Модальне дієслово Can

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Вправи на can і could.

Памятайте, could – це час, що минув від can!

Вправа 5. Underline the correct option.

  Can/Could Sally learn a long poem by heart when she was four?

  When Mrs. Rover was a teenager she couldn’t/can’t play the piano.

  John says he could/can speak French perfectly well.

  What can/could Melody do when she was nine?

  Yesterday Molly couldn’t/can’t borrow a book from the local library because she hadn’t returned another one.

  Rita said she couldn’t/can’t learn that because she was busy.

Вправа 6. Fill in can / can’t/ could/ couldn’t.

1) You don’t need to shout. I ______ hear you perfectly well. 2) We______ go to safari because the trip was too expensive. 3) He eats restaurants in because he ______ cook. 4) I had an aisle seat on the plane, so I ______see the landscape below. 5) When we used to live in China, I______ speak some Chinese, but now I______ say a word. 6) ______ you play the piano at the age of six? 7) He______ speak English so fast that I______understand him (now). 8) i’m afraid, Nickolas ______talk to you now. He has to arrive at school in time. 9) I______get a good mark in Literature because I didn’t know the theme. 10) I______retell my friend the whole story because I had read it.

Вправа 7. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

  Mark / seven / by / could / speak / foreign / of / age / fifteen / languages / well / the / perfectly.

  phone / use /mobile / a / you / when / you / were / four / Could?

  my / girl / мама / swim / was / little / a / well / When / she / could.

  age / the / is / three / Nobody / to / climb / trees / at / of / able.

Вправи на can, could і be able to.

Вправа 8. Вставте will be able або won’t be able + to

  When her sight is better, Melody ________ play the guitar again.

  Max _________ eat sugar when the GP allows him.

  The couple _________ catch the morning bus if they don’t get up much earlier.

  Sally _________ go out to discos until she is 16.

  Andy _________ hear better if he sits in the front row.

Вправа. 9

A) can B) could D) couldn’t E) be able to C) can’t

  Mark stepped aside so that Molly _________ go in.

  Peter and Greg ________ catch fish as they had fish hooks.

  Sandy used to _________ speak Norwegian well.

  Megan ________lie comfortably as the raft was small.

  Meredith _________ wash her hair as she hadn’t bought shampoo.

  Mary _________ stop crying then.

  When Megan was an infant, she_________only cry.

  In a year, Melody will_________ speak Chinese.

  The information _________ be true! I don’t believe Nickolas.

  Jane ________read any of the books she ‘ d borrowed from Greg.

  Melody’s brother__________ understand her ambitions.

  Why don’t you ask Sally? Sally might _________ help you.

  Benny ________walk because of sharp pain in his left foot, that’s why he got a taxi.

  Bob wasn’t ________ make his decision yesterday.

Вправа 10. Вставте can, could, be able to в потрібній формі.

  Michael __________speak now Norwegian rather fluently.

  Michael used to _________ speak Norwegian rather fluently.

  Nick __________marry Lisa, but he__________make her love him.

  Used to Sally__________eat a kilo of chocolate for lunch.

  Megan’d like to __________ surf very well.

  Luckily Melody __________find a taxi.

  Jillian __________drive when she was 12.

  Megan sighed. Fred __________ feel her hands shaking.

  The secretary ________ to type 150 words a minute.

  Children ________ enter this territory. It’s highly dangerous!

Вправа 11. Translate the words in brackets. Використовуйте can або be able в потрібній формі.

  Children (не можна) discuss such things.

  Certainly, Nick (міг) translate that article.

  (міг би) Nick show me that? (polite)

  Molly (не могла) wait for us.

  You (можете) get there in 10 хвилин.

  The swimmer (зміг) reach the sea shore.

  Steven (міг) work fifteen hours a day before his illness

Вправи на can / could + потрібна форма інфінітива.

Вправа 12. Find the right option.

  Seventeen people looked at each other and no one _________ words to say.

  a) could have found b) could find

  The wind was still blowing but Philip _____________ no sound of rain.

  a) could have heard b) could hear

  The police were quite sure that nobody __________ house before they got there.

  a) could leave b) could have left

  We ______________ anything definite out of their сусідів.

  a) couldn’t get b) couldn’t have got

Вправа 13. Вставте could + потрібну форму інфінітива.

  If Greg had prepared all the documents, he _____________ (get) a credit.

  Greg ___________ (be) there tomorrow.

  Greg ____________ (be) there yesterday.

  If Molly had told us about her delay, we _________ (cancel) the meeting.

  Yesterday Greg _________ (crash).

Can / could для вираження ймовірності.

Вправа 14. Виразіть сумніву за допомогою can/could.

  Чи Саллі була вдома.

  Можливо, він відвідає колишню дружину, коли приїде в Сочі.

  Хіба Ніколас міг таке сказати?

  Хіба Катерина відмовилася їхати з тобою?

  Василь міг би заїхати завтра.

  Саллі не могла так швидко прочитати роман.

  Не може бути, що Грег потрапив в аварію.


9 лютого 2019
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