План - конспект уроку англійської мови "Sport in Our Life"

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Урок для розвитку мовленнєвої діяльності учнів 7 класу. удосконалення навичок усного мовлення.
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Васильківської міської ради Київської області









уроку англійської мови


на тему:


“Sport in Our Life ”




                                                 Вчитель англійської мови,

                                            спеціаліст вищої категорії,

                            старший вчитель

                            Меркулова Т.М.

                                                    Академічний ліцей «Престиж»



Васильків – 2021

Тема уроку:         “Sports  in Our Life ”


Мета:  ознайомити учнів з НЛО; активізувати їх вживання в мовленні; вдосконалювати навички аудіювання і усного мовлення; розвивати мовну здогадку і мовленнєву реакцію учнів; формувати навички вживання   tag-questions;  виховувати  позитивне ставлення до здорового способу життя.



Очікуваний результат:  учні сприймають на слух лексико-грамтичний матеріал;  вживають в усному мовленні; вдосконалюють навички читання,      використовуючи  мовну здогадку; обмінюються думками про  своє ставлення щодо занять спортом і здорового способу життя.



Обладнання:   підручник “English”  (О. Карп’юк), робочий зошит, тематичні

малюнки, картки з лексикою, тексти для читання, фонограма тексту

для аудіювання, пісня “We are the Champions”.


The Procedure


1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

2. Warming up.

3. Practice in Vocabulary.

4. Practice in Listening.

5. Practice in Reading.

6. Practice in Speaking.

7. Conclusion and Homework.

                                 “A Healthy  mind in

                              a healthy  body”


  1. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.


  1. Hello,  my friends!  Glad  to  see  you.  How  are  you  feeling today?  I  hope  you  are fine  and  ready to work.  Let’s  start  the  class.  

The topic  for studying today is “ Sports in our life”. By the end of the lesson you should learn new vocabulary and be able to use it in your speech. Sports are always much spoken about. Why, do you think?

  1. Warm-up

     Now listen to what I think of sports and say if you agree with it. On the blackboard you see a saying  A Healthy  mind in a healthy  body ”.   Being in good health means having body and mind in good working order  free from disease and pain ( хвороба і біль). As  they say,    (complete  with  a saying ).

 All sorts of physical exercises are very helpful to make our bodies strong as well as to keep us well mentally. So, sports make us more organized and better disciplined in our daily activities, it develops a personality, teaches us to be able to win and  lose,  make  us  communicable. Regular physical exercises give us more energy, make us feel and look better.


  1. Conversation


      * Are you good at sports?

      * Are you fond of playing football?

      * Do you like swimming?

      * Can you play tennis well?

      * Have you ever taken part in sports competition?

      * What do you prefer: to watch sports competition or to take part in them?

      * Does sport help you to keep fit?

      * Would you like to become a famous sportsman?

II. Main body

  1. Presenting  vocabulary.

Your vocabulary is not enough to speak about sports and games. That’s why

you must learn some more words and expressions:


  • to go  in for  (sports) – займатися  (спортом)
  • to take place  - відбуватись
  • to take part in competition  (in) – брати участь у змаганнях (з)
  • to win  (won, won) – перемагати
  • to lose (lost, lost) – програвати
  • track-and-field athletics
  • figure skating













  1. Open your exercise books. Write the date, Classwork and the topic “Sports  in Our Life ”. At the time  the pupils are writing  new words and  word combinations, a song   “We are the Champions” sounds.



  1. Vocabulary practice.  Listening.

Task:  listen to the descriptions and guess what kind of  sport  it is.


  • This game is played   by two teams. There are six players in each team. They play game on an ice field. (Hockey)


  • It is a team game. Two teams hit a large ball with their hands over a high net. The ball is not allowed to bounce on the ground. (Volleyball)


  • It is a tract event. ( Running , jumping)


  • Wind is necessary for this sport. (Sailing)


  • A person who rides horses in races. (Horse riding)


  • Snow is necessary for it. (Snowboarding, skiing)


  • It is an individual sport  both for boys and girls. It helps to become strong, confident and you are always ready to defend yourself and other people. A style of fighting from the Far East, in which you kick and hit with your hands. (Karate)


  1.  Reading


Read the text and do the task.





III  Reflexion 


  1. Learn  new words.
  2. Write down some (7-8) sentences about your favorite sport  and about sports your classmates like to do.


You would like to get some precise information.

     Complete tag-questions connected with sport.


  • You are good at sports, (aren’t you?)
  • You can skate well,  (can’t you?)
  • You like playing football with your friends,  (don’t you?)
  • Football is extremely popular in our country, ( isn’t it?)
  • You aren’t  interested in boxing,  (are you? )
  • Olympic Games didn’t take place in Ukraine,  (did they?)
  • Our athletes  have always  taken part in all  Olympic Games, 

(haven’t they?)



We’ve done a lot of work  today. You’re perfect!

                  Thank you for your job!

                    The lesson is over.

                        Good bye!







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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
25 лютого 2021
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