Літературна вітальня «Світ Шекспіра»

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Позакласний захід з англійської мови для учнів 10-11 класів - Літературна вітальня «Світ Шекспіра» (Shakespeare’s World) надає можливість кожному учаснику проявити себе, розкрити свій талант, виконуючи ту чи іншу роль, розвиває творчі здібності, ініціативу та художні смаки.
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Літературна вітальня для учнів 10-11 класів «Світ Шекспіра»


Вчитель англійської мови Черняхівської гімназії Черняхівської селищної ради  Житомирської області Якобчук Ганна Іванівна

Shakespeare’s World


1. A Song “Auld Lang Syne”


Pupil 1.  The second half of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th century are known as the Golden Age of the English Literature. It was the time of the flourishing of Rennaissance and later it was called the epoch of Shakespeare.


Pupil  2.    What a talented person a man must be, what a great contribution to the world literature must be made, that thankful ancestors could give his name to the whole epoch.


Pupil 3 .    During his lifetime he was the son of his age and nowadays he belongs to all peoples, ages and generations.


Pupil 4.     This year, on the 23rd of April we celebrated the 444th anniversary of Shakespeare’s birthday. But his ideas, his literary heritage, his characters have come to us. They teach us to live, to love, to make friends, to be true and sincere.


2.W. Shakespeare  (his speech)


The interview with W. Shakespeare:

Pupil 1.So, your childhood was rather happy, wasn’t it?

Pupil 2. What do you remember about school years?

Pupil 3. So, you were learning all the time at school and at home. Wasn’t your boyhood dull and boring?

Pupil 4. We know that you were happy in your marriage? Why did you go to London?


P.1. Dear Mr. Shakespeare, we would like to invite you to our party and we hope you will enjoy it.

W. Shakespeare: Thank you, with pleasure.


P.2. Shakespeare’s works are translated into many languages. They are loved, read and admired. They are dramatized on the professional and amateur stages.


P.3. Passion and deep feelings were expressed and made people sympathize the characters and come to the theatre again.


P.4. Who can be indifferent to the pain, suffering and grief of Othello and Desdemona?


3. “Othello”   (a scene)


P.1. Sonnets… 154 sonnets. Such is Shakespeare’s heritage. The sincere poet’s soul was ready to share his feelings with the whole world.

P.2. Do you know that sonnet was born in Italy and every sonnet has 14 lines? And these 14 lines contain the whole world: the wonderful world of love, harmony, beauty and kindness.


4. Sonnets 18 & 130


5.A young poet and a singer with his own sonnet


P.3. Listening to the sonnets is a real pleasure. They describe true friendship and eternal love.


P.4. Sure. And more over, they give us hope, teach us to be happy, to feel sympathy and love. They sound in our hearts, in our souls, in our songs.


6. A song


P. 1. In his works the poet outlives the whole life: he enjoys and suffers, he is merry and disappointed, he betrays and forgives.


P. 2. The palette of Shakespeare’s literary activity is very rich. His heroes live the strained and anxious life, full of contradictory feelings and deep thoughts. There is no story more sad than about Romeo and Juliet.


7. “Romeo and Juliet”     (a scene)


P. 3. Love and hatred, as we know, live side by side. Everybody remembers the tragic love of Romeo and Juliet.


P. 4.But life goes on. And hope, optimism, love and gladness always win. Enjoy the traditional dance of Shakespeare’s time- tarantella!


8. Tarantella   (a dance)


P. 1. The history of England is alive owing to Shakespeare’s historical chronicles “King Richard III”, “ King Henry IV”, “King John”.


P. 2. The whole world sympathize with the heroes of his tragedies “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “Macbeth”, “King Lear”. The tragedy of King Lear’s life developes before you.


9. “King Lear”     (a scene)


10. A song


P. 3. Shakespeare’s works are really beautiful and everlasting. Many generations of artists were and are inspired by his sonnets, comedies, tragedies.


P. 4. Time flies… The habits, opinions, attitudes to human values change. But Shakespeare remains with us. He revives again in new poems, songs, films.


P.1. We are fond of his works, because the fillings of love and friendship are eternal.


P. 2. Let’s hope, that time will come and all our dreams come true.

And a new world- the world of iridescent hopes will open before us.


11. A song “Shakespeare won’t write about us”  

(the translation of a song by V.Kozlovsky)


True, I can’t fly to the stars with you

Even breath can’t without you,

Under feet I can see the sky.

Stay! I won’t touch you, my love, again.

You don’t hear – you’re far away

And you’ll never be love of mine.


          Shakespeare won’t write about us

          We’re so different with you.

          But every time that passed and passed,

          Love you, love you!


Список літератури





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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання, рівень стандарту) 10 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
23 лютого 2021
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