Позакласний захід "Do you like English?"

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Це позакласний захід для проведення тижня англійської мови в школі. Мета заходу: розвивати навички говоріння та аудіювання; вчити учнів працювати в групах, командах та відчувати відповідальність за свою роботу; підтримувати творчість; розширювати знання про англомовні країни, їх поезію, народні та популярні пісні; розвивати соціолінгвістичну компетенцію; розширювати кругозір; вчити учнів насолоджуватися спілкуванням англійською мовою
Перегляд файлу

Do you like English?(the club of jovial and ready - witted boys and girls)

Suggested Levels: A2/B1


- to develop students' speaking and listening skills;

- to practise role-playing;

- to teach students to work in groups, in teams and to feel responsibility for doing their work well;

- to promote students' creativity;

- to extend students' knowledge about the UK and other English-speaking countries, their poetry, folk and popular songs;

- to develop students' socio - linguistic competence;

- to broaden students' outlook;

- to teach our students to enjoy the communication in English.


Equipment: a laptop, a projector/a TV, posters, maps, flags, emblems, pictures.


I. Introduction

Compere 1: Hello, everybody! Welcome to our Club of Jovial and Ready - Witted Boys and Girls!

Compere 2: And, of course, we are happy to see all of you here today.

Compere 3: As you know, we're going to have a competition between the teams of form 8-A and 8-B.

Compere 4: The topic of our competition is "Do you like English?"


Compere 1: This our respected jury:... Let's gteet them! (Clap your hands!)

Compere 2: They'll watch our competition very attentively, and we hope they'll try their best, to be honest, loyal, tolerant and patient and, of course, loving. The team which will  gain more points will be the winner.

Compere 3: Now it's time to find out the names of the teams. They've chosen their captains. Please, teams, you're welcome! Introduce yourselves!

II. The Contest "The Introduction of the Teams"(5 points)

Compere 4: Name your team, introduce it to the audience, using the words on the blackboard: name, team, captain, motto, emblem.

Team 1: Hi, everybody! My name is... I'm captain of the team called "English Fidgets". Our emblem is "a smiley  with a red rose". Our motto is "The harder we study, the more we know, the happier we are".

Team 2: Hello, everybody! My name is... I'm captain of the team called "English Stars". Our emblem is "a yellow, yellow star in the blue sky". Our motto is "We simply are the best, we are going to beat the rest, we are brighter than Mars, because  we're team of stars ".

III. The Contest "Warming-up"(5 points)

The first task for our team is to agree or disagree with the given statements. If it's true, say it again after the speaker. If it's false, correct it, please. Our teams will do this task one by one. Fans may help.

Team I

1. Cambridge is very popular with tourists. (It's true. Cambridge is...).

2. The National Gallery is in Kyiv. (It's false. The National Gallery is in London.)

3. The flag of the UK is red, white and blue. (It's true. The flag of the UK is red, white and blue.)

4. Lviv is a big city in England. (It's false. Lviv is a big city in Ukraine.)

5. London stands on the river Thames. (It's true. London stands on the river Thames.)

Team II

1. The symbol of England is rose. (It's true. The symbol of England is rose.)

2. Buses are black in England. (It's false. Buses are red in England.)

3. Cambridge is a famous University City. (It's true. Cambridge is a famous University City.)

4. People don't speak English in Australia. (It's false. People speak English in Australia.)

5. The weather is never rainy in England. (It's false. The weather is often rainy in England.)

Compere 1: Before starting our next contest we'd like to give our respected jury the envelopes with some written tasks done by the teams just on the very eve of the Club's friendly competition today. The tasks in the envelopes:

1. Choose or Guess the words (5 points)

2. Find and circle the odd word (5 points)

3.Remember the topical words (10 points)

4. Make up sentences (1 point for each correct sentence)

IV. Compere 2: The Contest "Guess the riddle" (10 points)

The Comperes give riddles in turn:

1. It's small. It's grey. It can't jump. It likes cheese. It doesn't like cats. (a mouse)

2. It's little  or may be big. It's nice. It can jump. It likes mice and little birds. (a cat)

3. It's green. It can jump. It can swim. It can't fly. It lives in water.

(a frog)

4. It's big. It's grey. Its nose is long. It lives in a forest or in a jungle. For example: in India, in Africa. (an elephant)

5. It's tall. It's yellow and brown. Its neck is long. It's...(a giraffe)

6. It has four legs, but it's not an animal. (a table, a desk, a chair)

7. It gives us milk and butter, too. It's very kind and it likes to moo. (a cow)

8. It's brown. It can walk, jump, climb, run, but it can't fly. It lives in Africa. You can see it at the Zoo. (a monkey)

9. It's orange. It lives in the forest. It can walk, run, jump, but it can't fly and swim. It likes hares, rabbits, hens, etc. (a fox)

10. This animal isn't a tailor, but it carries needless with it. (a hedgehog)

V. A Contest - Game "Recall or Guess" (10 points)

Compere 1: Everybody knows that the weather is favourite topic of any conversation in the UK.

Compere 2: Now we'll see which of the teams knows more words on the topic.

Compere 3:

a) Listen and say what I/we/am/are speaking about

(Comperes in turn):

1. This season comes after spring. (summer)

2. We take it not to get wet when it's raining. (an umbrella)

3. When the weather is fine, we say...(It's lovely. It's sunny/clear/fine, etc.)

4. When we don't like the weather, we say...(It's bad/nasty/dull/cloudy, etc.)

5. When do leaves fall from trees to ground? (In autumn)

6. Koalas live in... (Australia).

7. What is the season when nights are long and days are short? (winter)

8. It's usually in the sky after the rain. It has many bright colours, and it's very beautiful. (a rainbow)

9. What season/s brings/bring much fruit? (autumn, summer)

10. What do we wear when the weather it's cold? (a warm jacket, a warm scarf, a warm hat or cap, a fur coat, mittens or gloves, were boots, etc.)

b) Now let's see how well you know London the capital of the UK. We'll show you some pictures of London; Guess the name of the place (10 points):

"The Tower of London"; "Piccadilly Circus"; "Buckingham Palace"; "St. James's Park"; "Tower Bridge"; "Union Jack"; "London Eye"; "Big Ben"; "Trafalgar Square"; etc.

VI. The Contest between the Captains (10 points)

Compere 1:

Now our captains will have some special tasks.

Compere 2: The UK is a very interesting and mysterious country. So let's see what our captains remember about the country the language of which we are learning. We've prepared some questions, and the captains must answer them very quickly without thinking too much. Your teams and fans may support  you and even help you answer the given questions:

1. How many parts are there in the UK? (four)

2. What's the symbol of England? (a red rose)

3. What is Christmas celebrated in the UK? (on the 25-th of December)

4. What's the name of the famous tower clock in London? (Big Ben)

5. What pets are special animals in the UK? (cats, but the English people love their dogs very much)

6. Where does the Queen live in London: in Buckingham Palace or in Westminster Abbey? (in Buckingham Palace)

7. What monument is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square? (a monument to Admiral Nelson)

8. What famous university cities of the UK do you know? (Oxford and Cambridge)

9. What holidays are popular with English children? (Christmas, New Year, Easter, Mother's Day, etc.)

10. What other English-speaking countries do you know? (the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand)

b) Now we'll see how well the captains of the teams know the map of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the map of the world. (The captains show the parts of the UK and the main English-speaking countries on the maps, give their names, etc.) - 10 points

VII. Home Assignment (20-25 points)

Compere 1: Now it's time to check up your home assignment.

Compere 2: Our teams have prepared some songs, poems and rhymes.

Compere 3: We are sure it's the most interesting and enjoyable part of our competition. Who's ready to start?

Compere 4: Oh, we see that team "English Fidgets" is ready to start. They'll start with their favourite rhymes and poems devoted to different aspects of our life, weather, nature, food, school, life, etc.

(All the members of Team 1 recite "When the weather is wet...", then they recite "Winter", because it's their favourite season of the year, while reciting they're showing the audience different pictures of winter; then one by one they recite "Wind and Weather"; "White Sheep"; "Hot Cross Buns"; "Breakfast in the morning..."; "New Year Resolutions", etc.)

Compere 1: Now it's high time for the team's favourite songs. They'll be sung to the accompaniment of the piano.

Compere 2: First, our boys and girls will sing  one of the most popular humorous songs about  Yankee Doodle.

Compere 3: We think it'll be interesting for you to know that the word "Yankee" is derived from the Dutch name "Yan" and "Doodle" from the phrase "Do-little".

Compere 4: The nickname was used by the British for a New Englander in a sense of comtempt.

Compere 1: I'd like to add here that "dandy" was added to the name to stress the shabby clothes of the American soldier.

Compere 2: But in the long run the character of Yankee Doodle changed. So he became a brave boy, full of energy with a fine sense of humour, just like the boys and girls of the team "English Fidgets".

Compere 3: So, listen to the song. You can join in, of course.


                                             " Yankee Doodle"

Yankee Doodle came to town,

Riding on a pony;

They stuck a feather in his cap

And called him Macaroni.

Yankee Doodle doodle doo, Yankee Doodle dandy.

All the lasses think he's sweet,

As sweet as sugar candy.


Compere 4: And now "English Fidgets" will sing a song "English Language". The song may be considered the credo of the team.

All of you may join us.

                                           "English Language"

                         (to the music of  "Пусть бегут неуклюже...")

                      I have a father and mother

                      I have a sister and brother

                      I have also a number of friends,

                      I'm fond of my music

                      I'm crazy of dancing

                     Happy learning

                    My English again.

                     English Language

                     English Language

                     We are speaking once again.

                  It's a pity

                  It's a pity

                  Many yea we've spe in vain.

Compere 1: Now we'll give the word to Team 2 ("English Stars"). They will recite "Six serving men". (I Keep Six Honest)

Compere 2: Everyone who is learning English knows the words "what, why, when, how, where and who", R. Kipling called these words "Six serving Men".

                                      "I  Keep Six Honest..."

                                  I keep six honest serving men

                                 (They Taught me all I knew);

                                  Their names are What and Why and When

                                   And How and Where and Who.

                                   I send them over land and sea,

                                   I send them east and west;

                                   But after they have worked for me,

                                    I give them all a rest.

Compere 2: You've enjoyed the poem, haven't you? - All of you have enjoyed it. It's nice!

Compere 3: And now a song "Up in the sky". It's credo of the team "English Stars". You may join us.

Compere 1: Now the fans and supporters of the teams will show their part of the home assignment. They are going to recite some rhymes, poems and sing and dance for you.

Compere 2: So, "English Fidgets", you are welcome! (The fans of the team recite their favourite weather rhymes, poems about autumn, their favourite season; they show the corresponding pictures; recite "Robin", "Fruit Salad", "What do I like", "Sports"; "I want to live and not to die!".

Compere 3: The songs the fans of the team are going to sing now are very popular with English children:

1. "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"

2. "My Bonnie"

Compere 4: Now our girls will present you with a dance and a song "I'm sending back your roses".

Compere 1: The Fans of the team "English Stars" will act out a popular song "Five Brown Buns".

Compere 2: And now all of us will sing a song "The More we get together...". It's about friendship.

VIII. Summing-up

Compere 3: It's time to sum up the results. While the members of the jury are counting the points, the girls from two teams will present you some very special dances popular with English teenagers. So, enjoy yourselves!

(The girls dance two modern dances.)

T: I'd like all of you to thank our comperes for the great job they've done today and let me present them with some useful working sources of information (dictionaries and the like).

Comperes (in turn): Attention, please! Team I has got... points. Team I I has got... points. So team... has won. Clap your hands! Let's congratulate our winners. Go to the jury and get your prizes. Our fans have got some honorary titles, too. Congratulations!

As today's competition was the first experience of the kind for "English Fidgets", we are going to give them some more prizes, this time, from us, personally, i.e. from comperes...

Thanks to our jury for their fruitful work, and you, our young gentlemen and ladies, go on learning English. Try your best to improve your knowledge of English every day. English is a very beautiful and a universal language. Every educated person must know it. So, "Do you like English" - "Yes, we do".

Raise your head!

Jump up high!

Wave your hand!

And say: "Goodbye!"; "Goodbye!"

And "See you soon!"


















Appendix I

1. (in chorus)

When the weather is wet

We must not fret;

When the weather is cold

We must not scold;

When the weather is warm

We must not storm;

But be thankful together

Whatever the weather.

2. Winter (one by one)

This is a season when mornings are dark,

And birds do not sing in the wood and the park.

This is a season when children ski

And Santa Claus brings the New Year Tree.

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing,

The ground is white

All day and all night.

3. Wind and Weather

The south wind brings wet weather,

The north wind wet and cold together.

The west wind always brings us rain

The east wind blows it back again.

4. White Sheep (Christina Rossetti)

White Sheep, White Sheep

On a blue hill.

When the wind stops

You all stand still.

When the wind blows

You walk away slow,

White Sheep, White Sheep

Where do you go?


5. The Snowbird

The ground was all covered

With snow one day,

And two little sisters

Were busy as play.

A Snowbird was sitting

On a very tall tree

And merrily singing

His chickadee - dee-

Chickadee - dee, chickadee - dee,

And merrily singing

His chickadee - dee.

6. Hot Cross Buns

Hot cross buns.

Hot cross buns,

One a penny,

Two a penny,

Hot cross buns,

If you have no daughters

Give them to your sons.

One a penny,

Two a penny,

Hot cross buns.

7. (2 reciters)

Breakfast in the morning,

Dinner in the day;

Tea comes after dinner,

Then comes time to play.

Supper in the evening

When the sky is red,

Then the day is over

And we go to bed.

(All the reciters demonstrate the corresponding pictures.)


Appendix 2

1. (in chorus)

Whether the weather be fine,

Or whether the weather be not,

Whether the weather be cold,

 Or whether the weather be not,

We'll weather the weather

Whatever the weather,

Whether we like it or not.

2. Autumn (one by one)

This is the season when fruit is sweet.

This is the season when school friends meet.

This is the season when mornings are dark

And birds do not sing in the wood and the park.

The summer i over; the trees all are bare,

There is mist in the garden and frost in the air.


All leaves are yellow and red,

They fall from trees to ground.

The sun is low, seldom bright,

Sometimes it's raining through all night.


I like all trees in autumn time

A maple, a chestnut and a lime.

Their leaves are yellow, red and brown

And they are gently falling down.

(They demonstrate the pictures.)

3. "Robin" (A reciter shows the picture of a robin)

Robin, robin, what a man!

He eats as much as no one can.

He ate a lot of fish; he ate a lot of meat.

He ate a lot of ice-cream and a sweet.

He ate a lot of porridge and ten eggs.

And all the cookies Mother have.

He drank a lot of juice, he ate a cake.

Then said: "I have a stomach-ache"

4. "What Do I Like"

I like ice-cream,

She likes sweets.

I like cookies,

He likes cheese.

I like coffee,

She likes tea.

I love you,

Do you love me?

5. "Sports" (2 reciters)

Sport is fun for girls and boys.

It's much better than the toys.

You can sledge and ski, and skate

And play snowballs with Kate.

You can swim and play football,

Hockey, tennis, basketball.

You can jump and you can run

You can have a lot of fun.

6. (2 reciters)

I want to live and not to die!

I want to love and not to cry!

I want to feel the summer sun.

I want to sing when life is fun.

I want to fly into the blue.

I want to swim as fishes do.

I want to stretch out friendly hands

To all the young of other lands.

I want to live and not to die!

I want to laugh and not to cry!


10 вересня 2021
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