Дійові особи: Compere, Snow White, Seven Dwarfs, Queen, Mirror, Prince, Guards, Old Witch.
Декорації: стілець, посуд, стіл, дзеркало, кошик, шабля.
Звучить музика "Heigh-Ho". It is a song from Walt Disney's 1937 animated film ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’, written by Frank Churchill (music) and Larry Morey (lyrics)
На сцені ведучий:
Compere: Once upon a time there lived a Queen. The Queen was both wicked & beautiful.
Very, very wicked & very, very beautiful.
Kоролева i дзеркало. Королева стоїть перед дзеркалом. Queen: Mirror, mirror in my hand!
Who is the fairest on the land?
Mirror: You are the fairest of us all, lady Queen.
Королева кокетливо крутиться перед дзеркалом…
Compere: & the Queen had a stepdaughter Snow White. She was beautiful. She grew & became more beautiful than her stepmother.
Queen: Mirror, mirror in my hand!
Who is the fairest on the land?
Mirror: Lady Queen, you still are fair,
But none to Snow White compare.
Queen: Guards! Take Snow White into the forest and kill her! Here is a bag of gold for you.
Guards: Yes, your Majesty!
Охоронці силою тягнуть за руки Білосніжку, приводять її до лісу. Вона падає перед ними на коліна:
Snow White: Spare my life, my dear guards! Please!
Guards: We can t kill her. Run away, dear Snow White!
Snow White: Thank you!
Snow White is terrified. She doesn’t know which way to go. She runs on and on. She hears some roars of wild beasts, but none tries to harm her. At last she comes to a little cottage by the side of a mountain.
A table with a white cloth, seven plates, knives, forks, spoons, glasses, seven little beds.
Snow White: What a nice tiny table. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 – oh, 7 cups! 7 plates! 7 forks. I’m so hungry! How tasty! I’m thirsty! What if I drink a little from each cup. 7 beds. I’m so sleepy!
Snow White eats some food from each plate and drinks a mouthful of wine from each glass, then she tries the six little beds and at last she comes to the last one and falls asleep.
Compere: The cottage belonged to seven dwarfs who, when it became dark, returned home. They had spent all day in the mountains, digging for gold.
Heigh ho, heigh ho
to make your troubles go
just keep on singing
all day long, heigh ho
Heigh ho, heigh ho.
Heigh ho, heigh ho
For if you’re feeling low
you positively can't go wrong
with a heigh ho, heigh ho.
The 1st dwarf: How do you do. my name is Doc I like to think & talk.
The 2nddwarf: Good afternoon! I’m Grumpy. I’m sad all day. I don’t like to sing & dance, . I don’t like to play!
The 3rddwarf: Hi, friends! My name is happy!
I’m very, very glad! I’m merry. I like to laugh. I’m never sad!
The 4thdwarf: Hello! I’m Sneezy.
Every breeze makes me freeze. I always sneeze.
The 5 th , 6th dwarfs: I’m Dopey, I’m Bashful. I’m silent. I’m shy.
Sorry, we have no time,
See you soon. Good bye.
The 7thdwarf: Hello!...I’m Sleepy…I yawn & yawn
From morning till night…
Good night!
1st dwarf: Who has been sitting on my chair?
2nddwarf: Who has been eating from my plate?
3rddwarf: Who has been eating my bread?
4thdwarf: Who has been eating my vegetables?
5thdwarf: Who has been using my knife?
6thdwarf: Who has been using my fork?
7thdwarf: Who has been drinking out of my glass?
(Next the dwarfs come up to their beds)
The Dwarfs: Who has been lying in my bed?
7thdwarf (reaches his bed and finds Snow White fast asleep): Look who’s in my bed!
Together: What a beautiful child!
1stdwarf: What is your name?
Snow White: My name is Snow White.
2nddwarf: But how did you find our cottage?
Snow White: The Queen, my stepmother, ordered the guards to kill me in the forest, but they agreed to spare my life. Then I ran and ran all day through the forest, until I came to this little cottage.
Dwarfs (together): Poor little girl!
3rddwarf: If you look after us, keep our house clean and tidy…
4thdwarf: …cook and wash…
5thdwarf: …and mend for us, you can live here with us.
7thdwarf: We’ll take good care of you.
Snow White: Oh, you are kind! I’ll be glad to do that!
5thdwarf: We are out all day, working and you will be alone in the house.
4thdwarf: If your stepmother learns that you are here, she may come and try to do you harm. So don’t let anyone enter the house while we are away.
Snow White: All right.
Dwarfs are singing:
The more we get together
Together, together
The more we get together
The happier we'll be
'Cause your friends are my friends
And my friends are your friends
The more we get together…
1st dwarf: I like bread & jam
2nddwarf: I like cheese & ham
3rddwarf: I like milk & cakes
4thdwarf: I like plums & grapes
5thdwarf: pears & apples
6thdwarf: Juice & candies
7thdwarf: Nuts & honey. It’s not funny.
Compere: She was very happy living with the dwarfs. Every evening when they returned home, she had supper ready for them and the house was neat and clean.
Meanwhile the Queen, believing Snow White to be dead, was quite happy in the thought that she herself was the most beautiful lady in the world.
Queen: Mirror, mirror in my hand!
Who is the fairest on the land?
Mirror : You, oh Queen, are exceedingly fair
But the truth I must tell you and this I do swear,
Snow White is not dead but living still,
In a little house far over the hill.
Queen (her anger is great): I’ll find Snow White and kill her!
(Thinking a little) I have a plan.
Queen :Old witch! Kill Snow White! Give her a poisoned apple!
Old witch: Where are you? Where are you?
Snow White: Good morning!
Old witch: Good morning! Please, take this red apple! It is sweet & juicy!
Snow White: OK. Thank you.
She eats & fell asleep.
Old witch: That’s fine!
Compere: When the dwarfs returned home, they found Snow White lying on the floor, no longer breathing. The dwarfs were heart-broken. For three days and nights they stood round her, mourning. Then they carried Snow White in the glass coffin to the top of the mountain. Snow White lay in the glass coffin for many years. One day, a king’s son found the coffin on the top of the mountain. He couldn’t take his eyes from the beautiful girl and fell in love with her.
Prince: Let me have the coffin, and I will give you whatever you ask.
Dwarfs: We would not part with Snow White for all the gold in the world.
Prince: I cannot live without her. If you give her to me, I’ll cherish her all my life.
Compere: The young man looked so unhappy that the dwarfs agreed to give him the coffin. As the servants were carrying the coffin, they stumbled on the roots of a tree and the coffin was badly jolted. The piece of apple, which had stuck in Snow White’s throat, was flung out.
Snow White: Where am I? Oh, that farmer’s wife with red apples…
Prince: Come with me to my father’s palace and we’ll get married.
Snow White: Good bye, my dear friends. You have been so kind to me and loved me so dearly.
Dwarfs: Good bye, Snow White. We are glad that you are alive. Be happy with the Prince.
Snow White: Thank you.
Dwarfs are singing:
Heigh ho, heigh ho
to make your troubles go
just keep on singing
all day long, heigh ho…