Тест "Indefinite Pronouns"

Про матеріал
Короткий тест для формування граматичних навичок або для перевірки рівня засвоєння неозначених займенників для учнів 7 класу (до підручника "Англійська мова" О. Карп'юк). Це завдання можна використати для домашньої роботи.
Перегляд файлу

Variant - 1

1. Доповніть речення займенниками

1. Would you like ....................... to eat? (everything/something)

2. The prisoners didn’t want to eat ................... . (anything/something )

3. Why are you looking under the bed? Have you lost .......... ? (something/anything)

4. ………………… in this shop is very expensive. (Everything/anything)

5. We went shopping but we bought …………… . (nothing/ anything)

6. Does ……………. have a pen I can borrow? (anybody/nobody)


2. Вставте somebody, anybody, everybody, somewhere, anywhere, everywhere.

1. It’s dark. I can’t see …………… .

2. They know …………… about computers.

3. You can play ………. in this park.

4. Do you know …………….. in Paris? – Yes, I’ve got some friends there.

5. I’m looking for my pencil. I can’t find it …………….. .

6. ………… must speak English.


Variant - 2

1. Доповніть речення займенниками

1. Do you live ......................... near Jim? (somewhere/anywhere)

2. There's ........................... at the door. Can you go and see who it is? (somebody/nobody)

3. The film is really great. You can ask ............... who has seen it. (somebody/everybody) 

4. …………………. came to my party and I was very sad. (Everybody/Nobody)

5. I left my book ………. . (everywhere/somewhere)

6. I’ve looked …………. for my phone. I must lost it. (everywhere/somewhere)


2. Вставте somebody, nobody, nothing, something, somewhere, nowhere.

1. Tom lives ………….. near London.

2. What is he doing here? – He is waiting for …………… .

3. They were hungry, so they wanted to eat ……………. .

4. There is …………… in the cupboard. It is empty.

5. I made the cake myself. ……. helped me.

6. We can’t see our CDs. They are ………….. .



До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
27 лютого 2021
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