Позакласний захід з англійської мови "Merry Winter Celebrations"

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Позакласний захід з англійської мови "Merry Winter Celebrations" можна використати в рамках проведення тижня англійської мои у школі чи Новорічних святкових вечорів та ранків.
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( Проведення тижня англійської мови у школі )

















Позакласний захід


вчитель англійської  мови

Лисятицького ліцею

 Мураль М.В.





Pupil 1. Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen.


Pupil 2. Hello, dear boys and girls! We are glad to see you here, at our party.


Pupil 1. It is winter now, one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. Many people like this season very much. The snow is glittering in the sun. Nature is beautiful and magic.


Pupil 2. In winter we celebrate such holidays as New Year’s Day, Christmas and one more holiday that we always look forward to – Saint Valentine’s Day.


Pupil 1. Many people and even fairy-tale characters wish to meet Santa Claus or Father Christmas on the New Year’s Day and they expect him to bring changes into the New Year and into their lives, as well.


Pupil 2. So, now we want to perform “The New Year Adventure” for you. Look, listen and enjoy.


The New Year Adventure



  • Alice
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • A mother of Little Red Riding Hood
  • The Wolf
  • Cinderella
  • Stepmother and her two daughters
  • Gerda and Kay
  • A Grandmother
  • A Man in black
  • Fox and Cat
  • Pinocchio
  • Santa Claus


Scene I


Звучить музика – “Вальс-фантазія”. Виходить Аліса.

Alice. Where am I? Oh, how many children there are in the hall. Good afternoon, children! I’m glad to see you. You know, I am going to Santa Claus. He lives far, far away. But the New Year is coming. I’d like Santa Claus to be with us.

Music. Alice is going.

Alice. Who is this little pretty girl?

Little Red Riding Hood. My name is Little Red Riding Hood.

Mother. Little Red Riding Hood, Little Red Riding Hood! Where are you?

Little Red Riding Hood. I am here, mother. What’s the matter?

Mother. Little Red Riding Hood! Today is your grandmother’s birthday. Take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.

Little Red Riding Hood. All right, mother.

Mother. Don’t speak to anybody. Don’t stop in the wood. Don’t pick any flowers or mushrooms there.

Little Red Riding Hood. All right, mother. Good-bye!

Mother. Good-bye, darling.

Мама виходить. Звучить музика, Червона Шапочка іде лісом.

Little Red Riding Hood. How nice it is in the wood. There are many trees, flowers and mushrooms there. I’ll pick some flowers for my Granny.

The Wolf appears.

The Wolf. Good morning, Little Red Riding Hood!

Little Red Riding Hood. Good morning, Mr Wolf.

The Wolf. Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

Little Red Riding Hood. I am going to my grandmother. It’s her birthday today. I take a cake, some apples and a jug of honey to her.

The Wolf. Where does she live?

Little Red Riding Hood. She lives in a little house in the wood near the river.

The Wolf. Is it far from here?

Little Red Riding Hood. No, it is not.

The Wolf. Well, good-bye, Little Red Riding Hood. I am in a hurry.

Little Red Riding Hood. Good-bye, Mr Wolf.

The Wolf disappears, Alice is on the stage.

Alice. Oh, Little Red Riding Hood, be careful!

Little Red Riding Hood. But why?

Alice. Because the Wolf can eat your grandmother. Run to the hunters! They can help you to save your Granny!

Little Red Riding Hood. Thanks a lot. I’m running!

Alice. I hope it will be all right with Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother. But it’s time for me to go.



Scene II


Alice. Oh, I am so tired. Look! Such a nice house!

Стіл у кімнаті. Попелюшка стоїть біля столу. Годинник б’є п’яту.

Cinderella. Oh, it’s five o’clock. My sisters are going to the king’s ball tonight. I must sweep the floor. There will be music at the ball. I love music so much! (Sings a song.)


Music on the mountains,

Music on the air,

Music in the true heart,

Music everywhere.

Music by the fireside,

Music in the hall,

Music in the room,

Music for us all.


The bell is ringing. I must go and open the door.

Cinderella goes to the door. Her stepmother with her two daughters enter the room.

Stepmother. Quick, quick, Cinderella! Is dinner ready? We must go to the ball soon.

Cinderella. Yes, Mother, it is ready.


Усі сідають за стіл.

First sister. The soup is cold.

Second sister. The soup is salty.

Stepmother. You, lazy girl! Bring the fish!

First sister. There is no salt in the fish!

Second sister. The fish is cold too!

Stepmother. Take it away, you lazy girl! (До дочок – лагідно.)   Now, my dears, it’s time to dress for the ball.

First sister. Cinderella, bring me my red dress!

Second sister. Bring me my blue dress!

Stepmother. Bring me my black dress!

First sister. Where are my shoes?

Second sister. Bring me my stockings!

Stepmother. Where are my gloves, Cinderella? You bad girl!

Cinderella. Here are your shoes and stockings and gloves, Mother.

First sister. How pretty I am in my new dress!

Second sister. The prince will dance with me. I am sure.

Stepmother. Come, my dear girls! We are late.

Попелюшка сидить, сумує.

Cinderella. It is nine o’clock. My sisters are at the king’s ball. They are dancing. It must be so beautiful.

Music. Alice enters the room.

Alice. Don’t cry, Cinderella. I’m going to Santa Claus. He will help you. Good-bye!

Cinderella.  Good-bye!

Звучить музика. Аліса іде по сцені, підходить до кімнати, де стоїть стіл та два гарні кущі – білих та червоних троянд.



Scene III


Gerda. My name is Gerda. This is my brother Kay.

The sound of creaking stairs.

Gerda. What is it?

Kay. Somebody is coming. It’s our Granny. Let’s frighten her and hide somewhere.

They hide under the table. The man in black enters the room.

Kay. Bow-wow-wow!

Gerda. Miaow-miaow!

Man. Why are you shouting, you silly children!

Gerda. We are very sorry. We thought you were our Granny.

Man. What nonsense! I am not your Granny! Where are the roses? They are rather beautiful.

An old woman comes into the room.

Kay. Granny!

Granny. My dear children…

Man. Good evening, madam.

Granny. Good evening, sir. What can I do for you? Who are you?

Man. I am the King’s Counsellor. I want to buy your roses.

Granny. Do you like flowers so much?

Man. Not at all. I hate them.

Granny. Why do you want to buy our roses?

Man. I buy rarities. In winter flowers are rare. Here are ten pounds for your roses.

Granny. I am not going to sell the roses.

Man. Twenty pounds.

Granny. No.

Man. Thirty… fifty… one hundred…

Granny. No.

Man. Two hundred pounds.

Granny. No.

Man. You are crazy old woman.

Kay. Don’t shout at our Granny. She is so kind.

Gerda. Yes, yes, don’t shout at her.

Man. Well, I am leaving, but I’ll tell about you to the Snow Queen.

He leaves the room.

Kay. What an angry man!

Gerda. Snow Queen… Granny, who is she?

Granny. The Snow Queen lives in the North. She is very beautiful, but very cruel.

Alice (entering the room). Don’t be afraid of her. Santa Claus will help you.

Granny, Gerda, Kay. Thank you, a good girl.


Alice. It’s high time for me to go. I see a Cat and a Fox. It’s strange.



Scene IV


Fox. Little girls, little boys! Come and buy our little toys!

Cat. Bears and dolls, hares and balls! They see a boy with a long nose.

Fox. Good afternoon, Pinocchio!

Pinocchio. Good afternoon! And who are you?

Fox. I am a fox. My name is Alice.

Cat. I am a cat. My name is Bazilio. Where are you going?

Pinocchio. I have a lot of money. I want to buy a book.

Cat, Fox. What for?

Pinocchio. I want to go to school.

Fox. Don’t go to school. I lost my leg at school.

Cat. Don’t go to school. I lost my eye at school.

Cat, Fox. It’s better to go with us.

Pinocchio. Where are you going?

Cat. You’ll see.

Fox. Look, there is a large field. It is a magic field. Put your money into a little hole and tomorrow you will see..

Pinocchio. See what?

Fox. A beautiful tree with a lot of gold coins in it.

Pinocchio. Thank you. Bye-bye, my friends.

Cat, Fox. Bye-bye.

Кіт та лисиця виходять, звучить музика. Піноккіо риє ямку і кладе гроші.

Cat, Fox (у масках). Your money or your life!

Cat. Give us your money!

Fox. We’ll kill you!

Cat. Kill you! (Забирає гроші.)

Fox (відбирає гроші в Кота). It’s my money!

Cat. My money, mine!

Вони залишають Піноккіо, який плаче.

Alice. You are such a naughty boy. It’s better for you to go to your father, he is waiting for you.

Pinocchio (іде). Oh, what shall I do? How can I get to Santa Claus?

Виходять всі дійові персонажі разом із Санта Клаусом. Звучить музика.





Santa Claus. Don’t worry, Alice. I am here with your friends. I’ll help you to organize a holiday. I wish you a happy New Year. I wish all children and our guests a happy holiday.





Jingle bells, jingle bells,

Jingle all the way.

Oh what fun it is to ride

In a one-horse open sleigh.


Dashing thro’ the snow,

In a one-horse open sleigh,

O’er the fields we go,

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bob-tail ring,

Making spirits bright,

What fun it is to ride and sing

A sleighing song tonight. Oh!

(Repeat first verse)



Pupil 1. There’s one more holiday in winter which is loved by young people. I think it is the most wonderful holiday of the year – Saint Valentine’s Day.


Pupil 2. And it is a special day for people in love. It is a very good day for flower shops, chocolate shops and card shops. Boys send cards to their girls, girls send cards to their boyfriends.


Pupil 1. Love! Happiness! Beauty! There are not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of Love.


Pupil 2. I think it is a high time to play a game. We invite 3 couples here. The game is “I understand my darling by the gesture”.

   So, please, be active… Who else? Three couples are needed. One more couple. Who wants? One more couple is needed. OK. Let’s start.


   The girls receive the envelopes with some tasks. They must show these tasks with the help of gestures and the boys will have to guess. Every correct answer deserves one point.                

  1. I want to dance and sing.
  2. Present me flowers.
  3. I’d like an ice-cream.

… You are the winners of this game. Receive our congratulations. Thank you.


Pupil 1. You know that people can fall in love at any age and at any time. The heroes of one famous book will try to prove it.



Scene “Sleeping Beauty”


Main Characters:

  • Narrator
  • 13th Wise Woman
  • King
  • Queen
  • Princess Rosamond (the Sleeping Beauty)
  • Peddler
  • Prince


Part I

 “A Gift for the Princess”

Time. Long ago.


Place. The Palace of the King and Queen.


Narrator. Long ago, in a land far away, there lived a king and queen. They were very happy. They had a new baby, Princess Rosamond. They invited many people to the palace for a party.


King. My good friends, we are very happy. We invited twelve wise women. We have twelve chairs for these women to sit in.


Queen. Yes, my friend, we are glad to see you. You are going to see the princess.


Narrator. Each of the twelve wise women had a gift for the princess. The 12th wise woman was giving the princess the gift of beauty. Suddenly the 13th wise woman came into the room. The King forgot to invite her.


King. Oh, dear! We are glad to see you. We’ll find a chair for you.


13th Wise Woman. I am very angry. And I’ve got a special gift for the princess. At the age of 16 the princess will prick her finger on a spindle. She will fall asleep for 100 years.  (She laughs and leaves.)


Narrator. The years went by. One day, Princess Rosamond was walking about the palace. She came to a house and found a small room at the top of it. Inside the room, an old woman was sitting.


Rosamond. What are you doing?


13th Wise Woman. I am making cloth. Would you like to learn how to spin?


Rosamond. Yes, I would.


13th Wise Woman. Good! I will show you how. Put one finger here.


Rosamond. Like this? Ouch! My finger! I feel so tired and sleepy!


13th Wise Woman. Yes, my beauty. It is the time to sleep. (She laughs and leaves.)


Narrator. So, Princess Rosamond fell asleep. The King and Queen and every person in the palace fell into a deep sleep, too. And for 100 years every person in the palace slept.



Part II

“A Kiss of the Prince”

Time. 100 years later.


Place. Outside and inside the palace of the King and Queen.


Narrator. The forest was like a big fence made of trees. It covered the palace. Then one day a prince came from another country. He saw a peddler by the side of the road. The prince stopped to talk.


Prince. Hello. What are you selling?


Peddler. I am selling bread today. Would you like some fresh bread?


Prince. No, thank you. But I would like a drink of water.


Peddler. Here, you can have a drink of my water. Who are you? Where are you from?


Prince. I am a prince from a country far away. I heard stories about the sleeping princess. Can you tell me about her?


Peddler. Well, she is sleeping in the palace. Some people wanted to find her, but the forest is too dark and thick.


Prince. Why is the princess sleeping?


Peddler. Some people say she pricked her finger and fell asleep. They saw that she is very beautiful.


Narrator. And so the prince left. He came to the forest. It was very dark and the trees were very tall. The prince went into the forest. The sun came out. The fence of trees turned golden in the light. At last he came to the palace. He climbed the stairs and looked in all the rooms.


Prince. I see people who are sleeping. But where is the sleeping beauty?


Narrator. Then he came upstairs, and at the top he found a small room. There he found Rosamond. She was sleeping on a golden bed. The prince kissed the princess. She woke up and smiled.


Rosamond. (Sitting up.) Who are you? 


Prince. I am a prince from a country far away. I came to see you. In my country I heard stories about the sleeping princess.


Rosamond. Where are my father and mother?


Prince. I saw them. They were sleeping, too. I am happy you woke up.


Narrator. And so the prince found Princess Rosamond – the sleeping beauty. And the King and the Queen and every person in the palace woke up. And the golden sun shone once more upon the palace.




Whitney Houston and Enrique Iglesias



Verse 1

Over and over I look in your eyes,

You are all I desire

You have captured me

I want to hold you

I want to be close to you

I never want let you go

I wish that this night would never end

I need to know



Could I hold you for a lifetime?

Could I look into your eyes?

Could I have this night to share, this night together?

Could I hold you close beside me?

Could I hold you for all time?

Could I, could I have this kiss for ever?

Could I, could I have this kiss forever, forever?


Verse 2

Over and over I’ve dreamed of this night.

Now you are here by my side

You are next to me, I want to hold you

And touch you and taste you,

And make you want no one but me

Wish that this kiss would never end

O, baby, please…


Chorus: …





Love me, tender, love me sweet,

Never let me go.

You have made my life complete,

And I love you so.

Love me, tender, love me true

All my dreams fulfil,

For my darling, I love you too,

And I always will.

Love me, tender, love me long,

Take me to your heart.

For its tender I belong,

And we will never part

Love me, tender, love me, dear,

Tell me, you are mine.

I’ll be yours for all the years,

Till the end of times.


Pupil 2. And now game again. Another game is “What’s the way out?” We invite three couples here again. 3 boys and 3 girls will be the participants of our competition. The best couple will be given a prize.


Pupil 1. You have to sit with your backs to each other. Each couple will get cards with the numbers 1, 2, 3. These are the numbers of answers. You will have to choose only one. If the number of the boy and the girl coincide, they’ll be the winners and they’ll receive 1 point.


Pupil 2.

  1.      The boy has invited his girl on a date for the first time. What will he suggest?
    1.     going to the theatre;
    2.     visiting a café;
    3.     going for a walk.


  1.      The girl is going to the date for the first time. While leaving home she will tell her parents:
    1.     she has a date with a boyfriend;
    2.     she goes for a walk with her friend;
    3.     she goes to the library to prepare for the test.


  1.      Going to the date with the girl the boy:
    1.     will ask his parents for money;
    2.     won’t ask his parents for money, he’ll keep the change after doing shopping;
    3.     won’t take money at all; he is not going to treat her.


  1.      Passing the candy shop the girl sees her favourite cakes. She:
    1.     asks her boyfriend to buy her these cakes;
    2.     buys the cakes for her money;
    3.     goes away as if nothing has attracted her.


  1.      The boy invited the girl to the café, but the prices turned out to be higher than he expected, and he doesn’t have enough money to pay for dinner. He:
    1.     suggests paying each for oneself;
    2.     goes out, calls up his friend and asks him to come and bring some money;
    3.     excuses for misunderstanding and borrows money from the girl.


  1.      Going to the first date the boy:
    1.     will buy a big red rose for his girlfriend;
    2.     will buy a little bunch of field flowers;
    3.     won’t buy flowers at all.


Pupil 1. Now, let’s choose the best couple. Tell us the results of the game.


Pupil 2. The boy who has won gets the qualification: “The gentleman of the new time” and the title “The knight of the girls’ hearts”.

   And the girl gets the qualification: “The Princess of the new time” and the title “The girl who breaks hearts”.

And now receive our congratulations.


Pupil 1. Our party is over. We hope you have enjoyed it. And remember – Love is one of the best feelings. It rules the world, it makes the world go round. It’s beyond the age and time. So let’s love and be loved by others and our Earth will become more beautiful and kinder.


Pupil 2. We wish your love will live forever. Let Saint Valentine takes care of you and save your love. Bye!