План-Конспект уроку з англійської мови - Fashion Designers

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План-Конспект уроку з англійської мови - Fashion Designers. на основі підручника in-touch.

Перегляд файлу

Form – 7

Topic – Fashion designers

Book – In-Touch 3



  • Fashion designers
  • Science fiction
  • Phrasal verbs



  • Reading for detail
  • Listening for detail
  • Speaking


Key structures:

  • So…that



  • Students will be able to prove their grammar skills.
  • Students will be able to read and listen a short story.
  • Students will be able to learn how to use structure so+adjective/adverb that.




  • In-Touch 3 Student’s book
  • In-Touch 3 CD
  • CD player
  • Vocabulary
  • In-Touch 3 Work book








Lesson procedure

  1. Class organization (2 min)

Teacher: “Hello class. Take your sits, please. Get ready for the lesson: take out your vocabularies, books, diaries. Be quick. Today we will finish our topic about clothes and fashion and continue the story about Aza.”


  1. Warm-up

Revising of the material

  • Twins
  • To set up
  • To go for smth
  • To be proud
  • To order clothes
  • Satisfied customers
  • To refuse
  • To work well under pressure
  • To get on well
  • To have an eye for
  • To look for


  1. Checking home task


Work book page 66-67 exercise 1-4.

Reading one by one (+translation).




  1. Listening,reading and translating


Student’s book page 84 exercise 1,2,3.



  1. Grammar

Students’ book page 85 exercise 4a,4b.

  1. Speaking*(describing pictures)


  1. Writing

Best Dressed celebrity

1.How is this celebrity dressed?

2.What do you like in his/her style?

3.What style of clothes do you prefer?


  1. Putting marks, giving home task (1-2 min)


St.b. p.84 ex.2 voc*

W.b. p.67-68 ex.5,1,2,3,4a.









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