Позакласний захід для учнів початкової школи

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Позакласний захід для учнів початкової школи

Children (together) Good morning friends! Good morning boys and girls!

1 pupils Good morning our  dear friends!  We open our English party.

Song “Good morning”

(Зявляються ведучий, Королева та Пеппі Довга Панчоха)

Королева: Good morning, children! 

Королева: Glad to meet you in Camp “Raimbow”.

Королева: I’m the Queen of Englandgive an order …to start our concert “Summer with English”. Everybody must keep to the following rules…

Королева: Don’t make a mess!  Не смітити!

Королева: Don’t walk on flowerbeds! По газонам не ходити!

Королева: Dont quarrel!  Не сперечатися!

Королева: Dont use bad words! Не лаятися!

Королева: Dont offend little kids! Маленьких дітей не ображати!

Королева: Don’t push one another! Не штовхатися!

Королева: Dont argue! Відносити не з’ясовувати!

Королева: Dont spit! Одне на одного не плювати

Королева: Dont break trees and bushes! Кущі та дерева не ламати!

Королева: Dont yell! Не кричати!

Пеппі: So manydonts”!   Так багато заборон?

Пеппі: But I want to have a lot of fun here! Here are our own rules… Take an active part in the camp life and different parties!   Брати активну участь в усіх заходах

Пеппі: To attend classes according to your interests and abilities. Відвідувати гуртки за інтересами.

Пеппі: To read the books. Читати книги.

Пеппі: To communicate with each other. Спілкуватися одне з одним

Пеппі: To give creative ideas. Подавати творчі ідеї.

Пеппі: To help younger friends. Допомагати молодшим.

Пеппі: To go in for sports.Займатися спортом.

Пеппі: And have a lot of fun. І добре проводити час.

Королева: All right, I admit your requests. Добре, я приймаю ваші пропозиції.

Song “Hello. How are you?

Now it’s turn

To present our reams

Try to be loud. Active. Dont freeze!

Представлення загонів (назви і девізи)

Song “Rainbow”

Poem  To the Seashore


We are on holiday!

Fantastic life: no work all day

On our summer holiday.

Well sing and dance,

And swim, and play.

I only wish

That every day

Was like a happy holiday.

Song “On a sunny day”

1 st pupil Summer's here!
Days are long
And the sun  Is high and strong.

2 nd pupil Long live, summer!

Golden - bright.

Full of warm

And sweet delights!

3 rd pupil Rain on the grass,
And rain on the tree.
Rain on the sea But not on me.

4 th pupil Summer time is

A time for play.

We are happy   All the day

5 th pupul Flowers here,

Flowers there,

Flowers growing    Everywhere.

6 th pupil One, two, three, four, five.

I can swim. I can fly.

I can sleep. I can hop.

I can jump. I can stop.


7 th pupil See the shining sun

See us play and run

Summertime, oh, summertime

We are having fun.

8 th pupil Watch us as we play

We play and run all day.

Summertime, oh, summertime

Please don’t run away.

9 th pupil A summer day

Has rain or sun

But either way

I find it fun.

10 th pupil The sun is shining

All day long

The trees are full

Of birds and song.

11 th pupil Many beautiful things

 to hear and to see

Belong to you, belong to me!

The sun, the trees, the grass.

Song “The more we are together”

12 th pupil What are little  boys made of?

Snips and snails

And puppy dog tails

That’s what little boys are made of.

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice

And everything nice

That’s what little girls  are made of.

Song “Good bye”