Матеріал до уроку "Asking for directions and giving them"

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• вдосконалювати вміння діалогічного мовлення.

• розвивати навички аудіювання

• розвивати навички самостійної роботи з матеріалом

• виховувати в учнів вміння творчо та логічно мислити

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                                     Asking for directions and giving them


1 Look at the photo and answer the questions. Where are the people and what are they doing? What do you think the problem is?




2 Put the words in two categories: directions and road traffic words.

carry on straight • cross the road • crossroads • go past • main road • pavement • pedestrian

crossing • straight on • take the second turning on the right • three blocks up • traffic lights • underpass



              road traffic words








Add any other words you know to the table in 2.


3  Listen to the dialogue. Where is the Big Ben Language School?

Sandra and Tom are staying in the UK. They are trying to find their English school.


Tom: I don’t understand this map. I think we’re lost! We should ask someone.

Sandra: OK. Look, that woman looks friendly, (1)……………………………………..

Tom: Er, excuse me. Could you help us please? We’re a bit lost.

Woman: (2) ……………………………………..

Tom: Are we going the right way for the Big Ben Language School?

Woman: I’m sorry. (3) …………………………………….. Do you know which street it’s on?

Sandra: Yes, it’s on London Avenue.

Woman: Oh, I know London Avenue. From here, you need to carry on walking, stay on this side of the pavement, er, go straight on until you reach a busy main road. (4)………………….. When you come out of the underpass, go right and take the second turning on the left.

Tom: (5) ……………………………………..

Woman: No, it’s about a five-minute walk.

Tom: OK. Thank you very much.

Sandra: OK. This is London Avenue. Let’s ask this man where the school is. Excuse me, could you tell us where the Big Ben Language School is, please?

Man: Sure. Go straight on. Cross the road at the traffic lights, then carry on straight for about four minutes.

Sandra: Is it next to anything?

Man: (6) ……………………………………..You can’t miss it. If you reach the library you’ve gone too far.

Sandra: Thanks. That’s very kind of you.

Man: You’re welcome.


4 Complete the dialogue with the phrases (a–f).

a Of course.                                                              d … let’s ask her.

b Here you’ll need to take the underpass.                e It’s next to a massive supermarket.

c Is it far?                                                                 f I’ve never heard of it.


5 Which expressions from the dialogue are used for asking for directions and which are used for giving directions? Write A or G next to each expression. Who says each one: Sandra, Tom, the woman or the man? Number the sentences 1–11 so that they are in the correct order.


      Could you help us please? We’re a bit lost.

      Excuse me, could you tell us where the Big Ben Language school is, please?

      Are we going the right way for the Big Ben Language School?

      Is it far?

      Is it next to anything?

      Do you know which street it’s on?

      Thanks. That’s very kind of you.

      Go straight on until you reach a busy main road.

      Take the second turning on the left.

      Cross the road at the traffic lights.

      It’s next to the supermarket.


The key:


They are in a foreign city or town. They are looking at a map.

They are lost.



Directions: straight on, three blocks up, go past, cross the road, carry on straight, take the second turning on the right

Road traffic words: pavement, crossroads, main road, traffic lights, underpass, pedestrian crossing


Directions: turn right/left, it’s opposite …, it’s between …

Road traffic words: junction, kerb, roundabout


3 Big Ben Language School is on London Avenue, next to the supermarket.


4 1 d 2 a 3 f 4 b 5 c 6 e



(1) Could you help us please? We’re a bit lost. ASKING (Tom)

(7) Excuse me, could you tell us where the Big Ben Language School is, please? ASKING (Sandra)

(2) Are we going the right way for the Big Ben Language School? ASKING (Tom)

(6) Is it far? ASKING (Tom)

(9) Is it next to anything? ASKING (Sandra)

(3) Do you know which street it’s on? GIVING (Woman)

(11) Thanks. That’s very kind of you. ASKING (Sandra)

(4) Go straight on until you reach a busy main road. GIVING (Woman)

(5) Take the second turning on the left. GIVING (Woman)

(8) Cross the road at the traffic lights GIVING (Man)

(10) It’s next to the supermarket. GIVING (Man)

23 серпня 2018
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