«Новий курс» Ф. Рузвельта/ The New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt

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Бінарний урок: англійська мова і всесвітня історія. 10 клас Тема: «Новий курс» Ф. Рузвельта Theme: The New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt
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Швецова Вікторія Савеліївна, викладач англійської  мови; Мережко Зоя Володимирівна, учитель історії.

Бінарний урок: англійська мова і всесвітня історія. 10 клас


Тема. «Новий курс» Ф. Рузвельта

Theme: The New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt

Мета: 1) закріпити вивчену лексику по темі;

2) розвивати усне мовлення по темі, вчити робити висновки;

3) пояснити суть «нового курсу»;

4) проаналізувати зміни в соціально-економічній і політичних сферах США в період «нового курсу»; з’ясувати його значення і наслідки;

5) формувати вміння аналізувати, узагальнювати й систематизувати англійською мовою історичний матеріал, складати портрет історичної особистості на прикладі президента Ф. Рузвельта;

6) показати роль держави в збереженні основ демократії в період кризи; довести дієздатність політики втручання держави в економічні процеси в період кризи.

7) розвивати критичне мислення здобувачів освіти;

8) розширювати кругозір учнів.

Обладнання: політична карта світу, портрет Ф. Рузвельта, плакати, дидактичні матеріали; ПК; мультимедійна презентація, електронні тести та інтерактивні онлайн-тести.

Хід уроку

І. Організаційний     Т.  Good morning, students!

  момент. Повідомлення       Are you ready for the lesson? OK. If everything is all right,

теми уроку                           take your seats. Let’s begin our work. Our lesson is binary.

                                        So be careful of English grammar while speaking about history. The phrases which you can see on the board will help you express your thoughts during the discussion. Use them when you begin your answer. So, our today’s theme is “The New Deal of Franklin Roosevelt”. At the lesson you are going to learn the main dates and terms on the theme and the essence of the New Deal; we are going to analyze changes in social and economic sphere of the USA; we are going to discuss the essence and consequences of the reforms and draw up F. Roosevelt’s portrait.

ІІ. Введення в іншо-        Т. – But before you begin your serious and hard work

мовну атмосферу.                    let’s do language exercises a little. I’m very interested in  Мовленнєва зарядка              what  you think about the following phrase. Who’d like to                                                                                  read it aloud?

     Student reads: “If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try    


                                                   T.  How do you understand this statement?

Students` answers 

                                               T.   Do you believe it’s true and you can take it as a rule of your life?

Students` answers            

                                               T. Thank you for your answers and very interesting ideas. I hope you’ll remember our conversation and

                                              everything we’ve discussed here will help you in your future life.

  •   OK. Are you in a good mood to continue the lesson?

Students` answers        


ІІІ. Перевірка                       T. Now let’s remember the material you worked at home

домашньої роботи                with. Let` s begin with the definitions. What is


         S.    -   “Prosperity” is the period of the economic growth in America in 1922-1923. In this period the USA were strengthening their positions in the world economy and standard of living in America rose.         

                                              T. – What is “Great Depression”?

          S. -   “Great Depression” is the period of the economic crisis in the USA in 1929-1933. That was a protracted crisis which had world character.

                                              T. – What is “World economic crisis”? 

          S. -  “World economic crisis” is a sharp falling-off of production which leads to the destruction of many enterprises, growth of unemployment, reduction of wages and rate of stock exchange.

                              T. - Name the USA presidents of the Prosperity period with

                                      the years of their ruling.

S. - Calvin Coolidge was the president during the years of 1923-1929 and Herbert Hoover was the president from 1929 till 1932 

                                              T. - Enumerate characteristic features of the Prosperity         


       S. - As far as I know there are three main characteristic features of the Prosperity period:

  1. (The first is that…) 44 percents  of industrial products of the capitalistic world were produced in the USA;
  2. (The second is that…) New technical achievements and new measures of scientific organization of labour were inculcated (adopted) in industry. Those measures raised the level of production, quality and competitiveness of goods.
  3. (The third characteristic feature is that…) The population’s standard of living rose, social conflicts softened; the measures of government became more democratic.

 T. - Analyze the consequences of the Great

                                                      Depression in the USA.

 S. - In fact, there were a great number of consequences of the Great Depression in the USA: in the economic, social and political spheres. 

                              T. – OK. Speak about consequences in the

                                                           economic sphere.

S. - In the economic sphere there were such changes as:

- falling of production volume (53% in 1932);

- 20% of all banks halted their existence;

- in 1932 national income fell down from 87 milliards of    dollars to 40 milliards of dollars;

- 897 thousand farmers were ruined.

                                    T. – Who wants to speak about consequences of

                                               the Great Depression in the political sphere?

        S. – I do. In the political sphere we can speak about such consequences as:

  • sharp criticism of Republicans` activity on the part of Democrats;
  • rise of the mood of racialism and nationalism;
  • Herbert Hoover’s presidential administration was losing power in ruling the country;
  • crisis of the individualism philosophy;
  • national “hunger strikes” of workers, conflicts with police and military force

                                    T. – And what happened in the social sphere?

  S. - As to the social sphere:

 - there were the 13 million of unemployed  people;

  • fall of the purchasing power of the population;
  • 2 thousand events of death from starvation in New York in 1931;
  • real wages and salaries were reduced by 35%;
  • and farmers` profits were reduced by 58%.

That is all to my mind.

                  T. – Good job! Thank you.

                         Now you have to break up into pairs for further work. In pairs you go to your computer and do the test (on your homework). For this task you have 2 minutes. After you have done the test inform your results.

Учні виконують тест за ПК

                                                 T.  - The time is up! Hope you managed the task!

Students` s answers       

                                                    T. – Thank you for your good answers. Let’s continue our lesson. One of the most interesting periods of American History in the XXth century is considered the period of the New Deal. It was the time of interesting, great social, and economic, and political reforms, the result of which was the boost of the political interference in solving social development problems of the country. The mass raising of social protest movement provided the basis for the main foundations of long-term policy, built on the political approach in solving social and economic problems of the country. F. Roosevelt’s presidency is a bright example of capability of presidential power in the USA, embodiment of new views of its role and place in the political system of the American society.

                       And now I am going to ask you a problem question.

 Can you agree with the opinion that the policy of F. Roosevelt’s New Deal turned out to be an attempt of going out of the global crisis?

 Think of the answer and at the end of the lesson you are to answer the question and give your arguments.

And now to your attention I propose to watch the presentation F. Roosevelt is president of the USA. It has been prepared by students … and …

Презентація учнів  (3-4хв)    

             T. - Thank you, girls. Take your seats near your

                   computers. Look at the computer. Read the task and answer the questions.     

 S. - Why were Republicans with their leader Herbert Hoover defeated during the 1932 election?

  • As for me I think that Republicans with their leader Herbert Hoover were defeated during the 1932 election because at that time Democrats held more adaptable policy and promised liberal reforms.


S. - What promoted the victory of Democrats, whose leader was F. Roosevelt, during the 1932 presidential election?

- As far as I remember there were 22 million votes for Democrats. According to the textbook Democrats won the electoral votes of absolute majority in both houses of Congress. F. Roosevelt promised to take vigorous actions in the struggle against the crisis and to carry out the New Deal policy. That’s why Democrats with their leader F. Roosevelt won the victory in the 1932 election.


IV. Вивчення                      T. - Let’s go on working. Look at Scheme 1. Read

      нового                             attentively and pay your attention to the last stage of this матеріалу.                              chain which is unfinished. Soon we’ll come back to it and   

                                                 your task will be to complete it on your own. Before I begin with a new material, look at the new words. Read after me in whisper and try to remember them: the New Deal, the theory of the national regulation of the economy, to increase the government expenditure, to reduce taxes, volume of demands, purchasing power. Now make your own sentences with these phrases in turns as quickly as possible. Begin! 

 Students` s answers       


                                            T. - Thank you. Let’s go on speaking about the New Deal.

                                           The theory of English economist John Keins provided the basis for F. Roosevelt’s New Deal. John Keins worked out the theory of the national regulation of the economy. He didn’t consider the mass unemployment inevitable. He was convinced that it was possible to create planned and regulated capitalism which would function for the sake of state adjustment. The state had to increase the government expenditure or reduce taxes. The increase of the government expenditure would result in the general volume of demands. Enterprises would be able to sell more goods and they would need additional working hands. Then the purchasing power of the population would rise. For realization of the task the state must become the proprietor of many branches of industry and establishments of social sphere.

                                                      And now your task is to formulate the definition of the                       term “keinsiation”. So who is ready to define the term “keinsiation”?   

    S. -  Keinsiation is the theory about the necessity of the national regulation of the economy

                              T. - What was untraditional for Americans in the carried out measures of the New Deal and could cause their watchful attitude?

                 S. - To my mind the New Deal was untraditional for Americans because it regulated the national economy in all spheres.

                                        T. - Why did the opponents of the New Deal call the New Deal Socialism and why did they speak about “a plot of president with Communists”?

               S. - I think the opponents of the New Deal called the New Deal Socialism because the New Deal social policy concerned farmers, local inhabitants, and the intelligentsia. The adopted Social Security Act broke new ground in state system of pensions and social aids for relief to the unemployed, the disabled, the needy, and for retirement payments to the elderly.

        T. - Why did Schlesinger declare that F. Roosevelt “saved   Capitalism from Capitalists` erroneous policy”?  

              S. - I think that F. Roosevelt really saved Capitalism with the help of his reforms and taking this fact into account it’s necessary to mention that his reforms were of democratic character. And exactly due to his regulation of the economy serious changes of the state social politics saved the USA from utter failure.

                               T. - Let’s go on. In the 1932 election F. Roosevelt reassured the troubled country (his voters) that he would make all his efforts so that the New Deal would be able to save ordinary people.  Now look at your computers again. Name the components of the New Deal

 S. - Components of the New Deal

  1.      Finance and banking
  2.      Industry
  3.      Agriculture
  4.      Social sphere
  5.      Foreign policy

V. Аудіювання

             T. – Now I’m going to tell you a little about the most important documents of the New Deal and the dates of their adoption. Be attentive and while listening to me complete the table. 

                                       Fill in the dates and remember them:

Main programs of the New Deal


The National Industrial Recovery Act


The Emergency Banking Act


The Soil Fertility Saving Act


The Gold Export Prohibition Act


The Agricultural Adjustment Act


The Wagner Act


The Neutrality Act



                  T. - 1. The first component is finance and banking. 

Because of general closing of banks the Emergency Banking Act was adopted in March, 1933; the Gold Export Prohibition Act was adopted on the 5th of March, 1933; later on there was the adoption of the Dollar Devaluation Act (the Securities and Exchange Act). And of course other measures were taken in the sphere.

2. Then industry comes. The National Industrial Recovery Act (which subsidized farmers) was adopted on the 16th of June, 1933. Codes of Fair Competition  were later ratified, the National Industrial Recovery Administration was set up to reorganize industry and agriculture under controls.

  3. Agriculture. The Agricultural Adjustment Act was adopted on the 12th of May, 1933, and the Soil Fertility Saving Act in 1936.

  4. Social sphere. The Wagner Act about social security was adopted in 1935, on the 14th of August. The most important event was the creation of the National Labour Relations Commission.

 5. Foreign Policy. Diplomatic relations with the USSR were renewed in 1933, and the Neutrality Act was adopted in 1935.

Now give me back your finished task on the paper. Check there must be your name and surname on it.


 VI. Закріплення           T1. - Look at the computers. We have new terms.

матеріалу               -      The New Deal

  •           Codes of Fair Competition
  •           Keinsiation
  •           Read. Remember. Tell what’s the New Deal?

                             S.  - The New Deal — the period in history of the USA connected with the realization of F. Roosevelt’s reforms as to leading the nation out of the Depression

                                       T. – You already know the term “keinsiation”. Who can remind us of it?

                                        S. - Keinsiation — the theory about the necessity of the national regulation of the economy

                                       T. - How do you understand the termCodes of Fair Competition

                 S. -  Codes of Fair Competition rules which had to be worked out at an every enterprise. These rules determined the limit of the production; they determined the level of wages; they divided up markets among business rivals

            T. - And now you are going to see your classmates` presentation “The New Deal of F.  Roosevelt

Презентація учнів  (3-4хв)    


                                   T. - So you’ve already learnt how reforms were held in the USA and what consequences these reforms had for the USA.

Let’s discuss our Problem question: Can you agree with the opinion that the policy of F. Roosevelt’s New Deal turned out to be an attempt of going out of the global crisis?

          S. - There are a number of reasons why I can agree that the policy of F. Roosevelt’s New Deal turned out to be an attempt of going out of the global crisis. Because exactly F. Roosevelt’s measures became the most effective for both the USA and the whole world to overcome the economic crisis, in other words “Great Depression”

T. - Thank you for the answer and now let’s go on working very quickly if you want to sing a song today. Use the document you have on the table and fill in the gap in Scheme 1? You have 2 minutes

Учні виконують завдання 

                             T. – I hope uoy`ve managed the task. And now lets fix the learned material in our memory and discuss some more problems.Think and answer the following question: What did F. Roosevelt’s success of reforms consist in?

S. - F. Roosevelt’s success of reforms consisted in his right ways of going out of the crisis. He could organize all American society. He worked out a series of simple adaptable and effective measures for state economic reforming.

T. - Name weak sides of the policy of reforms

S. - To my mind weak sides of the policy of reforms consisted in Democrats` disability of saving social balance. Reactionary circles, who were in opposition, called F. Roosevelt a socialist and they were opposed to F. Roosevelt’s reforms and stood up against them.

                          T. - Which of reforms do you consider most effective?

S. - In my opinion the most effective reforms of all F. Roosevelt `s reforms were reforms of financial and banking system (=finance and banking). Due to them the level of the American economy rose. And at one and the same time exactly this fact gave the state an ability to carry out the reforms in other branches of the economy.

 T. - And if we return to our problem question, how will you    

                                             answer this question then?

Відповідь учнів

S. (можливий варіант відповіді) - And I’d like to add that from my point of view the most effective reforms were social ones. Because exactly social reforms, I think, formed equal possibilities for all societies, and gave all people work, and saved civil laws for all people.

                           T. - What lessons, in your opinion, would modern Ukraine and other countries take from the experience of overcoming of “Great Depression” in the USA?

Відповідь учнів

      S. (можливий варіант відповіді) - I think that political figures of modern Ukraine have to reread the textbook in History once again, and think over the essence and consequences of F. Roosevelt’s New Deal, count the peculiarities of social and economic development of Ukraine and work out simple and effective methods of going out of today’s crisis. It must be done as quickly as possible.

VI. Підсумки уроку        T. - Let’s sum up your results at the lesson. Your marks are…

      And now we have some time to relax and sing a song to   be in a high spirit after the lesson.

                                                                         School song

  1. Yesterday we weren’t so clever as today

And it thanks to our teachers all we say

Oh, we believe in tomorrow’s day

Proudly we’ll remember our years at school

School’s taught us not to be a fool

And think of tomorrow which comes suddenly

Rf.: Why time flies so fast?  We don’t know, and no one will say

  We say nothing wrong and don’t long for yesterday

  1. Yesterday we read books, did our lessons every day

Now we have results the best today

Oh, we believe in tomorrow’s day

Rf.: Why time flies so fast?  We don’t know, and no one will say

  We do nothing wrong and don’t long for yesterday

               II.      Yesterday we read books, did our lessons every day

Now we have results the best today

Oh, we believe in tomorrow’s day


VII. Домашнє завдання

        Home task                1) read & retell the paragraph; get ready for active discussion;

             2) make up a plan & a summary;

  1.  write down the dates & terms in your copybooks & learn them.
  2. write an essay «Які уроки може взяти для себе сучасна

 Україна в ситуації глибокої кризи?» “What lessons can  modern Ukraine take in the situation of the global crisis?” 

Дидактичний матеріал




                Extract from the Act “National Recovery Act” 16.06.1933  


      “SEC. 3. (a) … the President may approve a code or codes of fair competition for the trade or industry or subdivision thereof,, if the President finds (1) that such associations or groups impose no inequitable restrictions on admission to membership therein and are truly representative of such trades or industries or subdivisions thereof, and (2) that such code or codes are not designed to promote monopolies or to eliminate or oppress small enterprises and will not operate to discriminate against them, …”

Витяг із закону «Про відбудову національної економіки» 16.06.1933

«…президент може затверджувати кодекси про справедливу конкуренцію для даної професії чи галузі  промисловості… якщо він вважатиме: 1) що ці асоціації і групи не завдають нікому нерівних обмежень при прийнятті своїх членів і що вони дійсно є представниками зазначених у проханні професій чи галузей промисловості або організацій що входять до її складу; 2) що запропоновані кодекси про справедливу конкуренцію не спрямовані на розвиток монополій або на знищення чи придушення дрібного підприємства…»



What are the reasons of the approval of Codes of Fair Competition and consequences for the economy of the country after their legislation?



Name: ____________________________________________________________

Test on the homework

  1.   How did the financial status of the USA change after the First World War?
    1. The USA became creditors of the European countries

b) The USA became debtors of the European countries

  1. The  financial status didn’t change
  1. Who was at the head of the American government after the First World War?
    1. Woodrow Wilson
    2. Warren Harding
    3. Calvin Coolidge
  2. What’s the name of the American president mentioned in the following description: “That was the 28th president of the Democratic party, laureate of the Noble Prize, who spoke for the foundation of the League of Nations and worked out the program “14 points”
  3. Name the reasons of the economic growth in the USA after the First World War:

     a) A great number of people loss

b) The USA as the main supplier of war materials

          c) Shortening of the immigration

          d) Expansion of products, increase in salary


Tasks for all

From the list below choose the moments which promoted F. Roosevelt’s victory in the 1932 presidential election in the USA:

  1. F. Roosevelt’s popularity as a supporter of socialistic ideas;
  2. hope for  F. Roosevelt’s ability to bring the nation out of the Depression (crisis);
  3. antitrust of ex-president Herbert Hoover’s  politics;
  4. F. Roosevelt’s foreign policy platform;

e)  F. Roosevelt’s policy of the national regulation of the economy;

f)  F. Roosevelt’s antiracialist views;

  1. personal attraction;
  2. considerable sum of money invested in the pre-elected company that let F. Roosevelt pass over attraction.



Main dates and events

1933 -1939 — the policy of the New Deal

May the12, 1933 — the adoption of the Agricultural Adjustment Act

June the16, 1933 — the adoption of the National Recovery Industrial Act (NIRA)

August the 14, 1935 — the adoption of the Wagner Act, also known as the National Labour Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935



Keinsiation is the theory about the necessity of the national regulation of the economy

The New Deal is the period in history of the USA connected with the realization of F. Roosevelt’s reforms as to leading the nation out of the Depression

Codes of Fair Competition are rules which had to be worked out at an every enterprise. These rules determined the limit of the production; they determined the level of wages; they divided up markets among business rivals



Table “The significance of the reforms of the New Deal”


The reforms showed the importance of the national regulation in the sphere of the market economy

The reforms showed all the countries of the world that a gradual and adaptable regulation of the economy especially in difficult periods of its development was the necessity of life

Since the time of the New Deal political interference in the economic life used in various forms had become an integral part of the market mechanism in the USA

 The important result of the reforms was a serious development in the state social politics



Scheme 1

The USA: from the period of Prosperity till the New Deal


Results of the First World War


The period of Prosperity


Failure of the policy of Prosperity


Activation of American individualism






Political interference in the social and economic life

The foundation of the New Deal


The nation’s way out of the crisis



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