Modal verbs have to, must, should

Про матеріал
Під час вивчення теми "Професії" можна використати наступні завдання для закріплення окрім словника, ще й правил використання модальних дієслів
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I have to be there

I _____________ to be there

 __________________ to be there?

You must be there

You _____________ be there

__________________ be there?

He should be there

He _____________ be there

__________________ be there?

She has to stay at home

She _____________ stay at home

 __________________ stay at home?

We must be at home

We _____________ be at home

__________________ be at home?

They should be at home

They _____________ be at home

 __________________ be at home?


Have to/must/should

1. we ____________________ be fit

2. you ____________________ bring your books, because without them it’s impossible to learn the text.

3. if you hurt someone, you ____________________ apologize

4. A fashion designer ____________________ be creative, without it, it’s impossible to create something interesting

5. If you want to get “A+”, you ____________________ use creative ideas

 6. if you want to ask something, you ____________________ use a polite request

7. he ____________________ call the receptionist when you break something in hotel

8. look at him, he is in trouble, you ____________________ help him

 9. they ____________________ be sociable at school

10.A firefighter ____________________ help people in danger

11. you ____________________ write a letter of application if you want to get this job

12. they ____________________  play football if they want

13. If you cat is ill, you ____________________ bring it to the vet

14. A journalist ____________________ self-reliant and creative

15. an open-minded person ____________________ sociable


21 листопада 2021
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