Матеріали до уроку "Види двигунів", "Diesel engine" для ПТНЗ

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Матеріали до уроку "Види двигунів", "Diesel engine" для використання на уроках англійської мови за професійним спрямуванням у професійно-технічних навчальних закладах для професії "Складальник двигунів"
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Diesel engine

  1. Vocabulary:


gallon – галон – англ. (4,54 л); амер. (3,78 л)

to last – тривати, продовжуватися screw – гвинт

spray – розбризкувати, бризки

fuel – топливо

spark plug – іскра свічки

to connect – з’єднувати

charging – завантаження

to inject – вприскувати

to ignite – запалювати


2. Read and translate the text.

Diesel engine

A diesel engine is like a gasoline engine but simpler. Diesel engines are usually larger and can do more work. The fuel used in a diesel engine is oil. In diesel engines only air is blown into the cylinder. It does not need spark plugs. 17 Diesel engines can be four – stroke ones and two – stroke ones. Diesel engines use a cheaper kind of fuel and give more power for each gallon of fuel burned than gasoline engines. Besides they last much longer. in new trains and ships diesel engines run large generators which make electricity. The electricity runs motors which are connected to the wheels of the train or to the ship's screws. The diesel engine is an internal combustion engine. It uses oil as a fuel. The fuel is introduced in the form of spray and the engine requires no special ignition device. In the four-stroke cycle Diesel engine air alone is drawn into the cylinder on the charging stroke. This air is being compressed on the return stroke to a very high pressure. The result of the combustion is that the air is heated to a high temperature. The heavy oil injected into the air at the end of the stroke will be immediately ignited by it. The oil burns rapidly, but without explosion. The compression pressure is much higher than that in any other oil or gas engine.


3. Fill in missing words:

1. The ___________is an internal combustion engine.

2. This air is being ________on the return stroke.

3. The electricity ________which are connected to the wheels of the train or to the _________.

4. Diesel engines use a cheaper _________and give more power for each gallon of ________than gasoline engines.

5. In diesel engines only air ______into the cylinder.

Bank of words: compressed, fuel burned, diesel engine, ship's screws, runs motors, kind of fuel, is blown.


4. True or false:

1) In new trains and plane diesel engines run large generators which make electricity.

2) The fuel used in a diesel engine is petrol.

3) In the four-stroke cycle Diesel engine air alone is drawn into the cylinder on the charging stroke. 18

4) The oil burns slowly, but without explosion.

5) In new trains and ships diesel engines run large generators which make electricity.


5. Answer the questions:

1. What happened at the end of the stroke?

2. Is in the four-stroke cycle Diesel engine air or petrol drawn into the cylinder on the charging stroke?

3. What is the result of the combustion?

4. What is fuel used in a diesel engine?

5. A diesel engine is like a gasoline engine but simpler, isn’t it?

6. How diesel engines are used in new trains and ships?

22 листопада 2020
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