Тести по темі "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"

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з англійської мови

по темі:

“The United Kingdom of Great Britain

And Northern Ireland”













вчитель англійської мови

Лисятицького ліцею

Мураль М.В.







Dear pupils,


answer the questions about the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Choose the correct answer. Put a tick next to the correct answer.


1. The official name of Great Britain is

  1.      the United Kingdom of Great Britain.
  2.       the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
  3.      Great Britain.

2. The flag of the United Kingdom is known as

  1.      the Union Jack.
  2.       the Jack Union .
  3.      the Stars and Stripes.

3. In everyday speech “Great Britain” is used to mean

  1.         England.
  2.         England and Wales.
  3.         the United Kingdom.

4. Westminster Abbey was

  1.      a church.
  2.       a tower.
  3.      a monastery – the West Minster.

5. The Union Jack is

  1.         the central chamber of the Houses of Parliament.
  2.         the flag of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern       Ireland.
  3.         the most valuable prize in a game.


6. The Welsh national symbol is the leek or the daffodil, but the symbol for   Scotland  is 

  1.         the rose.
  2.         the thistle.
  3.         the shamrock.


7. An M. P. is

  1.         a Member of the Police.
  2.         a Master of Political Science.
  3.         a Member of Parliament.


8. A public school is

  1.      a state school.
  2.       a private school. 
  3.      a religious school.


9. New Scotland Yard is

  1.         the material used to make bagpipes.
  2.         the headquarters of the police in London.
  3.         a place in Scotland.


10. A Tory is

  1.      a numbered ticket in a lottery.
  2.       a coin worth £20.
  3.      a supporter of the Conservative Party.


11. G. C. S. E. is

  1.      a system of examinations for school children.
  2.       the national gas and electricity boards.
  3.      the highest award given by the Queen for bravery.


12. A Trade Union is

  1.      an important export agreement.
  2.       an exhibition of commercial products.
  3.      an organization of workers.


13. ... are the biggest industrial cities in the centre of England.

  1.      Manchester and Leeds
  2.       Liverpool and Manchester
  3.      Leeds and Birmingham


14. Many sailors and fishermen live in Liverpool

  1.      Plymouth and Portsmouth.
  2.       Sheffield and Portsmouth.
  3.      Portsmouth and London.


15. ... is the birthplace of famous Shakespeare.  

  1.      Bristol
  2.       Manchester
  3.      Stratford-upon-Avon


16. In some parts of ... and Wales people speak other languages besides English.

  1.      England
  2.       Scotland
  3.      Britain


17. Everyone in the UK speaks English

  1.      clearly.
  2.       in the same way.
  3.      differently.






18. From Tower Bridge you can see 

  1.     St.Paul's Cathedral.
  2.     the London Zoo.
  3.     the Tower of London.


19. The Queen lives in

  1.     the Tower of  London.
  2.     Buckingham Palace.
  3.     Westminster Abbey.


20. Westminster Abbey is a famous

  1.     museum.
  2.     royal church.
  3.     circus.


21. In Regent's Park there is the biggest ... in the world.

  1.      metro
  2.       clock
  3.      zoo


22. The Tower of London is a ... now.

  1.      museum
  2.       gallery
  3.      church


23. There is ..... in the centre of London.

  1.      Piccadilly Circus
  2.       Trafalgar Square
  3.      Regent's Park


24. There are ... streets in London.

  1.      six
  2.       one million
  3.      ten thousand


25. They change the Guard at

  1.      the National Gallery.
  2.       Buckingham Palace.
  3.      Big Ben.


26. The British are often viewed as

  1.      the most talkative and amiable people in the world.
  2.       the most boring people in the world.
  3.      the most absent-minded people in the world.






27. They have … which is not understood by foreigners.

  1.      a specific sense of humour
  2.       a specific style in fashion
  3.      a very good taste


28. They are even accused of being hypocritical because

  1.      they always say what they think.
  2.       they never tell the truth.
  3.      they might think one thing and say another.


29. Talking to other people they always discuss

  1.      their family matters.
  2.       the weather or general questions.
  3.      their private life.


30. The British always queue when

  1.      they are waiting for a bus.
  2.       they are shopping.
  3.      they are taking books from a library.


31. Generally speaking, the British are

  1.      very rude.
  2.       stupid.
  3.      polite and well-mannered.


32.  London is situated оn the river

  1.      Severn.
  2.       Thames.
  3.      Clyde.


 33. The commercial centre of London is

  1.      the Westminster.
  2.       the West End.
  3.      the City.


 34. The symbols of the Tower are

  1.      ravens.
  2.       wolves.
  3.      storks.



35. Westminster Аbbеу was founded as а

  1.      monument.
  2.       fortress.
  3.      monastery.



 36. The official London residence of Her Majesty the Queen and her family is

  1.      Buckingham Palace.
  2.       the Houses of Parliament.
  3.      Westminster Аbbеу.



37. The Palace of Westminster is usuаlly known as

  1.      Westminster.
  2.       St. Paul's Cathedral.
  3.      the Houses of Parliament.


 38. How mаnу towers are in the Palace of Westminster?

  1.      Two
  2.       Four
  3.      Three


39.  The Reading Room of the British Мuseum is in the form of а

  1.      circle.
  2.       square.
  3.      triangle.


40. Scotland is situated in the … part of Great Britain.

  1.      northern                C southern
  2.       eastern             D western


41. Most of the large Scottish towns and cities are in the  

  1.      Highlands.
  2.       Central Lowlands.
  3.      Southern Uplands.


42. ...  is the biggest city of Scotland.

  1.      Glasgow                   C  Aberdeen
  2.       Edinburgh                   D  Dandy


43. The official language of Scotland is

  1.      Scottish.                   C  American.
  2.       English.                   D  Anglo-Saxon.


44. The kilt is a part of a

  1.      body.
  2.       traditional national dress.
  3.      traditional national footwear.


45. A great Scottish ... Robert Burns glorified the optimistic spirit of the   Scottish people.

  1.      writer                           C  poet
  2.       musician                  D  architect



46. What does the prefix "Mac" in the Scottish family names mean?

  1.      The place of birth
  2.       The son of
  3.      Occupation
  4.      The place of



47. On what river does Glasgow stand?

  1.      The Thames              C  The Severn
  2.       The Clyde                D   The Trent


48. What is the capital of Scotland?

  1.      London             C  Glasgow
  2.       Edinburgh              Aberdeen


49. Great Britain is a highly developed … country.

  1.      agricultural
  2.       industrial


50. The biggest industrial … are Liverpool, Plymouth, Glasgow.

  1.      centres 
  2.       seaports


51. Manchester is the centre of … industry.

  1.      metallurgical
  2.       cotton


52. Manchester is rich in

  1.      zoos and casinos.
  2.       libraries and schools.


53. The factories of Birmingham produce

  1.      toys and candies.
  2.       railway carriages and tubes.


54. Glasgow is one of the largest cities, seaports and trade centres of

  1.      Wales.
  2.       Scotland.


55. … is the richest part of London.

  1.      The West End
  2.       The City
  3.      The East End


56.  Most … are in Westminster.

  1.      government buildings
  2.       schools and universities



57. The Houses of Parliament is a long building with … towers.

  1.      two
  2.       four
  3.      three


58. From Westminster Bridge we can see

  1.      docks of the East End.
  2.       the Houses of Parliament.


59. Big Ben chimes the hours to the tune of

  1.      the Beetles'.
  2.       Handle's music.


60. … is the residence of the Royal Family. 

  1.      Westminster Abbey
  2.       Buckingham Palace