Виховний захід "Friendship"

Про матеріал
виховний захід покликаний розвивати навички говоріння на основі розповіді про дружбу, обговорити принципи, на яких тримається справжня дружба, виховати найкращі почуття щодо дружби і намагатися самому стати другом, усвідомити, що відданий друг-це справжнє багатство
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Тема: True friend is a real treasure.

Мета: розвивати навички говоріння на основі розповіді про дружбу, обговорити принципи, на яких тримається справжня дружба, виховати найкращі почуття щодо дружби і намагатися самому стати другом, усвідомити, що відданий друг-це справжнє багатство.

Обладнання: роздатки, презентація до уроку, ватман, маркери.


I. Greeting. Organization moment.

II. Warming up. Aims.

Teacher. Friendship is really a very important feeling in the life of any person. Friends make our life more interesting. I think everybody should have a friend in this world. But imagine the situation: your friend has told you a lie and you soon discovered it. What would you do? How would you behave in such a situation?

Pupil 1: I would leave him.

Pupil 2: I would find out the reason.

Pupil 3. I would quarrel with him.

Pupil 4: I would forgive him.

Teacher: Of course, people are different in character and behaviour. That's why your reaction would be different. But today we'll try to find out the idea of true friendship and how to make loyal friends.

III. Proverbs (учні перекладають прислів’я про дружбу та ілюструють їх діалогами).

Teacher: I would like to draw your attention to the folk wisdom. There are a lot of proverbs about friendship. Let's remember some of them.

  1. False friends are worse than open enemies.
  2. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
  3. Treasure is not friends, but a friend is a treasure.
  4. They are rich who have true friends.
  5. When a friend asks there is no tomorrow.

Teacher: The next task is to illustrate the proverbs. Some of you had to prepare the dialogues about friendship. Others have to guess which proverb is suitable for this situation.

  • Hi! Why are you so sad?
  • My friend Vlad let me down at the Maths lesson.
  • How is that?
  • I was copying from my neighbour's exercise book and he told our teacher about it. She punished me.
  • Oh, that's too bad. It was an unfriendly thing to do. You shouldn't make friends with him. He is not you friend.


  • I am so sorry.
  • Thanks!
  • You just don't worry about the homework. I will come up to the teachers and inform them that you lost your granny. You are mourning.
  • Oh, that's very kind of you.
  • Don't mention it. That's Ok.


  • Hello, what are you doing?
  • I am reading a book. But it doesn't make a happy reading. I hear you are sad and frustrated. What's happened?
  •  I have lots of friends, but they are are somewhere playing and didn't invite me.
  • It's kind of offensive to be at home on such a nice sunny day. Go out and have fun!


  • I am in trouble. A am not good at Maths and tomorrow there will be a test.
  • Take it easy. I will help you. Let's meet at my place and do Maths.
  • Oh, cool! And I will help you with English. How lucky we are!


  • What's our hometask in Ukrainian?
  • To write a composition on the topic. "What does the war mean to you"
  • will you help me? I have no idea what to write my mind is a blank page.
  • I am busy, but I will be able to before time for you.
  • Thanks a lot.

VI. Brainstorming.

Teacher: Make a spidergram "What friendship means". (учні роблять асоціативну карту на тему що для них означає дружба)




VII. Group work (робота в групах одна група записує позитивні емоції, друга негативні)

Teacher: Work in groups and write down the words, denoting emotions friendship can arouse in us. 1 group takes positive emotions, 2 group negative.

Positive (warmth, optimism, loyalty, confidence, generosity, frankness, happiness, trust)

Negative (pessimism, tension, weakness, despair, insecurity)

VII. Reading (в процесі читання учні вибирають принципи на яких базується дружба).

Teacher: Identify the principles of true friendship.

 The richest people in the world are not those with the most money, but those with close friends, sincere friendship is truly the priceless gift. Our deepest need is friendship. We all need friendship no matter how wealthy or successful we are. Through friendship there comes hope when we are discouraged, comfort when we are hurt, advice when we are needed. If we want friend we ourselves must be friendly. In fact, the only way to have a friend is to be one. There are many principles of friendship. A friend is one you can total rely on. You can share your deepest feelings, thoughts and fears, and always expect understanding. So you must be open. Loyalty is another ingredient of friendship. The closer people get to know each other the deeper they may hurt each other. Remember that trust once broken is hard to restore. One more vital characteristic of friendship is care. There are may ways to express it. An approving look, an appreciative touch or just being together. Honesty is another attribute of friendship. We ought to be frank. Friendship demands selflessness and time. But the treasure we receive back is immeasurable compared to the price we pay.

VIII. Speaking (учні називають і записують на дошці принципи справжньої дружби).

What are the main principles of true friendship? Write them on the board.

(Openness frankness care loyalty honesty selflessness)

IX. Pair work (робота в парах, учні мають поєднати частини речень)

Find out what person can be a true friend. Match two halves of the sentences.

  1. A friend shares with you ...
  2. A friend sees the best in you ...
  3. A friend believes you first ...
  4. A friend brings out the best in you, ...
  5. A friend is someone you can always depend on, ...
  6. A friend can tell when you need a hug ...
  7. A friend never passes up the chance ...
  8. A friend understands you ...
  9. A friend tells you when you are about ...
  1. even when you're not showing.
  2. and doesn't hesitate to offer it to you.
  3. when you see little to laugh about.
  4. and rumours second.
  5. to encourage you.
  6. even chocolate.
  7. to make a mistake.
  8. even when you don't deserve it.
  9. but doesn't insist on the credit.
  10. even when you don't.

  1. A friend makes you laugh ...

X. Listening practice (учні переглядають жартівливе відео про інгредієнти справжньої дружби і записують їх на дошці).

Teacher:  Watch the video "Recipe of friendship soup" and say what ingredients are needed.

XI. Making associations (учням пропонується закрити очі і порівняти дружбу з якимось природним явищем).

Teacher. Close your eyes and try to associate friendship with something. What is it? Tell us.

Pupil 1: Friendship for me is like the sea. When friends understand each other it is calm and warm. But when friends quarrel, it is stormy and cold.

Pupil 2: I imagine friendship like spring. It can be sunny and pleasant with tiny leaves and flowers. But sometimes it is nasty and first flowers can die.

XII. Speaking (учням пропонується розповісти про своїх справжніх друзів)

XIII. Feedback (рефлексія).

Вчитель: Що було темою нашого уроку? Які  принципи справжньої дружби ви будете використовувати в житті?

24 лютого 2021
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