Урок у 6 класі на тему: "Shopping. At the supermarket."

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Розгорнутий план-конспект уроку у 6 класі за темою "Shopping. At the supermarket".
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План- конспект урок у 6 класі


Тема : “Going Shopping”

Підтема : “At the supermarket.”

Мета уроку: активізувати лексичні одиниці теми; навчити учнів ввічливо запитувати продавців про товари в магазині і використовувати доречні і влучні фрази; повторити назви ємностей для різних продуктів; формування граматичних навичок (вживання Past Simple).

Очікувані результати: на кінець уроку учні повинні вміти називати різні типи магазинів; використовувати граматично правильні питання до продавців; розповідати про покупки називаючи їх у правильних ємностях.


Хід уроку

  1. Greeting (Привітання)

Good afternoon! I’m very glad to see you. I hope you are well. Let’s start our lesson.

  1. Warming- up activity. ( Завдання для введення в іншомовну атмосферу. Відповіді на запитання.)

 Do you like doing shopping? Why?

 What types of shops do you know?

 Do we have shopping malls in our town/city? Name the most popular.

  1. Вгадування назви теми. Guess the rebus to find out the topic of our lesson.

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  1. Great job! Now let’s watch a video about shopping in a supermarket. Be attentive because you have to answer the questions.


1)What is the name of a big shop with different departments?

2)How are the local shops called?

3)Where does Jenny usually do the shopping?

4)Where is she going today and what is she going to buy there?

5)Who is the second character in a video?

6)What shop is he going at?

5. You know that to buy goods at the supermarket you should write a shopping list. Here it is, but you should fill in the gaps using the words from the box.

a bottle, a jar, a can, a carton, a piece, a cup, slice, a loaf

       __________ of olive oil;

       __________ of jam;

       __________ of bread;

       ___________ of pizza;

       ___________ of lemon;

       ___________ of orange juice;

       ____________ of tea with lemon;

       ____________ of soda.

 Do you help your parents do shopping? Do you use a shopping list when you go to the supermarket? What supermarket do you usually visit?

6.Shopping list on the live worksheets:


  1. Gymnastics for eyes:

  Look left, right

 Look up, look down

 Look around.

 Look at your nose

 Look at that rose

 Close, your eyes

 Open, wink and smile.

  1. You had a rest a little bit. Now let’s complete the dialogues to саrry on a conversation with the shop-assistant.

a carton of orange juice, right, drinks section, where



 A: Excuse me. Where can I find____?

 B: You can find that in ___________?

A: _______________ is that?

 B: It’s over there, to your _____?

 A: Thanks.

paper bag, too, nice



 A: Would you like a __________ ?

 B: No thanks, I have my own bag?

 A: Ok, thanks. Have a _________ day?

 B: Thanks. You _____.

  1. Grammar material irregular verbs:

 Be -was/were-been

 Come- came-come







Let’s do exercise in pen put the verbs from the brackets into the Past Simple

  1. She ___(make) a cake 2 hours ago.
  2. Mary ____(buy) a hat a week ago.
  3. He ____(write) a letter 2 hours ago.
  4. They ____(drink) a lot of cola last night.
  1. Let’s practice the usage of the irregular verbs. isl collective video: https://en.islcollective.com/english-esl-video-lessons/grammar-topic/past-simple-tense/home-alone-1990-supermarket-scene-12/773588

Заключна частина:

1. Homework. Your homework will be ......

2. Summarizing. Thank you for your active participation. You worked well.

Сах Н. М.
10 березня 2023
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