon there is nothing left.
FOX: Sorry, my dear Crane, but I have nothing else to offer you.
CRANE: thank you all the same, I’ve had enough. Do come and have dinner with me. Good-bye.
The Crane’s room with a table and two chairs in the middle. The Crane is preparing dinner. There is a knock at the door.
CRANE: Come in.
FOX: God afternoon, Crane.
CRANE: Oh, Foxy, glade to see you. You are just in time for dinner. Take a seat at the table.
The Fox sits at the table and the Crane gives her some soup in a jug with a narrow neck
CRANE: Help yourself to the soup, my friend.
The Fox licks the jug and touches it with his nose, but he cannot get the soup. The Crane laugh and pecks all the soup away.
CRANE: Sorry, my friend, but I have nothing else to offer you.
FOX: It is not polite to treat your friend so. I am very hungry.
CRANE: I was also hungry after your dinner. Good-bye, dear friend.
FOX: we are not longer friend with you.
He runs out the room.
Now let us see the second play. It is “The Little Riding Bun”. (Інсценізація п’єси)
“The Little Riding Bun”
AUTHOR: Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman who were was nothing left to eat in the house, not even bread.
Said the grandpa:
GRANDPA: Granma, dear, bake a tasty bun, please.
GRANDMA: With great pleasure. Now I’ll bake a little round bun. Here it is. Look!
GRANDPA: I like it. It is very nice, round and little. I think it is very tasty.
GRANDMA: You are right. But it is too hot now.
GRANDPA: Put it on the window.
AUTHOR: But the bun jumped out of the window and onto the bench outside, and from the bench onto the ground, and away it rolled along the road!4
I am Little Round Bun
I can sing and roll, and run,
I run away from home,
I’m here all alone.
AUTHOR: On and on it rolled, and it saw a Hare coming toward it.
HARE: Hello. I’m Here-Long Ears. And who are you?
LITTLE ROUND BUN: I am Little Round Bun. Don’t eat me! I can sing and I’ll sing to you. Listen:
I am Little Round Bun
I can sing and roll, and run,
I run away from home,
I’m here all alone.
AUTHOR: And off it rolled and run away. By and by it saw a wolf.
WOLF: Hi! I’m Grey Angry Wolf. I’m very serious, and you?
LITTLE ROUND BUN: I am Little Round Bun. I’m happy.
WOLF: I’ll eat you up.
LITTLE ROUND BUN: Don’t eat me! Don’t eat me! I can sing and I’ll sing to you. Listen:
I am Little Round Bun
I can sing and roll, and run,
I run away from home,
I’m here all alone.
AUTHOR: And away it rolled. By and it met a Bear coming toward it.
BEAR: Hey, who are you?
LITTLE ROUND BUN: I am Little Round Bun. Glad to meet you. And who are you?
BEAR: I’ll eat you up.
LITTLE ROUND BUN: No, you can’t. I can sing and I’ll sing to you. Listen:
I am Little Round Bun
I can sing and roll, and run,
I run away from home,
I’m here all alone.
AUTHOR: And off it rolled and run away! By it saw a Fox.
FOX: Oh, what a nice Little Round Bun! I like you.
LITTLE ROUND BUN: Who are you?
FOX: I’m a Fox, I’m a Fox. I’m a beautiful Fox. My name is Foxie-Loxie. I have a long tail. I am smart. I am special!
LITTLE ROUND BUN: Glad to meet you, Foxie-Loxie. I can sing. Listen:
I am Little Round Bun
I can sing and roll, and run,
I run away from home,
I’m here all alone.
FOX: Dear Little Round Bun, I can’t hear you. I can’t hear you. Sing a song again. Come to me nearer.
LITTLE ROUND BUN: With pleasure:
I am Little Round Bun
I can sing and roll, and run,
I run away from home,
I’m here all alone.
FOX: Gulp!!!
AUTHOR: But before it could go on, the Fox opened her mouth and snap!
Teacher. What do you think? Was the Crane clever? Was the fox sly?
I think you liked the plays.
Team of the 6th form sing a song.
“One man went to move”
One man went to move
He went to move a meadow
One man and his dog Bow-Bow
Went to move a meadow.
Two men went to move
They went to move a meadow
Two men, one man, and his dog
Bow-Bow went to move a meadow.
Tree men went to move
They went to move a meadow
Tree men, two men, one man
And his dog Bow-Bow
Went to move a meadow.
Four men went to move
They went to move a meadow
Four men, tree men, two men, one man
And his dog Bow-Bow
Went to move a meadow.
Five men went to move
They went to move a meadow
5 men, 4 men, 3 men, 2 men, one men
And his dog Bow-Bow
Went to move a meadow.
Ten men went to move
They vent to move a meadow
10 men, 9 men, 8 men, 7 men, 6 men,
5 men, 4 men, 3 men, 2 men, one man
And his dog Bow-Bow
Went to move a meadow.
Team of the 7th form sing a song.
“Bingo – actions”
There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name, oh
And Bingo was his name.
There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name, oh
And Bingo was his name.
There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name, oh
Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
And Bingo was his name.
There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name, oh
Clap, Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
Clap, Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
Clap, Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
And Bingo was his name.
There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name, oh
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
And Bingo was his name.
There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name, oh
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap, Clap —I—N—G—O
And Bingo was his name.
Teacher. Now let go on with our programme. You have seen different kinds of competition. We shall see who is the winner of the competition. I liked Team I(II) better. The score is 68:72
I think that all pupils enjoyed the competition. I’m very glad that many children have taken an active part. I was very pleasant to see that you are interested in foreign language.
Good-bye everyone.
Додаток до КВК
Teacher Note!
Пропоную матеріал, який допомагає учням розвивати мовну здогадку, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні здібності, готовність до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні; розширити їх світогляд; формувати соціокультурну компетенцію; виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення іноземної мови