Розробка уроку з англійської мови з теми "Стиль життя", з використанням аудіюванням тексту, ознайомлення з новою лексикою, тематичного читання, роботи в парах, беіда по прочитаному матеріалу. Виконання лексичних вправ.
Продовження роботи з граматичним матеріалом, умовні речення нульового і першого типу, виконання граматичних вправ.
Розробка уроку з теми "Стиль життя" може стати в нагоді молодим вчителям, використовувати методику проведення розвитку навичок аудіювання, роботи в парах і групах. Методику пояснення складних граматичних тем та закріплення матеріалу в тренувальних вправах.
Англійська мова
Підручник: О.С. Любченко
8 клас
Шерстюк Людмила Миколаївна
вчитель англійської мови
ЗОШ І-ІІІ ст.. №4
Одеської області
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson learners will be able to say about their lifestyle and conditional sentences.
1. O. Lyubchenko’s textbook;
2. worksheets;
3. a disk.
Key competencies:
- initiative and entrepreneurship:
to initiate oral communication in English;
- social and civic:
to collaborate with others or the outcome by communicating in
- cognitive and learning:
to analyze;
- the ability to learn throughout life:
to work with the textbook independently.
Procedures |
Activities |
Time |
Warming up |
Game “Jigsaw sentences” A set of jigsaw sentences is for each pair o group of four pupils. Which group will be the first one? (The cards are mixed.)
4 min |
Stage 1 |
Activity 1. Pre – listening activity. New words to help: cause –причина, справа; harm – шкода; knee – коліно; case – випадок, обставина.
1 min |
Activity 2. Exercise №1 p.56 While listening activity: - listen and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. 1- cause: 2 - quiet and slow; 3- too; 4- do; 5 –toward; 6 – exercise; 7 – remember; 8 – move.
4 min |
Stage 2 |
Activity 1. The work with home text№4 p.55 Reading.
5 min |
Activity 2. Discuss in groups. Exercise №5 p.55 1. Do you think the glamorous lifestyle is healthy? Why not? 2. Which is better: to look nice or to feel nice? 3. Can a healthy lifestyle be glamorous at the same time? How?
7 min |
Procedures |
Activities |
Time |
Stage 3
____________ Stage 4
Activity 1. The work with vocabulary. Exercise №2, p.55. 1. Can you explain what “glamorous” means? Choose six adjectives that best explain its meaning. Attractive, intelligent, industrious, classy, elegant, out of-date, prestigious, doubtful, charming, plain, high fashion.
6 min |
Activity 2. 2. In pairs, brainstorm what a glamorous Lifestyle is. Use the today’s phrasal verb. (tell off-criticise) 1) Why do people want to live like this? 2) What about you?
______________________________________ Some grammer Activity 1. I am sure you are remember that Zero Conditional always describes what happens in General. If babies are hungry, they cry. When you touch a fire, you get burnt. First Conditional always describes a specific situation. We never use Future Tenses after if, when, unless, fill, until, as soon as, etc. If Present Tenser + Future Tense If you touch a fire + you will get burnt. ______________________________________ Activity 2. Exercise №3, 4 p.57
6 min
________ 8 min
________ 6 min
Procedures |
Activities |
Time |
Stage 5
For fun. Who is better? The 1-st group: I can carry a tree on my back. When it grows. I’ll grow too. That’s not very hard to do. The 2-d group: I am not small I am so tall/ I can carry a rabbit with all. When it hops I’ll hop too That’s not very hard to do.
2 min
Homework |
Exercise №8, 9.p.57
1 min