УРОК з англійської мови "In the Fast Food Restaurant" 7 клас

Про матеріал
Урок сприятиме розуміння учнями терміну fast food; сприятиме вживанню лексики в мовленнєвій діяльності; розвиватиме монологічне та діалогічне мовлення; розвивати комунікативні здібності учнів.
Перегляд файлу

Lesson 1-2  The  Fast Food Restaurants


Aims and objectives:


- Розвивати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення

- Удосконалювати навички аудіювання 

- Практикувати навички письма англійською мовою

- Удосконалювати навички читання

- Практикувати вживання в мові нових ЛО по темі

- Спонукати до вживання здорової їжі


The structure of the lesson

Fast food презентация, докладI. Warm up


Poem “Fast food”

On Monday I like bread and cheese 

On Tuesday  I have juice and pie

On  Wednesday  I eat lots of pasta

On  Thursday  I like   eggs  and ham

On  Friday  I  eat fish and chips

On  Saturday – it’s  pizza and coke

On Sunday I eat the leftovers.


II. Vocabulary











III. Speaking


- What do you think of the expression “fast food”?

- Have you ever been to a fast food restaurant?

- How often do you go there?

- What food and drink do you usually order when you visit them?

- Do you like the food there?

- Do you think the fast food is healthy?


IV. Reading

“Healthy food’

There are many ways of to be healthy. One of them is eating healthy food. Eating fresh fruit and vegetables can reduce your chance of different illnesses. Low - fat meats, beans, and nuts  are  also  part of a good nutrition plan. People who eat  healthy  food, feel and look better.  You should eat fresh fruits and it is important to eat green and orange vegetables. Drink plenty of water.  Keep sugar and caffeine to minimum. Your health is important.

Healthy food. Здоровая еда на английском // #УчуАнглийский - YouTube


V. Role-play  “In a bar”

You are in a bar with friends. Before you start , decide what you want to eat and drink.( hamburgers,French fries, salad, juice, cola, fizzy drinks)


VI. Writing

1. The well-known national dishes as Ukrainian borsch, varenyky, holubtsi.

2. In my opinion , the fast food is unhealthy.

3. I do not like to go to fast food restaurants.

4. I do not like to eat chips and drink cola.

5. I think you should eat healthy food.


“Welcome to McDonalds” (Pupils write words into their copybooks and on the blackboard)




Sides (courses)






big Mac

sprite coffee

French fries






Mc tasty





V. Dialogue (act it out) “Ordering a meal in McDonalds”

  • Hello, I am your waiter. Can I help you?
  • Yes, please. I would like some pizza and a salad.
  • Would you like anything to drink?
  • Yes, some fresh orange juice, please.
  • For dessert?
  • I would like  ice-cream and chocolate cake for dessert.
  • Well, thank you.


VI. Homework

Make up a topic “My visit to McDonalds”.


VII. Lesson summary. Reflection


Great Food chart for healthy you | Healthy meals for kids, Healthy eating  habits, Unhealthy food


















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Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
26 лютого 2021
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