My Favourite Recipe.План-конспект уроку №_ в 6-класі

Про матеріал
План-конспект уроку №_ в 6-класі Тема: My Favourite Recipe Aims: General: to practice vocabulary to practice telling favourite recipe Specific: to introduce students to strategies of making a project to develop speaking skills to develop reading skills to develop listening skills to develop speech competence to develop skills of working on one’s own to develop creative competence Specific: to introduce students to strategies of making a project to develop speaking skills to develop reading skills to develop listening skills to develop speech competence Тип уроку: урок, спрямований на розвиток мовленнєвих навичок
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_._.2019                 План-конспект уроку №_ в 6-класі


Тема:  My Favourite Recipe


General:    to practice vocabulary

         to practice telling favourite recipe



Specific:      to introduce students to strategies of making a project

  to develop speaking skills

  to develop reading skills

  to develop listening skills

to develop speech competence

   to develop skills of working on one’s own  

to develop creative competence


Specific:      to introduce students to strategies of making a project

  to develop speaking skills

  to develop reading skills

  to develop listening skills

to develop speech competence


Тип уроку: урок, спрямований на розвиток мовленнєвих навичок (тренування з метою використання матеріалу в різних видах мовленнєвої діяльності).

Обладнання: textbook “Welcome to English Study”, Karp’uk O.D., 6 form, printed text “Cuisine to make your spirits rise”

Motto: You are what you eat.


Схематичний план уроку

Етап уроку


Початок уроку

І. Організація класу

ІІ. Мовленнєва зарядка


Основна частина уроку

ІІІ. Поточний контроль

IV. Тренування у мовленні: виконання тренувальних вправ


Заключна частина уроку

V. Повідомлення домашнього завдання

VІ. Підсумки уроку, оцінювання досягнень учнів


2 хв.

3 хв.



10 хв.

25 хв.



2 хв.

3 хв.



Хід уроку

Етап, прийом навчання

Зміст роботи

Етап І. Початок уроку: організація класу.

Reporting the aims and the subject of the lesson.





Етап ІІ. Мовленнєва зарядка






















Етап ІІІ. Основна частина уроку: поточний контроль (перевірка домашнього завдання).








Етап IV. Тренування у мовленні: виконання тренувальних вправ


















































Етап V. Заключна частина уроку: повідомлення домашнього завдання.


Етап VІ. Підсумки уроку, оцінювання досягнень учнів.






The theme of the lesson is “Food in Our Life” and the motto is “You are what you eat”. And today we’ll practice telling favourite recipes. So you’ll develop speaking skills, speech competence, practice reading for specific information, practice and develop listening skills.



1.Warming up.

To begin with let’s drop into a restaurant and watch a scene. (A client is given a dirty menu.)

Client: How do you do?

Waiter: How do you do? Welcome to our restaurant.

Client: Thank you. Can you give me a menu, please?

Waiter: Here it is, sir. We have everything on the menu, sir.

Client: (makes a wry face) So, I see. How about a clean one?


T: What do you think of this scene?

P1: I think, a menu is a business identity card of any restaurant. It may be filled with special dishes, it may be filled with ordinary dishes, prices may be high or not very high. A menu may be very beautifully decorated or, on the contrary, be very simple. But, no doubt, it must look clean and pleasant for eyes, for appetite.

P2: I fully agree with P1. I think a menu is some kind of appetizer. It must support my wish to make order and enjoy meal.





Your task for today was to write a letter to your pen-friend who asked you for the recipe of a national Ukrainian dish.about . Let’s read your letters.(кожен учень читає свій лист)  





2. Post-reading activity.

Practical aspect of the lesson.



Each group is given a card with the task.

  • You and your friend have just left APPOLO Restaurant. Share your impression.
  • Your friend was ill and couldn’t visit SURPRISE Restaurant together with you. Tell him about your visit to the restaurant.
  • You visited EGOIST Restaurant yesterday. Tell your friend what you liked and disliked there.
  • Make a menu for cuisine to be experienced at CONCORD Restaurant.
  • Make a menu for cuisine to be experienced at DA VINCI FISH club.


3. Telling favourite recipes. (Introducing Home Assignment Projects)

  • Salad “Gentlemen’s Joy”
  • Light Soup
  • Italian Pizza
  • Field Mushrooms Dumplings
  • Fritters
  • Pizza with Mushrooms
  • Pancakes “Molly-coddle”
  • Fruit Soup
  • Cake “Delight”
  • Unusual Dessert

4. Pre-listening activity. Spoken text “Stone soup”.

T: And now I’d like you to listen to unusual recipe. Pay attention to these words:

A tramp – a person with no home or job

To scorn – to speak with no respect

To yield – to agree to do.

A cellar  - an underground room

Freshly slaughtered fowl – a chicken has just been killed


        5.Listening comprehension

6.Post-listening activity


T: Answer the questions:

1. What does this text tell us about?

2. Who are the main characters of the story?



T: Write ingredients of the soup


      8.Group work

Working with proverbs. The task is to complete all the proverbs given.


9. Home assignment

Your homework for the next lesson is:

Compile a dialogue “My favourite recipe”


  1. Summarizing

Healthy eating is extremely important for everyone nowadays. And your recipes have proved these words. You’ve done a great work. Here we have a collection of favourite recipes. Your marks are: ….. May success attend you in learning English, in cooking and in producing projects as well.





















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