Підстановчі таблиці для формування умінь монологічного мовлення на уроках англійської мови.

Про матеріал
У посібнику наведені приклади підстановчих таблиць з тем,вивчення яких передбачено навчальними програмами з англійської мови.Використання таких таблиць дозволяє доводити мовленнєвий матеріал ,необхідний для забезпечення певної ситуації,до автоматизму.Тобто в учнів формуються необхідні навички володіння хоча б мінімальним лексичним та граматичним матеріалом.
Перегляд файлу

Хмельницька середня загальноосвітня школа І-ІІІ ступенів № 14



Підстановчі таблиці для формування умінь монологічного мовлення на уроках англійської мови.




Автор: Лілія Левицька

вчитель англійської мови










Передмова _______________________________________________________________  

Part I. My family and friends ____________________________________ 4

Part II. Food _________________________________________________ 6

Part III. The clothes we wear ____________________________________ 8

Part IV. School life_____________________________________________ 12

Part V. Let’s have a rest ________________________________________ 15

Part VI. Holidays and traditions __________________________________ 18

Part VII. It’s time for reading ____________________________________ 20

Part VIII. Travelling ____________________________________________ 21

Part IX. Save your planet _______________________________________ 23

Part X. Outdoor activities_______________________________________ 25
















     Навчання говоріння на уроках англійської мови – це складний процес, який тісно пов'язаний з формуванням та вдосконаленням лексико-граматичних навичок, умінням використовувати їх для розвитку непідготовленого мовлення.

     В методиці навчання іноземних мов виділяють три етапи формування монологічних умінь. В основу кожного з них покладена якість висловлювання учнів, причому ця якість обов’язково веде до збільшення обсягу зразків мовлення, які він використовує.

     Одним із засобів розвитку ключових компетентностей є зорові опори.Досить часто вони використовуються для розвитку монологічного мовлення школярів. Серед вербальних зорових опор є підстановчі таблиці,які допомагають забезпечити логічний зв`язок речень,їх граматичну правильність та вибір необхідних мовних засобів для створення власного висловлювання.

     У посібнику наведені приклади підстановчих таблиць з тем,вивчення яких передбачено навчальними програмами з англійської мови.Використання таких таблиць дозволяє доводити мовленнєвий матеріал ,необхідний для забезпечення певної ситуації,до автоматизму.Тобто в учнів формуються необхідні навички володіння хоча б мінімальним лексичним та граматичним матеріалом.





















Card 1

Make up sentences

My father` s              parents                              my uncle.     

My aunt`s                  wife                                    my father.

My mother`s             brother          is                 my grandparents.

My parent`s              husband        are               my aunt.

My uncle`s                children                              my cousins.

                                    sister                                  my sister.


Card 2

Make up sentences

My friend                                                  tall                                 me.     

My cousins                    am                     energetic                       their father.

My grandfather            is           as         wise                 as           my grandmother.

My sister                       are                      beautiful                       our mother.

I                                                                  friendly                          my parents.

My brother                                              noisy                               my sister.




Card 3


      Practise the new vocabulary

Ex. I really like my friend because he is honest and generous


                            my mother                                                                             kind

 my father                                                                               brave

                            my grandmother                                  he                            generous

I really like         my grandfather            because         she        is                honest

                            my sister                                                they      are             neat

                            my brother                                                                             clever

                            my friend                                                                                quite

                            my parents                                                                             attentive

                            my friends                                                                               helpful


Card 4


At first make up the sentences in Present Simple, then in Present Continuous Tense.


I                                                                          listen to music after school

My parents                                                       listen to music at the lessons

My mother                                                       gives us a lot of homework

My father                                                          cooking dinner

My best friend                        usually             helps our parents

My grandparents     am        sometimes      take care of their animals         now

We                              is           often                sleeping on my bed                    this week

Our teacher              are        always              go in for sport

My sister                                 never               cleaning their house 

My brother                                                       repairing his car

All my friends                                                   doing the washing up                          

My cat                                                               has exciting trips




Card 5


Practise the Present Simple Tense. Make up sentences.


                   you                        usually                do his homework in the afternoon?

   Does       your friend           sometimes         have lunch at the school canteen? 

   Do          your parents         often                   go to the country?

                  your granny          always                 use the computer?






I                                                     usually               wash up after lunch.

My friend                 doesn’t      sometimes        listen to music with friends at school.

My parents              don’t          often                  attend the Drama club.

My best friend                            always               goes to the country at the weekend.








Card 1


Practise There is….There are…



                                                       potatoes                   in the fridge

                                                       sweets                      in the box

                   is                                 orange juice             in the basket

                   isn’t          some        pasta                          on the plate

There        are             any           apples                        in the bottle

                  aren’t                          coffee                        in the glass

                                                      water                   in the cup         

                                                       cereal                        in the bowl   

                                                       soup                          on the table 

                                                       meat balls




                                                         potatoes                         in the box   

                                                         sweets                             in the basket

                                                         orange juice                    on the plate    

                                                         pasta                                in the fridge

                                                         apples                              in the bottle   

Is                 there         any            coffee                              in the glass

Are                                                   water                               in the cup         

                                                         cereal                               in the bowl   

                                                         soup                                 on the table 

                                                         meat balls   



Card 2


Make up sentences.

Ex. All of us prepare breakfast in the morning, but only some of us prepare dinner too.



Many           of us prepare/like…


A few

Card 3


Make up sentences. Mind the correct form of the verbs.


                                               wash                     potatoes          together 

                                               peel                       onions              with powdered sugar

                                               slice                       milk                  with a knife

                                                grill                       salad                 with a spoon 

                                                mix                       eggs                  with berries and honey

I                                              pour                      meat                 into slices

My mother      often           chops                      cake                  into pieces                          

My granny       usually        decorate               pasta                in a bowl

My dad             always        bakes                      cereal                in a pan  

My parents      never          boil                        toasts                in a frying pan   

Our chef                               mash                     cheese              in an oven

                                               fry                         bananas            into a glass

                                               sprinkle                vegetables        into a cup





























Card 1


Make up sentences.


                                                                     I wear shorts and a T-shirt. I put on my sun-


                                                  bedtime    I wear a skirt. I wear socks and shoes.

                it is                            rainy          I put on jeans and sweater.


 When    I go to school           cool          

                I play                         warm         I put on my coat.I put on my hat and gloves

                I go in for sport       cold            I wear boots on my feet.

                                                   hot             I put on my raincoat. I wear boots. I use    

                                                                      an umbrella.

                                                                      I wear pajamas. I wear slippers on my feet.

                                                                      I wear a uniform. My shirt has number on


                                                                       I use special things.

                                                                       I wear pants and sneakers. I put on a 

                                                                       T-shirt and a cup.

                                                                       I wear a school uniform.   





Card 2


Make up sentences.


A hat                                                                                   from the sun.

An overcoat                                      our head                 in winter.

A raincoat            can protect         our hands               from the rain.

Gloves                                                our feet                   when it’s cold outside.






Card 3


Make up sentences.



A hat                                                                     us

Waterproof shoes                                              our heads            in summer.

A cotton T-shirt                                                  our hands            in winter.

Flip-flops                        usually        keep        our feet                when it’s cold.

A sweater                      always        keeps       our necks             when it’s hot.

Scarves                                                                 your head            when it’s rainy.

Gloves                                                                  your feet

Trousers                                                               you

A jumper  





Card 4


Practise questions and negative form with the same words. 



                                                       put on                           sweater

                                                       wear                              pullover

I                                                      pull on                           socks

You                                                take off                          shoes            

He           am                                 fasten                             coat

She          is            going to         unfasten                        overcoat

We          are                                 zip                                   dress

You                                                unzip                              belt

They                                              lace up                           jeans     

                                                       unlace                            skirt










Card 5


Make up sentences.


Your clothes                                                             in fashion

Your boots                                                                out of fashion

This dress                                                                  fashionable            

His jeans                                                                    trendy

Tour shirt                                                                  stylish   

Her coat                                      is                            smart

That skirt                                                                   fine

Such shoes                                  are                        elegant

Your school uniform                                               expensive

Your boots                                                                clean                                               

Their trainers                                                            dirty

My tracksuit                                                              tidy                                                              

Your jacket                                                                untidy                                                     

His trousers





Card 6


Make up sentences.




                                       Red         dress                                      red          dress

                                       yellow    shoes                                     yellow     shoes

                                       black      jeans                                       black      jeans                            

                                       white     tracksuit                                 white     tracksuit

                                       light        trainers       but today         light        trainers

                                       blue        coat                                        blue        coat

I usually wear(a)         dark        raincoat       I’m wearing     dark        raincoat

                                       purple    sweater                                 purple    sweater

                                       green     pullover                                 green      pullover

                                       pink        tie                                           pink        tie

                                       brown    sweatshirt                             brown    sweatshirt




Card 7


Practise the following structure.





Do               this         dress

Does           these     boots             fit?








Card 8


Practise the grammar and vocabulary material.



                              shirt                                                           shirt      

                              skirt                                                           skirt

                 your     hat                                                             hat

                 his        cap            match                    your         cap

I think      her       blouse      matches                his            blouse

                 their    jeans         don’t match          her           jeans

                              trousers   doesn’t match      their         trousers

                              shoes                                                         shoes                  

                              boots                                                         boots             

                              jacket                                                         jacket















Card 1


Make up sentences.

What do you usually do at...?


                                                                                 do sums.          

                                                                                 write   dictations.

                                                                                 write compositions.

           Maths                                                          memorize the dates.

           English                                 usually           learn rules.

At       PE               lessons    we    sometimes    play football.

           History                                 often             does projects.

           …                                                                  improve our English.

                                                                                decide to (do something).

                                                                                run  and jump.

                                                                                have different competitions.

                                                                                cheer our team up.

                                                                                learn by hart.



Card 2


Make a chain one by one

Ex. I like… but I don’t like…





I                                                               Music          

He                                                           Nature Study

She           like           don’t like            History              

It               likes          doesn’t like        Art

We                                                          PE

You                                                         Ukrainian Literature

They                                                       Handicrafts




Card 3


Make up sentences


                                    doing the sums                                                                         

                                    reciting poems  

                                    reading stories           

I’m good                    singing songs                      at the English lessons

I’m quite good at     drawing flowers                 at the Maths lessons

I’m very good at       playing games                    at the Music lessons

I’m not good at        writing compositions         at the Art lessons

I’m bad at                  jumping and running        at the PE lessons

I like                           counting                               at the Literature lessons

                                    reading thick books           at the Ukrainian lessons

                                    learning new words          at the History lessons

                                    doing crosswords              at the Nature Study lessons

                                    knitting                                at the Handicrafts lessons

                                    learning quickly  





Card 4


Make up sentences


                                              writing essays

                                              discussions about  different topics

I have problem with          making up dialogues

                                              listening Comprehension            

                                              singing English songs

                                              doing tests










Card 5


Make up sentences



                                                                  to learn new things

                                                                  to do sums quickly  

                                                                  to count correct

               interesting                                to learn by heart

               easy                                           to listen to a teacher          

               difficult                                      to learn new English words

It’s         important             for me         to work in pairs 

              useful                                          to do crosswords

              fun                                              to start a conversation

              boring                                         to write compositions

                                                                  to sing English songs

                                                                  to play football

                                                                  to stick colorful cutouts




Card 6


Practise the questions.




                                  do exercises                                            at the English lessons

                                  do the sums                                            at the Maths lessons

                                  answer the teachers questions           at the History lessons

Do the students     draw pictures                                         at the Art lessons

                                  listen to smb s answers                        at the PE lessons

                                  knit                                                           at the Nature Study lessons

                                  read texts                                                at the Handicrafts lessons

                                  learn rules  











Card 1


Make up sentences



        train in the gym

        play basketball                          all my free time

        read books                                 every day

        watch movies at home            once a week    

        fish                                               twice a week       

I       surf the net                                on Sundays

        hang with my friends               three days a week

        paint                                            at the weekend

         take photos                                    in the evening

         perform on the stage                   after school




Card 2


Practise be going to and write down the sentences


I                                                    do my project                             on Monday

You                                              help my mum                              on Tuesday

He          am                                take music lesson                       on Wednesday  

She         is          going to          train in the gym                          on Thursday

We         are                                do the shopping                         on Friday

You                                              go to the swimming pool          on Saturday

They                                            visit my grandparents                on Sunday











Card 3


Make up sentences


                                                                to watch a play.

                                                                to watch a puppet show.

                         to the theatre              to watch an opera.

                                                                to watch a ballet.  


                          to the cinema             to watch a film.


I usually go     to the museum            to watch an exhibition.


                           to the art gallery


                                                                     to watch the animals.

                           to the zoo                        to look at the animals.

                                                                     to see the animals.


                           go to the circus              to watch the animal show.


                           go to the gymnasium    to work out.

                                                                     To do exercise.



Card 4


Practise the new vocabulary.


                                playing football

                                playing computers games 

                                collecting stamps           

                                collecting coins                           

                                collecting badges

                                collecting stickers

I am fond of          making model cars

I like                        making model cars

                                travelling to other cities

                                drawing pictures





Card  5


Practise the Present Perfect structure with ever, never



I                                                         been to Lviv.

He                                                     saw an extreme show.

She                  have        never       joined any club.

My parents     have                        had an unusual hobby.

My friend                                         made model cars.

They                                                  acted in a drama.





                     You                                       been to Lviv?

                     He                                         seen an extreme show?                

                     She                                       joined any club?     

Have           you parents        ever         had an unusual hobby?

Has              your friend                          made model cars?

                    They                                      acted in a drama?






Card 6


Practise the new vocabulary.


                                       visit Kyiv

                                       visit a village

                                       go to the country

          often                   travel                                         in summer.

I         usually                stay at home with friends

          sometimes        go to the seaside                      in winter.

                                      go hiking in the mountains

                                      go in for sport

                                      buy souvenirs

                                      go fishing






Card 1


Make up sentences


                                  decorate    the ball               on Christmas Day

                                  sing             pop songs          on Mother’s Day

                                  dance          rock-n-roll         on Father’s Day

I                                 wear           fancy dresses    on holiday

My friend and I       give             present              on Halloween

My parents              prepare      tasty things       on Christmas Eve

My family                 bakes         a cake                 on my birthday

                                   have           a party                at Christmas

                                   listen          to music             at weekend

                                   send           postcards           at Easter




Card 2


Make up sentences



                                                         make a lot of tasty things

                                                         send greeting cards

                                                         buy presents for each other   

                                                         do the cleaning

                                   often            make the decorations

                                   usually         do the dusting                               before every

In our family   we    sometimes make a special dish                      holiday. 

                                   always          make postcards

                                                         do the shopping

                                                         make a cake

                                                         send invitations tour friends

                                                         and relatives




Card 3


Make up sentences



                                          cook turkey

                                              make holiday cards

                                              send holiday cards                                         Christmas Day

                                              hang up a stocking                                         Mother’s day

                                              make a birthday cake                                    Father’s day   

                                              decorate a Christmas Tree                           holiday

                                              gather for a holiday dinner                          Halloween            

                                              sing carols                                                       Christmas Eve

In my family we always     cook holiday meals                               on    my birthday

                                              prepare a Christmas pudding              at     Christmas

                                              bring chocolate eggs                                      weekend

                                              give presents                                                  Easter

                                              wear special clothes                                      St. Valentine’s Day

                                              send cards with romantic message            New Year’s Day

                                              print eggs

                                              go to church

                                              invite guests 


























Card 1


 Practise the new vocabulary





                                              novelist                         amusing      dramas

               an outstanding    dramatist             his    truthful       detective         are nice

He is      a great                  author       and              interesting  stories             patterns

She is    a famous               poet                      her   emotional   love stories     of the

                                                                                                          plays                 genre.   



                                                                                                          short stories







Card 2


Make up sentences




                       watching dramas                

I am fond      science fictions      as    it        gives me   positive emotions

of                   poetry                             they   give me     a mixture of emotions

                       reading novels











Card 1


Practise the new vocabulary.



I                                                           plane

My father                                          air 

My friends                                         train                        year

Chris                          go                    bus                           summer

Our family                goes       by     car              every    week

Our relatives            went      on     ship            last       month 

My uncle                  travel     for     sea                           day

Ann’s parents          travels             foot                         yesterday

My grandmother                             business

Alex                                                    pleasure






Card 2


Practise the new vocabulary.




                           safe                                      by car

                           interesting                          by ship

I think                dangerous         to travel  by plane    because…

I’m sure    it`s   tiring                                    by bus 

                           useful                                  on foot








Card 3


Make up as many sentences as you can.






There is        some information   about    Mexico               in the library

There are     some books                            New Zealand     in atlases 










Card 4


Make up as many sentences as you can.



Yalta                                                                               Europe             

Dover                                                         western      England   

Liverpool              is        situated   in      southern    Africa

Denmark              are                                northern    Canada                                                   

Winnipeg                                                   eastern      Ukraine

the Carpathians















Card 1


Make up sentences



                            protect plants? 

How can we      protect animals?

                            protect our planet?

                            keep the water clean?





Card 2


Make up sentences


                           keep the air fresh?

                           keep our streets tidy  ?        

How can we     do it in our own way?

                           help them in our own way?

                           take care of the Earth in our own way?      





Card 3


Make up sentences


We                                          in danger

These plants                          out of danger

The environment     is          ready to protect our planet

The citizens               are      ready to keep our city clean

Our city                                  ready to take care of nature




Card 4


Make up sentences




                                   use less energy- petrol, electricity and gas.

                                   use public transport.

                                   pollute the atmosphere or the land or the sea.

                                   cut down the tropical rainforests.

                                   use so many chemicals on the land or in our food.

                                   take care of the countryside and the animals.   

We should                improve cars.

We shouldn’t           control litter.

                                   invest money into perfections of factories.

                                   dump into river.

                                   save water.

                                   dispose land fill sites anywhere.

                                   protect the environment.

                                   control nuclear tests and nuclear weapon.    

























Card 1


Practise the new vocabulary.



                                 like                 rock climbing

I                                likes               mountain biking

Many people         prefer            doing underwater photography

My brother            prefers           going cycling

My parents            enjoy              going scuba diving

My friend               enjoys            going hiking with a rucksack






Card 2


Practise the new vocabulary and will



                     go cycling

                     go scuba diving

                     go hiking in the mountains

                     do underwater photos                                            

                     go rock climbing                                                         exiting

                     go mountain                                                               cool                   

I think I’ll    live in a tent                                   because it is       fantastic

                     sail                                                                                useful for  health

                     get a sunburn                                                             a fun activity                                           

                     go camping


                     go swimming  

                     go fishing

                     cook over a camp fire




Card 3


Make up sentences



                              go scuba diving

                              go  hiking  around Ayers Rock

                              do underwater photos in the Great Barrie Reef area

I want to…           meet with the Aborigines and live in a tent in the bush

I’d like to…           sail along the coastline

I’m going to…      get sunburn on the beach

                               go camping to take photos of amazing animals


                               enjoy swimming and surfing in the ocean





Card 4


Make up questions.



                                                            you take?

                                                            you need?

What things                                      you need for games?

What food                                         cooks the meals?

Who                                  will           put up the tent?

How many children                         play the games?

What                                                  make the fires?

                                                            go hiking?

                                                            clean the place when the picnic is over?











Card 5


Practise the new vocabulary.



                                                    to have a rest in a calm place

I                                                   living in tent

My parents                               living in comfortable hotels    

My friends                                to go on camping

Most people         prefer         exploring far away countries

Grown-ups                                lying on the beach

Children                                     going out for walks in the mountains

                                                    to go  sightseeing

                                                    making sand castles on the beach





Card 6


Make up as many sentences as you can.



                           read books                

I                          watch TV                    with his brother              on holidays

You                    go fishing                    with her classmates       in summer

He                      swim in the river       with our teachers           in July

She         will     play football               with our team                 on Sunday

We                     go to the forest         with their parents          at weekends

They                  travel                           with my friends               in the evenings      

                           go to the seaside                                                 

                           go camping









Левицька Лілія
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