Урок з англійської мови “My favorite toys»

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку з англійської мови для 1-го класу НУШ за підручником Smiling Sam
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Theme: “My favorite toys»


  • to introduce and practice the pronouns ‘his’, ‘her’
  •  to practice letters ‘Aa’ and ‘Bb’
  • to practice structure ‘What is this?’; ‘It is a …’
  • to develop pupils writing and reading skills;
  • to develop a creative way of  thinking;
  • to develop students' speed and thinking, their memory, speech response, sustained attention, ability to transfer knowledge and skills to a new language situation;
  • to encourage pupils in speaking English;
  • to enrich pupil’s knowledge and vocabulary, concerning the theme.

Equipment: cards, crossword, audio-player, video-player, pupils book


I. Greeting                                                                                                                             

1. Greeting

- Good morning, children! I am glad to see you. Today I am going to be your English teacher, my name is .... Today you will continue talking about toys, but now let’s sing a “Hello song”!

2. Warm-up

- Look at the blackboard you can see a capital letters A and B. Please say them out loud.  Repeat please. Let's make these letters out of our body. You can see example on the screen.

3. Aim

 Look! I have a magic box. Do you remember what is inside? This is a toys. Today you’ll revise the names of toys and practise the use of them in games and exercises.  And now let’s start our lesson

II. The main part of the lesson

1. Game “What is this?” (по черзі показую дітям іграшки які вони вже знають із запитанням  What is this?)

- What is this?

- This is a doll.

- What is this?

- This is a plane.

- What is this?


- But that is not all. I have some more toys. Do you want see them? (починаю показувати нові іграшки)

- This is a kite. Repeat with me kite.

- This is a bike. Repeat - bike

- This is a teddy. Repeat - teddy

- This is a bunny. Repeat - bunny

- Well- done! Moving on.

2. Practise. Game “ She or He” (поділити дошку на 2 частини She – He)

- Now you get stickers, girls - pink, boys – blue.You should stick the stickers of girls  to the side She and boys to the side He. ( Усвідомлення різниці між he та she)

3. Work in book

- Look on the book.  ‘This is Meg.’ ‘She is a girl.’ ‘This is Ted. He is a boy.’

Be attentive!

This is Meg. Her doll is pink.   This is Ted. His bike is blue.

Her kite is orange and white.  His bear is brown

- Listen again and point to each character and object in book. (Діти слухають і показують на предмет та персонажа про якого говориться)

- В англійській мові коли хочемо сказати про належність предмету, тобто чиє воно то використовуємо слова her та his. Якщо річ належить дівчинці то говоримо her (її), а якщо хлопчику то – his (його)

5. Physical activity

- Now let’s do a short physical activity

Clap, clap, clap your hands,

Clap your hands together.

Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,

Stamp your feet together.

Spin, spin, spin around,

Spin around together.

Wink, wink, wink your eyes

Wink your eyes together.

Dance, dance, dance about,

Dance about together.

Shake, shake, shake your hands,

Shake your hands together.

Smile, smile at your friends,

Let us smile together

5. Work in Activity Book

- Now open your activity book on page 44. (Chose and draw. Than say)

- Look ‘This is Ann.’ ‘She is a girl.’ ‘This is Bill. He is a boy.’ You must choose some toys for Ann and draw in her box and must choose some toys for Bill and draw in his box. For exemple: (дивляться в мій зошит) This is Ann. Her kite is orange. Her doll is pink. This is Bill. His bell is yellow./etc/

 6.Song «Toys»

 And now let’s sing a song with me about toys. (співають і показують на предмети в книжці про які співають)


Toys, toys

For girls and boys,

Come and see

Play with me.

A car, a bike and a ball,

A teddy, a bunny and a lovely doll.

Toys, toys

For girls and boys,

Come and see

Play with me!

- Great!



ІІІ. Summing-up

1. Feed back

T: - What is this?

What color is Meg`s doll?

And Ted`s bike?

2. Homework

Your homework, to study new words.

3. Summing-up

- What did we do at our lesson?

- OK, the lesson is over. You were great today. Bye, bye!


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Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
24 лютого 2021
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