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на тему:

« Brain – ring party. Who Knows English Better? »

D:\Тиждень англійської мови 2018\Картинки\US_UK_flag.jpg


вчитель англійської мови, спеціаліст ІІ кваліфікаційної категорії

Ткаченко Олена Володимирівна


Весела Балка 2018р.

Тема: «Brain – ring party. The Travel Around the UK and the USA»

Мета: - удосконалювати знання, уміння, навички, набуті на уроках англійської мови;

- формувати повагу  до країн, мову яких вивчаємо;

- розвивати комунікативні навички з теми;

  • розвивати мовну здогадку;
  • виховувати позитивне ставлення до вивчення англійської мови;
  • виховувати культуру поведінки учнів на уроці, толерантне ставлення один до одного.

Обладнання: географічні карти Сполученого Королівства Великої Британії та Північної Ірландії, та США, їх визначні місця, відомі письменники; проектор; презентація, картки із завданнями HO1, HO2, HO3, HO4; оцінювальний лист для журі - ДОДАТОК 1.

Класи: 7, 8

Цитата: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”

                              Nelson Mandela



  • Greeting

Slide 1

TEACHER: Good afternoon dear pupils and guests! Today, we’ll have an event dedicated to the English language and some English-speaking countries. Look around, what can you see?

TEACHER: So, as you have already said, we can see the maps, famous writers, famous sights of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America. And today, we will talk about these counties.



TEACHER: You`re welcome to the brain-ring party “Who knows English better?”. Today you have a good chance to demonstrate your knowledge on this topic, your language skills, to widen your outlook and to get pleasure of our contest. The winners will get a present.

TEACHER: Its time to start our contest. We have two teams. They are: “The British” and “Americans”.

TEACHER: Also, we need a jury for our competition. They will follow our competition and announce the results, besides, if we will have some doubtful questions, they will help us. So, I would like to introduce our jury: the chairwoman of the jury is Pshonna Vitalina Victorivna – the headmaster and History teacher; the members of the jury are Usyk Olena Victorivna - World Literature teacher; and Yepyphanovych Serhiy Olexandrovych –Geography teacher.

TEACHER: Let’s start our competition. We will have five rounds, after which we will choose the winner.

TEACHER: The First Round. “The Odd word”

Slide 2

Each team has got a piece of paper with the words. You have to find the odd word in each

line and cross it. The team, which will do this quiz the first will get the add point. Each odd word – 1 point.

Slide 3

 “The British”

  1. red, blue, green, lemon, orange.
  2. car, bicycle, bike, kite, train.
  3. milk, juice, ice-cream, tea, coffee.
  4. sun, cucumber, lemon, banana, smiley.

Slide 4


  1. purple, pink, potato, white, brown.
  2. ball, racket, stadium, sneakers, computer.
  3. pear, tomato, cabbage, peas, onion.
  4. bird, car, airplane, kite, helicopter. 


TEACHER: Thanks teams, let’s listen to the jury.


TEACHER: The Second Round. “Capitals”

Slide 5

In this round you must much the country and its capital. The correct answer – 1 point. The team, which will do this quiz the first will get the add 1 point.

“The British”

  1. French                            a) London
  2. Scotland                         b) Kiev
  3. Spain                              c) Paris
  4. England                          d) Edinburg
  5. Ukraine                          e) Madrid

Slide 6

Answers: 1 – c; 2 – d; 3 – e; 4 – a; 5 – b.


  1. Russia                    a) Berlin
  2. The USA               b) Warsaw
  3. Germany               c) Washington D. C.
  4. Poland                   d) Cardiff
  5. Wales                     e) Moscow

Slide 7

Answers: 1 – e; 2 – c; 3 – a; 4 – b; 5 – d.

TEACHER: So, you did this task perfect and now, let’s listen to jury.

TEACHER: It’s time to start The Third Round. “What do you know about the UK and the USA?”

Slide 8

Both teams have to answer the questions. The British start, Americans follow. If the answer isn’t correct or the team doesn’t know the answer, the other team has got a chance to answer the question. 1 correct answer – 2 points.


10 question for the British.

Slide 9

  1. In which month is Thanksgiving Day celebrate?
  1. in November;
  2. in December;
  3. in September.

Slide 10

  1. What is the largest river in Great Britain?
  1. The Thames;
  2. The Severn;
  3. The Cam.

Slide 11

  1. What colours has the flag of the United Kingdom?
  1. blue, yellow and red;
  2. navy, white and red;
  3. navy and red.

Slide 12

  1. How many nations made up the United Kingdom?
  1. 3;
  2. 2;
  3. 4.

Slide 13

  1. What is the national language of the United Kingdom?
  1. French;
  2. English;
  3. German.

Slide 14

  1. Where is the USA situated?
  1. in Europe;
  2. in the central part of the South American Continent;
  3. in the central part of the North American Continent;

Slide 15

  1. What are the main rivers in the USA?
  1. The Tames and the Severn;
  2. The Dniester;
  3.  The Mississippi, the Colorado, the Columbia.

Slide 16

  1. How many stars are there in the America’s flag?
  1. 40;
  2. 50;
  3. 60.

Slide 17

  1. Birmingham Palace is situated in this country.
  1. Wales;
  2. Scotland;
  3. England.

Slide 18

  1. The Western coast of this country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
  1. Great Britain;
  2. the USA;
  3. Germany.


10 question for Americans.

Slide 19

  1. What is the national flower of England?
  1. a daffodil;
  2. a clove;
  3. a rose.

Slide 20

  1. How many letters are there in the English alphabet?
  1. 32;
  2. 26;
  3. 28.

Slide 21

  1. What nations made up the United Kingdom?
  1. California, Florida, Texas;
  2. England, Wales and Scotland;
  3. England, Wales, Scotland and the Northern Ireland.

Slide 22

  1. What is the capital of the United Kingdom?
  1. Cardiff;
  2. Edinburg;
  3. London.

Slide 23

  1. What part of the world is situated The United Kingdom?
  1. Europe;
  2. Asia;
  3. Africa.

Slide 24

  1. How many states are there in the USA?
  1. 40;
  2. 50;
  3. 60.

Slide 25

  1. Who discovered America?
  1. Isaac Newton;
  2. George Bush;
  3. Christopher Columbus.

Slide 26

  1. Where is the Statue of Liberty?
  1. in the UK;
  2. in the USA;
  3. in the UA.

Slide 27

  1. What is the Union Jack?
  1. the name of the flag of the USA;
  2. the name of the flag of the UK;
  3. the name of the famous place in Great Britain.

Slide 28

  1. What is the most famous universities in England?
  1. Oxford and Cambridge;
  2. Edinburg and Birmingham;
  3. Manchester and Liverpool.

TEACHER: Thanks teams, let’s listen to the jury.

TEACHER: Let’s go to The Fourth Round. “Proverbs”

Slide 29

I’ll give you some cards with the famous English proverbs and you must translate them into Ukrainian. 1 correct proverb – 5 points.

Slide 30


  1. The more we study, the more we know. (Чим більше ми вчимо, тим більше ми знаємо)
  2. Beauty will save the world. (Краса врятує світ)
  3. Actions speak louder than words. (Дії говорять більше ніж слова)
  4. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. (Ніколи не відкладай на завтра те, що можна зробити сьогодні)

Slide 31


“The British”

  1. Who knows most, speaks least. (Хто знає багато, говорить мало)
  2. If you never try, you will never know. (Якщо ти ніколи не спробуєш, ти ніколи не знатимеш)
  3. Better late than never. (Краще пізно, ніж ніколи)
  4. All languages are good if they are spoken in a human way. (Всі мови хороші, якщо ними говорити по-людськи)


TEACHER: I hope we will follow these proverbs in our life. And now, let’s listen to jury.

TEACHER: Finally, we come to the last, The Fifth Round. “Captains”

Slide 32

The captains of both teams get a card with the words. They have to guess the rhyme to each word. Each correct rhyme – 1 point.

Slide 33

“The British”  / “Americans”


  1. pie – eye, by, cry, fly
  2. phone – bone, stone, own
  3. book – look, cook, took
  4. bad – sad, red, head, dad
  5. cat – rat, sat, get, flat, that


ІІІ. Ending

TEACHER: So, we have already finished all the rounds. And till the jury will count the total points, I would like you listen to the song, which will sing the pupils Anastasia and Olha Usyk, Victoriia Krul by Stevie Wonder “I Just Called to Say I Love You”

TEACHER: Thank you, girls. Now, let’s listen to the chairwoman of the jury – Natalia Olexandrivna.

TEACHER: So, we can congratulate the team with the victory. We’re thankful to our teams, jury and our guests.

TEACHER: I would like to finish our contest with the words of Henry Ford:

Slide 34

Coming together is beginning,

Keeping together is progress,

Working together is success!

Slide 35

Good luck, friends, and Good Bye!


















The First Round. “The Odd word”

“The British”

  1.        red, blue, green, lemon, orange.
  2.        car, bicycle, bike, kite, train.
  3.        milk, juice, ice-cream, tea, coffee.
  4.        sun, cucumber, lemon, banana, smiley.





The First Round. “The Odd word”


  1.        purple, pink, potato, white, brown.
  2.        ball, racket, stadium, sneakers, computer.
  3.        pear, tomato, cabbage, peas, onion.
  4.        bird, car, airplane, kite, helicopter. 




The Second Round. “Capitals”

 “The British”

  1. French                            a) London
  2. Scotland                         b) Kiev
  3. Spain                              c) Paris
  4. England                          d) Edinburg
  5. Ukraine                          e) Madrid



The Second Round. “Capitals”


  1. Russia                    a) Berlin
  2. The USA               b) Warsaw
  3. Germany               c) Washington D. C.
  4. Poland                   d) Cardiff
  5. Wales                     e) Moscow


The Fourth Round. “Proverbs”


  1. The more we study, the more we know.


  1. Beauty will save the world.


  1. Actions speak louder than words.


  1. Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.




The Fourth Round. “Proverbs”

“The British”

  1. Who knows most, speaks least.


  1. If you never try, you will never know.


  1. Better late than never.


  1. All languages are good if they are spoken in a human way.



The Fifth Round. “Captains”



  1.              pie – _______________________________
  2.              phone – _____________________________
  3.              book – _____________________________
  4.              bad – _______________________________
  5.              cat – _______________________________


The Fifth Round. “Captains”

“The British”

  1. pie – _______________________________
  2. phone – _____________________________
  3. book – _____________________________
  4. bad – _______________________________
  5. cat – _______________________________


Назва конкурсу



  1.  «Зайве слово»





  1.  «Столиці»






  1.  «Що ви знаєте про Сполучене Королівство» та США?»



  1.  «Прислів’я»





  1.  «Капітани»





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