План роботи мовного загону пришкільного табору з денним перебуванням

Про матеріал

У даному матеріалі розміщено план роботи мовного загону "No Clouds" пришкільного табору з денним перебуванням "Сонечко" 2018 року. Матеріал стане у нагоді під час оздоровчої кампанії, адже містить організовану структуру роботи над проектом "Around the world with English" в таборі на 14 днів, завдання, девіз, речівку загону, пісню, правила.

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Картинки по запросу summer camp 2018



























Похожее изображение


Мета літнього мовного загону:

створити відповідне мовне середовище та умови для заохочення учнів до вивчення англійської мови.


• підвищити рівень володіння англійською мовою учнів, зацікавити дітей, сприяти самостійній підготовці учнів удома, започаткувати моду на вивчення іноземної мови;

• допомагати школярам здобувати необхідні мовні навички та непомітно долати мовний бар’єр;

• удосконалювати усне (розмовне) мовлення дитини;

• поєднати навчання із захоплюючим відпочинком;

• створити мотивацію для подальшого вдосконалення англійської.



Картинки по запросу summer camp 2018











We love sun and we love fun,

Our team is number one!






Картинки по запросу clear sky poem








Похожее изображение







Day 1

“Foggy Albion”

Thursday, May, 31

  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Ceremonial line
  4. Breakfast
  5. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“The country of mist”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Symbols and traditions”

  1. Contest “Red and white roses”.
  2.                  Conclusions.


Картинки по запросу england symbol



Day 2

“Against Loch Ness”

Friday, June, 01


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Let’s sing and dance!”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Wonders and mysteries of Highlands and Lowlands”

  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.


Картинки по запросу scotland symbol

Day 3

“You are in Wales”

Saturday, June, 02


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Red dragon and other symbols”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“National traditions and sports”

  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.


Похожее изображение



Day 4

“The Emerald Isle”

Sunday, June, 03

  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Ceremonial line
  4. Breakfast
  5. Project time [with interactive break in between]

«St. Patrick’s Day»

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Open the treasures of Ireland”

  1. Other fun.
  2.                  Conclusions.

Картинки по запросу ireland symbols




Day 5

“Welcome to the country of fashion”

Monday, June, 04


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Master Chef”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]


  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.

Картинки по запросу france symbols



Day 6

“Made in Spain”

Tuesday, June, 05


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Sporty Karaoke”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

«Believe it or not»

  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.

Картинки по запросу spain welcome

Day 7

“Inspiring Italy”

Wednesday, June, 06


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Better to see than to listen”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Old and modern point of view”

  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.


Картинки по запросу italy welcome

Day 8

“Let’s turn the way to visit Germany”

Thursday, June, 07


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Facts about Dauchland”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Oktoberfest in the camp”

  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.

Похожее изображение



Day 9

“Further, higher, colder”

Friday, June, 08


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“The country of the maple leaf”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Unusual people”

  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.


Картинки по запросу canada symbols



Day 10

“Down Under”

Saturday, June, 09


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“In harmony with nature in the country of kangaroos and koalas”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Vacations of a dream”

  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.

Картинки по запросу welcome to australia





Day 11

“Egypt is coming back”

Sunday, June, 10


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Making history exploring pyramids”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Save the EARTH – save your HOME”

  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.



Картинки по запросу welcome egypt



Day 12

“Land of the free, home of the brave”

Monday, June, 11


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Wonders of America”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Hollywood is near”

  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.


Картинки по запросу welcome usa



Day 13

“The country of the dream”

Tuesday, June, 12


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Breakfast
  4. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Where liberty dwells, there is my country”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“The groundwork for all happiness is wish”

  1. Other fun.
  2. Conclusions.


Похожее изображение



Day 14

“Forever in Ukraine”

Wednesday, June, 13


  1. Arrival to the camp
  2. Morning exercises and interactive warm-up outside
  3. Ceremonial line
  4. Breakfast
  5. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“East or west – home is best”

  1. Sports, games, songs
  2. Lunch
  3. Project time [with interactive break in between]

“Impressions about the camp” (poster, crafts, pictures)

  1. Other fun.
  2.                  Conclusions.

Картинки по запросу ukraine

Похожее изображение



















There are no bananas in the sky, in the sky

There are no bananas in the sky

There's a sun And a moon

And a coconut cream pie

But there are no bananas in the sky, in the sky!


No: hand motion both hands together then apart (like "cut" for a movie, sort of) Bananas: peel a banana

In the sky: point upward on sky (each time)

Sun: gesture a round object in the sky

Moon: another round object on the other side

Coconut cream pie: gesture a fluffy object (like clouds)

Then each time you sing the song, you leave off some words and just do the actions, until you're left with:

There are (action) (action) in the (action) in the (action) (repeat)

Just a (action) and a (action) and a (action)

But there's (action) (action) in the (action) in the (action).


15 липня 2018
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