Позакласний захід з англійської мови в середній школі "William Shakespeare"

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Власна розробка позакласного заходу з англійської мови в середній школі. Метою заходу є ознайомити учнів з життям і творчістю Вільяма Шекспіра та виховувати повагу до культури країни, мова якої вивчається

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Мета:Ознайомити з життям та творчістю Вільяма Шекспіра; розвивати інтерес до вивчення творів В. Шекспіра; виховувати повагу до культури країни, мова якої вивчається.

Обладнання:вислів, текст для читання, картки з завданнями.

                                       Хід проведення

The world is a stage

and people are merely actors.

                              W. Shakespeare 

T: Today we’ll speak about the greatest English writer William Shakespeare. Read the quotation on the blackboard. How do you understand it?

What do you know about the writer and his life?

P1: We know very little about Shakespeare’s parents. His father couldn’t write, but he was a man of some importance in Stratford. John Shakespeare was a tradesman, a dealer in corn, meat and other products. He even became an alderman, an important member of the council of Stratford.

P2: The poet’s mother, Mary Arden, was the daughter of Robert Arden, a rich farmer in the village of Wylmcote near Stratford, a gentleman of ancient and honourable family.

P3:William was born on the 23 of April, 1564. He was the eldest son and a third child in the family. He is supposed to have spent his boyhood playing with his friends in the nearby woods or on the beautiful meadows near the Avon River.

P4: At the age of seven William was sent to the free grammar school. The teachers of the school were highly qualified as they were graduates of Oxford. Alongside with reading and writing Shakespeare was taught Latin and Greek. Unfortunately, the prosperity of the family waned when in 1578 John Shakespeare was unable to pay poor rates. He fell into debts, and William was from school. The boy had to help his father. William didn’t return to school anymore.

P5: Shakespeare didn’t get a university education. He got his real education from people living around.

P1: At the age of 18 William Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, she was born in 1556. a new family moved to Stratford.

T: Listen to the story told by Toby, an extract from the book “William Shakespeare” by Jennifer Basset.


    Will Married Anne Hathaway in November, and she came to live in Henley Street. John Shakespeare was pleased that his eldest son was married, but I don’t think Will’s mother wanted him to marry so young: Will was only eighteen.

     Susannah was born the next year. All babies look the same to me, but Will was very pleased with her.

     “Look, Toby, she’s got my eyes,” he said happily. “She’s going to be as beautiful as the Queen of Egypt, and as clever as King Solomon.”

     “Oh yes!” I said. “All parents talk like that about their children.” I knew Will’s wife didn’t like me. To her, I was one of Will’s wild friends, who got him into trouble. She came from a very serious, puritan family. A lot of church going, and no singing or dancing. But Will and I still went around together when he could.

     Soon there was another baby on the way, and one evening in February 1585, I hurried round to Henley Street to hear the news. Will’s sister, Joan, opened the door, and then Will came running down the stairs.

    “It’s two of them!” he said. “Twins! A girl and a boy. Isn’t that wonderful?” will called the twins Hamnet and Judith. John Shakespeare was pleased to have his first grandson, and everyone was happy. For a while.

     Will was still reading and writing, but he had changed. He was twenty three now, and he was not happy with his life.

     Stratford’s too small, Toby,” he said. “Too slow. Too quiet. Too boring. I’ve got to get away.”

     “Yes, but how?” I asked. “You’ve got a family –three young children, remember.”

     He didn’t answer.

     It happened a few months later. I walked into the Shakespeare’s kitchen one evening, and there was Ann, with a red, angry face, shouting at the top of her voice.

     “How can you do this to me? And what about children?” Then she saw me and stopped.

      Will was sitting at the table, and looked pleased to see me. “I’ve told Anne,” he said quietly, “that I’m going to live in London. I want to be an actor, and to write plays, if I can.”

     “Plays!” screamed Anne. “Acting!” Actors are dirty, wicked people! They’re all thieves and criminals! They drink all day and they never go to church…”

     “Don’t be stupid, Anne. You know that’s not true. Listen. I’ll come home when I can, but I must go to London. I can’t do anything in Stratford.” He looked at me across the room. “”Are you going with me, Toby?”

P1: То можемо ми назвати їхній шлюб щасливим?

Р2: З однієї сторони, Шекспір був щасливим, адже він дуже любив своїх дітей. З іншого боку йому було некомфортно з дружиною. Він обожнював театральні вистави, вона ж надавала перевагу церкві. Анна ненавиділа акторів, всі вони були для неї п’яницями та злочинцями.

Р3: Скільки років було Шекспіру коли він відправився до Лондону?

Р4: На той час йому було лише 23. Хіба це не божевілля залишити дружину з трьома маленькими дітьми?

Р5: Якщо ви уважно слухали текст, то чули, що він пообіцяв повернутися. Він дотримав свою обіцянку. Можливо це було правильне рішення в той час, він не став би відомим письменником.

Р1: Він був чи не найбільшим драматургом, чи не так? Чи легко було йому знайти роботу в театрі? Він не вчився грати на сцені.

Р2: Правильно. Він не вчився але був дуже талановитий. Крім того він був готовий виконувати будь-яку роботу. Отже розпочинав свою акторську діяльність невідомим актором, йому давали другорядні ролі.

Р3: Я впевнений, що професія актора допомогла Шекспіру стати драматургом. Спершу він намагався змінити старі п’єси для компанії акторів з якими він грав в одній групі. Дуже швидко він почав писати власнітвори. В. Шекспір написав 37 п’єс, серед них історичні драми “Король Генрі ІV”, “Король Річард ІІІ”, комедії “Тванадцята ніч”,  трагедії “Король Лір”, “Гамлет”, “Ромео і Джульєта”. Ці п’єси ставляться в Статфорді щовечора в Королівському Театрі Шекспіра.

Р4: А Шекспір грав в цьому театрі?

Р5: Ні, Королівський Театр Шекспіра відкрили лише в 1932р. Тут ставляться лише п’єси Шекспіра. І сьогодні вашій увазі представимо уривок із трагедії “Ромео і Джульєта”.

Уривок з “Ромео і Джульєта”

T: And now we have a quiz “William Shakespeare. The Life and Literary Activity”

1.Where was W. Shakespeare born?(Stratford-on-Avon)

2.What was Shakespeare wife’s name?(Anna Hathaway)

3.How many plays did William Shakespeare write?(37)

4.When did W. Shakespeare die?(April 23,1616)

5.Where did Romeo and Juliet live?(In Verona, Italy)

6.How many children did William Shakespeare have?(Three)

7.What was the name of the theatre where W. Shakespeare was the principal playwright?(The Globe Theatre)

8.How many sonnets did W. Shakespeare write?(154)

9.When was William Shakespeare born?(April 23, 1564)

Choose the correct answer

1.W. Shakespeare lived in the second half of the ……….. century.

a)15th ;              b)16th;           c)17th.

2.W. Shakespeare spent the last years of his life in ……… .

a)Stratford-on-Avon;      b)London;          c)Canterbury.

3.W. Shakespeare become a part-proprietor of the ………..  .

a)Swan Theatre;        b)Rose Theatre;         c)Globe Theatre.

4.W. Shakespeare lived at the time of the English ……….    .

a)Romanticism;       b)Renaissance;           c)Enlightenment.

5.W. Shakespeare was born in …………    .

a)London;         b)Stratford-on-Avon;            c)York.

6.W. Shakespeare had ……….  Children.

a)2;                         b)3;                     c)4.

T: Our meeting is almost over. I hope you had a good time and got to know interesting information. Have a nice day. Good bye!


14 грудня 2018
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