План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для 7-го класу "Улюблена страва"

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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови для 7-го класу по темі "Харчування". За підручником О.Д.Карпюк.
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 План-конспект уроку з англійської мови


Клас: 7         

Тема №3 «Харчування»

Урок №3: «Улюблена страва»

Мета: Знати 30 лексичних одиниць по темі.

            Вміти вживати лексичні одиниці, вивчені на попередньому уроці. Практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою розуміння змісту, а також удосконалювати техніку читання. Навчити давати відповіді на запитання за змістом прочитаного тексту. Розвивати зв’язне усне й писемне мовлення. Розвивати фонетичний та інтонаційний слух, мовну здогадку.

           Виховувати  сформувати базові навички і вміння, необхідні для подальшого розвитку комунікативної компетенції.


Хід уроку

I. Introduction to the lesson


T: Good afternoon, dear children!

P: Good afternoon, dear teacher!

T: I’m glad to see you.

P: We’re glad to see you, too.

T: Are you ready to start our lesson?

P: Of course, we are.

T: If it is so, let’s start. Sit down, please.

Aim message the subject and purpose of the lesson

As you know, we’re studying a very interesting and popular topic. It is “Favourite dishes”. We can’t imagine our life without food. Food is the staff of our life. We live not to eat but eat to live. You know such a good proverb, I think.

Today at the lesson we’ll summarize and systematize our knowledge on the topic: talk about your likes and dislikes in food, recite rhymes, develop your listening, reading and writing skills, invent a new dish, practice a project work, develop your pair and group communicative skills.

Checking homework

1. Dictionary dictation

2. Reviewing the essay on the topic "My attitude to vegetarianism"

Warming up.

a)  Phonetic drills.

T: Children! Imagine we’re in a food train where we can see many products. Our train is going to a very tasty “Food Country”. Let’s see what the train is bringing. Listen to the chant and repeat every line after me.

Bacon and eggs,

Apples and pears,

Bread and butter,

Plums and cereals

Cheese and biscuits,

Fish and chips,

Chocolate cake,



(Pupils repeat the chant after the teacher.)

b) Discussion.

T: Children! What products have you heard?

What do you like among them?

What food is junk?

What can we fry and boil?

(Pupils answer the teacher’s questions.)

Practice Vocabulary

T: And now I’ve got a very funny rhyme for you. You’ll finish the lines like real poets. Are you poets? Let’s see.

I am Sam. I like … (jam)

I am Bruce. I like … (juice)

I am Sophie. I like … (coffee)

He is Tony. He likes … (macaroni)

She is Betty. She likes … (spaghetti)

He is Lee. He likes … (tea)

T: How clever you are! You are real poets. Thanks.

II. General Part

Speaking Skills. Pair Communicative Skills.

T: Children! Now I want to have a talk about your favourite dishes. I have some questions and you’ll answer them. Pay attention to your grammar, pronunciation.

How many meals a day have you got?

What is breakfast time in Ukraine?

What do you usually have for breakfast (dinner, supper)?

What are your favourite dishes?

What are your favourite drinks?

(A pupil gives a report about it.)

Are you a good or bad eater?

(Pupils answer and ask questions to the teacher.)

Writing Skills. Lexical Skills.

Task 1. Read and complete the recipe for tea. Write down it using the words: boil, fill, warm, put, pour.

____ the kettle with water. ____ the water. ____ the teapot. ____ one teaspoon of tea per cup into the teapot. ____ hot water. Brew from 5 to 8 minutes.

(Pupils do this task in groups; a board.)

Task 2. Read the words and circle the odd word:

cheese, sausage, sandwich, to boil;

cheese, ice-cream, sour cream, eggs;

to cut, to boil, to mix, bread.


Read and translate text one by one. (BP. p.68 ex.6 за підручником О.Д. Карпюк). Write unfamiliar words in your vocabulary for further study.

III Conclusion

Summing up (підсумки,оцінювання)

T: What have we done today?

  What were we talking about?

  What are you thinking now about vegetarianism?

  You’ve worked very well. You’ve got such marks for your work at the lesson.


Create a project about your family diet.




До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
31 жовтня 2019
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