Методичний посібник "Be a Reflective Teacher"

Про матеріал
Дана робота містить дієві поради та ефективні практичні засоби вчителям англійської мови для проведення рефлексії особистої роботи і вдосконалення професійної діяльності. Запропонований матеріал може бути використаний вчителями англійської мови при підготовці до уроків та аналізі особистого професійного розвитку.
Перегляд файлу








































This journal is created with lines and blank spaces for you to write, sketch, draw and doodle as part of your reflection.

Use these starters to give you inspiration to reflection on something today.



Journal Starters for Reflection

 Today was ________________________. Let me explain.

 We had a break-through!

 ______________ ______ finally got it!

 No matter what I try, ____________ just can't understand the concepts.

 I think it may be time for me to revisit ________________.

 I really need to do more _______________________.

 It's time to check on ________________________.

 I am passionate about _______________________.

 It would be so great to work with _______________.

 The theme song for today is ____________________.

 I think I try to do too much!

 I have always wanted to try _______________________.

 Something I need to say no to is ____________.

 Maybe I need to say yes next time.

 This just made me laugh out loud!

 Kids really do say the craziest things!

 I ate in the lunchroom today, and ________.

 If my principal had come into my room today, she/he would  have seen _________.




















Reflecting on your

Goals, Hopes & Dreams


Think About...

Use these questions to help yourself think about your GHDs. Be sure to write your answers down. Don’t just think about them,write them! When you write these out, you will be better able to identify them and reference them later, especially if you decide to create a vision board!

• What would my best day look like?


• What feelings do I want to have when I'm done with a lesson or school day?


How do I want my students to feel when they enter my room?   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What people do I want to surround myself with?    ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is on my educator bucket list?  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What problems do I need to address? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How might I address them?   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Are there changes I can or should  make?  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are my greatest  strengths? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Where do I want to be in 1 year?     ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Where do I want to be in 5 or 10  years? ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What are some of my hopes and dreams for myself as an educator? (I’m going BIG here!) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do these goals, hopes and dreams connect on a personal   level?   ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

How do I feel about connecting my professional vision with my personal  life?  ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a collage of pictures, words and other visuals that allow you the time to reflect on your goals, hopes and dreams while creating something you can look at and continue to reflect upon over and over again.










As a teacher, a vision board can help you to reflect on what you want both for yourself and your students inside the classroom. You can also create a personal vision board for yourself outside the classroom as well.







Steps to Create a Vision Board

1. Spend some time looking through magazines and tearing or cutting out images, words and colors that you may want to include. Don’t second guess.... Just grab a large collection of things that look and feel right.

2. If you need more or are looking for things that are more specific, go online and printout what you want to have on your board.

3. Once you have a large collection, start sifting through your materials and arranging the best things onto your board. You can create the board in a way that is pleasing to you: leave white space between images, overlap or layer, categorize... it doesn’t matter how you lay it out as long as it speaks to YOU! It’s YOUR VISION!

4. Attach your images onto the board.

5. Date your vision board either on the front or back.

6. Put it in a place where you will see it often. Consider having it on or near your desk at school. Be willing to discuss it (or pieces of it) with your students. They will love to hear about how you created your own vision. You may inspire them to do the same!


  1.  Zia Tajeddin, Atsuko Watanabe. Teacher Reflection: Policies, Practices and Impacts// Multilingual Matters. - 15th Sep 2022
  2. Fred Korthagen, Ellen Nuijten. The Power of Reflection in Teacher Education and Professional Development. Strategies for In-Depth Teacher Learning// Routledge. - May 12, 2022
  3. Maura Sellars. Reflective Practice for Teachers// SAGE Publications Ltd. - June 2017
  4. https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/professional-development/teachers/taking-responsibility/articles/reflective-teaching-exploring-our
  5. https://www.bookwidgets.com/blog/2019/02/how-to-become-a-reflective-teacher-the-complete-guide-for-reflection-in-teaching
  6. https://blog.irisconnect.com/uk/blog/5-benefits-of-encouraging-teacher-self-reflection
  7. https://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/faculty-development/reflections-on-teaching-from-surviving-to-thriving/



Kovalchuk Tetiana Viktorivna
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