Позакласний захід з англійської мови "St. Valentine’s Day.День св.Валентина"

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        St. Valentine’s DaY


  Teacher: Love! Happiness! Beauty! There are not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and camaraderie, to take part in party –games, to practice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion.

Happy St.Valentine’s Day!


(По сцені назустріч один одному повільно йдуть юнак і дівчина (ведучі свята). При цьому юнак читає вірш і дарує дівчині троянду.)


Вед 1:Let me call you sweetheart,

I'm in love with you.

 Let me hear with you.

 That you love me too.

 Keep the love light glowing

  I your eyes so true.

Let me call you sweetheart,

 I'm in love with you.


 Вед 2

 Here’s a special valentine

With lots of love for you

And since you’re very special

Here are hugs and Kisses, too!


Вед 1 (В1): Ladies and gentlemen! Good afternooon!


Вед 2 (В2): It’s lovely to meet you here, at Valentine’s party!


B1:  It’s here again, the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours, and even the office staff will exchange greetings of affection, undying love or satirical comment


B2:  St.Valentine’s Day, February 14, has been a customary day for choosing sweethearts and exchanging love-tokens from time immemorial. The method of choosing sweethearts on St. Valentine’s Day varied in different times and places. It could be a serious matter leading to marriage, or it could be a kind of game. Countless generations of young people have acknowledged St. Valentine as the friend and patron of lovers.


B1: What kind of holiday is St.Valentine’s Day?


B2:  St.Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday, which is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and in the USA. St.Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends.


B1:One of the early symbols of love is Cupid, the Roman God of  love, who is represented as a young boy with a bow and arrow.

 Звучить музика, вимикається світло, вмикається прожектор, в променях якого з'являється священик. Він іде повільно. В цей час звучить голос із-за куліс:


 «Valentine was a Christian priest in the Roman Empire 300 years after the death of Jesus Christ».


B1: My sweetheart, look! I can’t believe it. Is it St. Valentine himself?!

B2: You’re welcome, patron of lovers.


Священник: My Children! I’ve come from the distant past, to remind you of kindness and love, friendship and patience in your wicked world.

 Not only when it’s Valentine’s Day

 But always, all year through

 You’re thought about with words of love

 And wished much gladness, too!


 B1: Do please take us back to the 1st century when the Roman Emperor Claudius II  ruled our country.


 Священник: All right! I see you love each other and may your dreams come true!

Свет выключается, из-за кулис слышится голос: «This is the legend of how Valentine’s Day began. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marrying because he felt that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at that time there was a kind priest named Valentine. He couldn’t agree with the emperor’s decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly »


( Далі інсценізація легенди. Виходять юнак і дівчина. Вони падають на коліна і жестами благають священика здійснити обряд одруження. Священик виконує їх прохання.)


Священник:  My daughter! My son! I declare you are husband and wife!

(звучить марш Мендельсона. Вривається варта:)


Стражник 1: Priest, you have been discovered and condemned to death!


Стражник 2: To prison! To the Tower!


B1: Dear friends! St. Valentine’s Day is a wonderful holiday!  In the street there is freezing rain, and slush and sleet. The wind is fierce. The skies are grey. I don’t think I’ll go out today. But here inside the weather is warm. There is no trace of wind or storm. And you just made the morning shine. You said you’d be my Valentine.


 Celine Dion - My heart will go on

Pupil 1: St. Valentine’s Day is a religious holiday.This holiday

             has roots in several legends. Did you know that, according to legend, Valentine’s Day

             was started to Saint Valentine, a Roman saint  who was executed on February 14th,

             A.D.? [slide 1]


Pupil 2: Valentine was a Christian Priest in Roman empire three hundred years after the death

             of Jesus Christ. He had been thrown in prison for his teaching. On the 14th of   February  Valentine was beheaded, not only because he performed a miracle – he cured the jaile daughter  from her blindness. The night before he was executed – but he wrote a     letter to the girl, singing it “From your Valentine”.  [slide 2]


Pupil 3: Another Valentine was an Italian bishop who lived at about the same time. He was

              imprisoned because he secretly married couples, contrary to lows of the Roman

              emperor. [slide 3]


Pupil 1: he 14th of February was a Roman holiday, held in honour of the Goddess of  love.

              Young men by lottery chose the name of young girl to escort to the festivals. The

              custom choosing a sweetheart on this date has continued to our day. People still

              believe that birds  pick their mates on the 14th of February. [slide 4]


Pupil 2: The symbols of this holiday are Hearts, Roses and Cupid. [slide 5]


              Along time ago, people believed that all the emotions were found in the heart. In later years, they thought only the emotion of love was connected with the heart. The heart is  still a symbol of love, and it is also a symbol of Valentine’s Day. [slide 6]


Pupil 3:                                         ROSES

              The rose was the Flower of Venus, the Roman god of love. Red is a colour  that stands  for strong feeling. That is why the red rose is a flower of love. [slide 7]


     Pupil 1                       MEANING OF DIFFERENT COLOURS OF ROSES  [slide 8-13]

              RED ROSE – love and passion

              YELLOW ROSES – Friendship

              WHITE ROSES – True love and purity of the mind

              ORANGE ROSES – Enthusiasm  and desire

              PINK ROSES – Friendship or Sweetheart

              BLACK ROSES – Farewell


Pupil 2:                                          CUPID

              One of the early symbols of love is Cupid, the Roman God of Love. Winged and

              mischievous little angel called Cupid traces its origin from the Roman mythology

              as the son of Venus – the Goddess of Love. It is believed that Cupid had a bow

              with   arrows and anyone hit by his arrow fell in love.

               In Greek mythology, Cupid is known by the name of Eros and as son of Aphrodite-

               the Greek Goddess of Love.  [slide 14-15]


Pupil 3:                     The Custom of Sending Valentine Cards

               St. Valentine’s Day is not an official holiday but people in many countries celebrat  it in a very special manner. They send a greeting cards to the people they love. Such

               cards are called “Valentines”. The custom of sending Valentines started in the middle  ages. The oldest one we know was made in 1445.   [slide 16]


Pupil 1:  These cards have the magical power to melt the stony hearts and fill the with love

               and the people who have already fallen for someone; valentine' cards can do wonders in touching the deepest emotions of their darling's heart. [slide 17]

               Look at the next slide. It is example of Valentine card.   [slide 18]

Song “ Love Story»

B2: St. Valentine’s Day has become customary in Ukraine. Everybody looks forward to it with great anticipation. It’s the day of sending valentines, the day of confessing in love. It’s nice to meet you at our Valentine’s party.


Betty. Ben

Ben.   What’s the matter?

Betty.  I’m so tired! I’m always alone. You leave home early in the morning and don’t come back till seven.

Ben.   One of us must go to work, dear.

Betty . Yes, your day is interesting and mine is so boring!

Ben.   My work isn’t always interesting.

Betty. Ben

Ben.    Yes, Betty.

Betty. Did you empty the bin?

Ben.   Yes, I did empty the bin.

Betty.  Did you send the letters?

Ben.   Yes, I sent the letters.

Betty. Did you go to the supermarket?

Ben.   M-m-m….

Betty.  Did you feed the baby?

Ben.    I did.

Betty   Did you take the dog for a walk?

Ben.   Yes, I did it, too.

Betty. Did you close the door?

Ben.   I locked it.

Betty   And did you …. finish the fence?

Ben.   I did everything, Betty, everything.

Betty.  But did you remember to …

Ben.    Good night, Betty.

Betty . He doesn’t love me! He couldn’t even talk to me!


B1:  I hope that Valentine’s Day will bring you lots of fun. He thinks you’re extra-escpecially nice. And so does everyone.


Bob.   Hey, Mary! Here you are at last! Have you finished your exam at last?

Mary. Yes, I have.

Bob.   Was it difficult?

Mary. Well? It was quite hard.

Bob.   Did you pass?

Mary.  I don’t know. He didn’t tell me.

Bob.    What questions did he asked?

Mary.   First, he asked me what my name was.

Bob.     That was easy, wasn’t it?

Mary.   Then he asked me where I came from, and he stared at me so…

Bob.     How?

Mary.   So passionately. He also asked if I was married and if I had a boyfriend.

Bob.    Go on?

Mary.  Then he asked if I lived with my parents and then he was interested in my address.

Bob.    Anything else?

Mary.  Oh! I’m trying to remember. Oh, yes!  He wondered, if I was free tonight..

Bob.     Is that all?

Mary.  Oh, there were a lot of questions. He asked me what my hobbies were. And then he   asked me what  to go around the room…

Bob.    What? I’ll kill him!

Mary.  Bob!  Stop!


Robert Burns “ My love is like a red red rose”


My love is like a red red rose       

 That’s newly sprung in June;

 My love is like the melodie

 That’s sweetly play’d in tune.


So fair art thou, my bonnie lass,

 So deep in love am I;

 And I will love thee still, my dear,

 Till a’ the seas gang dry.


Till a’ the seas gang dry, my dear,

 And the rocks melt wi’ the sun:

 And I will love thee still, my dear,

 While the sands o’ life shall run.


B1:  You know, the day is most closely associated with the mutual exchange of love notes in the form of "valentines." Valentine symbols include the heart-shaped outline, doves, and the figure of the winged Cupid. Since the 19th century, handwritten notes have largely given way to mass-produced greeting cards. The sending of Valentines was a fashion in the nineteenth century in Great Britain. And here there are well-known modern valentines.


  1. Your heart is like a treasure,

A source of wealth to keep,

Impossible to measure…

Unfathomably deep.

2.  Your love is like the ocean

That reaches deep inside,

My heart sweet with emotion

And I can’t the tide.

I’ll love you dear, I’ll love you

Till China and Africa meet

And rivers jump over the mountain

And the salmon sings in the street.

3.  I’ll love you till the ocean

Is folded and hung up to dry

And the seven stars go squawking

Like geese about the sky.

4.  You my sunshine,

My only sunshine.

You make me happy, when skies are grey.

You’ll never know, dear

How much I love you;

Please don’t make my sunshine away.

My love for you is

As high as a mountain

And as deep as the sea!

Be my valentine!

5.  Roses are red

Violets are blue

Sugar is sweet

And so are you.

6.  Here’s a Valentine

And this is what it’s for

To say that every day

You are loved

More, more, more!


Song My Valentine


B2:  St. Valentine’s Day is a day of choosing sweethearts and the method of choosing sweethearts varied in different times and places. It could be a serious matter leading to marriage, or it could be a kind of a game. Now I will tell you about one of the ways how the English girls get to know their fortunes on St. Valentine’s Eve.

-APPLE’S SEEDS. They take an apple, cut it into four parts, count the seeds from the apple and find the fortune in the poem  

                          One- I love

Two- I love

Three – I love, I say

Four – I love with all my heart,

Five – I coast away,

Six – he loves

Seven – she loves,

Eight – they both love,

Nine – he comes,

Ten – he tarries,

Eleven – he courts,

Twelve – he marries.


B2:  Dear friends! We shall have a competition of proverbs and idioms about love. Who knows any? Don’t be shy! (Прислів'я на кульках. Потрібно взятии  кульки і прочитати)

  1. Love as the devil loves holy water.( Любити, як чорт святу воду)
  2.  Love cannot be forced.  (Насильно милим не будеш).
  3. Love conquers everything. (Для кохання немає перешкод)
  4. Love in a cottage. (З милим рай і в шалаші)
  5. Love is blind. (Любов сліпа - полюбиш і козла)
  6. Love is neither bought, nor sold. (Любов не продаєтся,і  не купується)
  7. Love makes the world go round. (Для кохання немає перешкод)
  8. Love should not be all on one side. (Любов повинна бути взаємною)
  9. Love will find a way.(Любовь все перемагає)

 В1: Now we are going to make up a story to define love. What’s love? Can you define    love?

         LOVE IS… a tender of feeling,

         LOVE IS… a way of being,

 LOVE IS… just showing someone you care.

 LOVE IS… helping with the dishes,

 LOVE IS… feeding your pet fishes,

 LOVE IS… just giving from your heart.


 For you and me

 Oh! LOVE is the greatest thing in the world.


B2: Dear friends, guests! Our performance is over. We hope all of you liked our party. And we’d like to thank all those who took part in it and our visitors at the same time for their patience, applauses and we wish you LOVE, HAPPINESS and BEAUTY! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you! Good bye!












25 березня 2018
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