Love and Relationships. Любов та відносини між людьми. Phrasal Verbs.

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Слова та фразові дієслова до теми Любов та Відносини між людьми. Корисні словосполучення, ідеоматичні звороти до теми.
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Love and relationships

Useful vocabulary and phrases:

1.      acquaintance – знакомый

 To get acquainted \to ge to know smb  -познакомиться с кем-то

2.      to become friends To be friends with smb – стать друзьями

3.      best friend – лучший друг

4.      to fall in love with smb– влюбиться; 

to fall in love with smb at first sight – влюбиться с первого взгляда

5.      date – свидание ; to date  - встречаться с кем-то

6.      boyfriend \ girlfriend 

7.      steady boyfriend \ girlfriend – постоянный\ая

8.      ex- boyfriend \ girlfriend\ husband \wife – бывший \ бывшая

9.      propose to someone  - предложить руку и серце

10.   get engaged - помолвка

11.   fiancé \ fiancée \ husband \ wife -to –be – жених \невеста

12.   stag\hen party (night) – мальчишник \ де вишник 

13.   bride \ bridegroom  - невеста \ жених (на свадьбе)

14.   wedding - садьба

15.   honey moon – медовий месяц

16.   marriage - брак

17.   get pregnant - забеременить

18.   bring up children – растить детей

19.   lover – любовник/ца

20.   have an affair with someone –крутить с кем-то роман

21.   get divorced - розлучиться

22.   bachelor - холостяк

23.   single – не женат/незамужем/ не с кем не встречается 

24.   colleague \ workmate - коллеги

25.   one’s own flesh and blood – родная кровинушка

26.   nearest and dearest – саме близкие и родные

27.   couple-пара

1. Ask for someone's hand in marriage (попросить руки и сердца)

- to ask someone to marry you

After dating his girlfriend for several years the man finally asked for her hand in marriage. 

2.            Blind date (свидание в слепую) - - a date where the two people have never met before I went on a blind date in university but it was not too successful. 

3.            Double dating (свидание, двумя парами) –a date where two couples do something together It was fun to go on the double date even though everybody wanted to do something different. 

-  is NOT when one man has two girlfriends, or a girl has two boyfriends. This situation is called two-timing.

“He is two-timing on his girlfriend with another woman.” 

4.     Two-time («ходить на два фронта»)– To Two time means to secretly date a person while you are dating someone else at the same time. For example, my friend has John been dating Sheila for one year and he started to date Jenny last month too. John is two-timing Sheila, John is a ‘two-timer’.

5.     On the side («на строну») – is similar to ‘two-time’, but this can also be used for married people.

Brad is married to Nancy, but he’s seeing Wanda on the side.

6.     Break (someone's) heart (разбивать сердце) - to cause someone emotional pain The man broke his girlfriend's heart when he told her that he no longer loved her. 

7.     Break up (разрывать отношения) - to end a relationship The couple broke up after dating for more than three years. 

8.     Crazy about (someone) (сходить с ума) - to think that another person is wonderful My cousin has been crazy about her colleague for many months now. 

9.     Date (someone) (ходить на свидания) - to go on a date with someone, to have a date with someone My sister has been dating her boyfriend for about two years. 

10.  Dig (someone) (иметь симпатию к кому-то) - to like someone a lot The girl really digs the boy in her chemistry class. 

11.  Fall in love (with someone) (влюбиться) - to begin to experience feelings of love for someone

The man fell in love with a woman from his university class and they got married several months later. 

12.  Find Mr. Right (найти идеальную пару)- to find the right or perfect person

The woman is always hoping to find Mr. Right but so far she has not had any luck. 

13.  Get hitched (пожениться)- to get married

My sister and her boyfriend surprised everyone by suddenly getting hitched last weekend. 

14.  Go steady (иметь постоянные отношения) - to date one person regularly (not so common recently but at one time used often by teenagers)

The two students have been going steady for three years now. 


15.  Head over heels in love with (someone) (потерять голову от любви) - to be very much in love with someone, to be completely in love

My friend is head over heels in love with someone in his company. 

16.  Kiss and makeup (возобновлять отношения) - to become friends again after a fight or argument After they have a fight the couple is quick to kiss and make up. 

17.  Love at first sight(любовь с первого взгляда) - to fall in love with someone or something the first time that one sees him or her or it

When I saw the woman at the party it was love at first sight and I knew that I wanted to meet her.  The woman loved the house. It was love at first sight. 

18.  Made for each other (созданы друг для друга)- to get along extremely well with another person The man and woman get along very well together and seem to be made for each other. 

19.  Puppy love (школьная любовь)- infatuation (strong feelings of love) between school-age children or teenagers

The two teenagers thought that their love was the greatest in the world. Other people thought that it was only puppy love. 

20.  Tie the knot (пожениться)- to get married

After dating for several years the young couple decided to tie the knot. 

21.  Get on like a house on fire (хорошо с кем-то ладить) = to get on really well with someone: "They get on like a house on fire."

22.  Have a soft spot for someone (быть очень любящим к кому-то) = to be very fond of someone: "She has a soft spot for her youngest child."

23.  Go back a long way (знать кого-то сто лет) = to know someone well for a long time: "Those two go back a long way. They were at primary school together."

24.  Be in with (иметь привилегии с кем-то, чем-то ) = to have favoured status with someone: "She's in with the management."


25.  Get off on the wrong foot with someone (иметь плохие отношения с кем-либо) = to start off badly with someone: "She really got off on the wrong foot with her new boss."

26.  Keep someone at arm's lengthе (держать на расстоянии) = to keep someone at a distance: "I'm keeping her at arm's length for the time being."

27.  They're like cat and dog (часто ссориться) = to often argue with someone: "Those two are like cat and dog."

28.  Rub someone up the wrong way (раздражать кого-то)= to irritate someone: "She really rubs her sister up the wrong way."

29.  Be at loggerheads (решительно не соглашаться) = to disagree strongly: "Charles and Henry are at loggerheads over the new policy."

30.  Sworn enemies (ненавидеть кого-то) = to hate someone: "Those two are sworn enemies."


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