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Номер слайду 1

English Tea Drinking Traditions

Номер слайду 2

Five o’clock tea

Номер слайду 3

Catherine of Braganza

Номер слайду 4

Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford

Номер слайду 5

Low Tea

Номер слайду 6

Types of Low Tea. Cream Tea (tea, fresh baked scones, jam and cream)Light Tea (tea, scones and sweets)Full Tea (tea, savories, scones, sweets and dessert)

Номер слайду 7

How to make English tea. Step 1: Select a good quality brand tea.

Номер слайду 8

Step 2: Boil the water

Номер слайду 9

Step 3: Warm the teapot with hot water first

Номер слайду 10

Step 4: Add one teaspoon for tea per cup plus one extra teaspoon for the pot

Номер слайду 11

Step 5: Pour boiling water Step 6: Wait!

Номер слайду 12

Step 7: Place the tea strainer over the top of the cup and pour the tea in.

Номер слайду 13

Step 8: Add milk and sugar to taste

Номер слайду 14

Enjoy your tea!

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з англійської мови

для учнів 8 класу

“English Tea Drinking Traditions”








Тема: English Tea Drinking Traditions



  • розширювати соціокультурні знання учнів через знайомство з особливостями вживання чаю в Англії;
  • познайомити з чайним етикетом;
  • сприяти зміцненню знань про традиції та звичаї країни, мова якої вивчається.


  • розвивати творчі та мовленнєві здібності учнів;
  • сприяти розвитку навичок роботи в групі.


  • виховувати поважне ставлення до способу життя інших народів;
  • виховувати позитивне ставлення до англійської мови.

Обладнання: два сервірованих столи, мультимедійний проектор.













Вступне слово вчителя:

Good afternoon. I am glad to see everybody.

We are living in a quickly changing world with numerous problems now, people often feel left and lonely. But it shouldn’t be so. There should be such a place, where a person can feel comfortable, cozy and such comfort is usually established with the help of family, its customs and traditions. There is a “five-o-clock” tea tradition in England. I hope it will be interesting for you to learn some facts about it. (слайд 1)

1-й ведучий: Traditional tea time in England is late afternoon, when world-famous 5 o’clock tea is served. Five o’clock tea is a ceremony, a work of art. It is not only about a perfect combination of the tablecloth, the napkins, the flowers, the vases and the tea set; it means a certain way of behaving and talking too. But tea is also drunk in the morning and during the day because the English believe it to be healthy and refreshing. (слайд 2)

2-й ведучий: Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world. By the way, do you like it?

(Відповіді учнів та гостей)

For centuries people believed that tea could cure illnesses, they used it as medicine. Today scientists know that tea contains chemicals that prevent cells from dying.

I am sure it will be interesting for you to know when the British started drinking tea.

(Виходять хлопець та дівчина у костюмах ХVII сторіччя)

Хлопець: Despite the fact that tea drinking is considered English, the British were actually one of the last countries in Europe to try tea.

Дівчина:  Tea first arrived in Britain in 1662 when King Charles II married the Portuguese princess, Catherine of Braganza. Catherine brought tea chests to England as part of her wedding dowry and soon popularized the custom of taking tea at court. (слайд 3)

Хлопець: And many years later tea drinking became still more popular, once again, thanks to the Royal Family. Afternoon tea was introduced in England by Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford, in the year 1840. (слайд 4)

Дівчина:  She is said to have complained of “having that sinking feeling” during the late afternoon. At the time it was usual for people to take only main meals a day, breakfast, and dinner at around 8 o’clock in the evening. The solution for the Duchess was a pot of tea and a light snack, taken privately in her boudoir during the afternoon.

Хлопець: Later friends were invited to join her in her rooms and this practice proved so popular that the Duchess continued it, sending cards to her friends asking them to join her for “tea and a walking the fields”. Other social hostess quickly picked up on the idea.

(Виходять дві дівчини у ролі домогосподарок 60-х років та сідають біля маленького столика)

Перша домогосподарка: Afternoon tea, because it was usually taken in the late afternoon, is also called “low tea” because it was usually taken in a sitting room or withdrawing room where low tables were placed near sofas or chairs. (слайд 5)

Друга домогосподарка: There are three basic types of Afternoon , or Low tea; differing by the foods served. Aside from tea,

Cream Tea offers fresh baked scones, jam and cream.

Light Tea features tea, scones and sweets.

Full Tea offers tea, savories (tiny sandwiches), scones, sweets and dessert.

 (слайд 6)

Перша домогосподарка: In England, the traditional time for tea was four o’clock and no one stayed after seven o’clock. Most tea rooms today serve tea from three to five o’clock.

Друга домогосподарка: The menu has also changed from tea, bread, butter and cakes, to include three particular courses served specifically in this order:

savories – tiny sandwiches or appetizers,

scones – scones served with jam or cream,

pastries – cakes, cookies, shortbread and sweets.

3-й ведучий: It’s high time to find out how to make perfect English tea.

(учень підходить до сервірованого столу)

Make sure you have all the necessary items: napkins, a tea pot, cups, saucers, dessert plates, a jug with milk, a tea strainer with a saucer for it, a sugar bowl, a small vase with flowers and a serving tray with at least two levels on which to display the sweet and savory snacks.

(учень демонструє процес заварювання чаю)

  • Select a good quality brand tea.
  • Boil the water.
  • Warm the teapot with hot water first (fill it, and then drunk it out).
  • Add one teaspoon оf tea per cup plus one extra teaspoon for the pot.
  • Pour boiling water and stir briefly. It is essential that the water is boiling, in order to release all the flavor of the tea.
  • Wait! The tea needs time to develop its flavor, 3 or 5 minutes.
  • Place the tea strainer over the top of the cup and pour the tea in.
  • Add milk and sugar to taste.
  • Enjoy your tea!

(Слайди 7-13)

4-й ведучий: Do you like to drink tea with lemon or milk?

(Відповіді учнів та гостей)

Let’s talk about the habit of putting milk in tea.

5-й ведучий: Tea is traditionally served with lemon or milk. It used to be drunk black without anything in it, but as people became more in a hurry they added milk to drink more quickly. It is possible that milk was used to cool the tea down when the hostess did not want to have her guests for too long.

4-й ведучий: Another explanation of milk in tea is the fear to break the delicate porcelain that teacups were made of. Real porcelain does not normally break but early examples of British porcelain cups sometimes fell apart. It was safer to put some milk first to reduce the temperature of the tea so the cups did not break.

5-й ведучий: Besides, milk helps to determine the quality of tea. The perfect cup of tea will have a dark orange-brown look once the milk has been added  

(Виходять четверо учнів. Двоє учнів розповідають правила етикету, а двоє інших сідають за стіл та демонструють ці правила)

Дівчина: Just like the royalty and upper class did in the original tea parties, it is important to use proper etiquette. Here are a few party etiquette tips to remember.

Хлопець: The host or hostess can share the job of pouring the tea with close friends, but he or she should always pour the first cup.

Дівчина: If you like to have milk in you tea, add it to the teacup before the tea is poured. Also, do not use lemon in your tea if you are also using milk to avoid curdling of the milk.

Хлопець: Don’t take the sugar cubes with your fingers. Use the special sugar tongs.

Дівчина: Hold the handle of the teacup using your thumb and your first one or two fingers. There is no need to stick out your pinky. Never wrap your hand around the cup or set the cup in the palm of your hand.

Хлопець: A spoon may be used to stir your tea and it should be done quietly without clinking the teacup. After you have stirred, place your spoon on the right side of the saucer.

Дівчина: Take small, quite sips of your tea. Do not blow on the tea if it is too hot.

Хлопець: When you are not drinking tea, place the cup on the saucer.

Дівчина: Good form dictates that the plate should be raised with the left hand, while the teacup should be held with the right hand.

Хлопець: Don’t leave the slice of lemon in the cup as you sip your tea. It should be removed beforehand.

Дівчина: It is fine to eat most of the foods with your fingers, taking small bites; however, use a fork when trying to eat messy foods.

Хлопець: Food placed on a tired stand is to be eaten in a certain order, from top to bottom.

Дівчина: And one more: during drinking tea Englishmen speak only about pleasant things.

(Учні, які сидять за столом, починають свій діалог)

  • The weather is great, isn’t it?
  • Yes. It’s absolutely beautiful today.
  • I wish it was like this more frequently.
  • Me too.
  • So what are you going to do this Saturday?
  • I’m going to meet a friend of mine at the department store.
  • Going to do a little shopping?
  • Yes, I have to buy some presents for my parents.
  • What’s the occasion?
  • It’s their anniversary.
  • That’s great. Do you need any help?
  • Sure. Good idea!

Заключне слово вчителя: To sum up, I’m sure such long lasting traditions unite people, make their life bright, happy and positive. People can overcome their difficulties easily. They join different generations together. In short, the more good traditions people have the more friendly they can be.

And now we invite everybody to Tea drinking. You are welcome!














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