Позаурочний захід з англійської мови «The job of my dream!»

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Позаурочний захід з англійської мові «The job of my dream!»

Зірковий час: «Професія моєї мрії!»

Форма проведення: гра



Сприяти формуванню комунікативної та навчально –пізнавальної компетенції в умовах ефективної навчальної діяльності;


Сприяти розвитку та вдосконаленню навичок діалогічного мовлення, письма, читання та аудіювання; вмінню працювати в команді, толерантне відношення один до одного.


виховувати професійну культуру учнів.

Обладнання: телевізор, комп'ютер, рольові картки, зірки для учасників, вправа https://learningapps.org/display?v=pcba1k0jj17 грамоти для переможців, костюми для учасників діалогу, презентація.

Хід заняття:

  • 1.Організаційний момент

Good morning students and teachers! I am glad to see you! How are you? Dear students, I want to introduce you my colleagues, teachers and leaders from different lyceums of our district. They are very intelligent, friendly and kind. I hope you will like them.

Dear quests, these are my students. They are very active, responsible and clever. I think you will like them too

Today we shall hold a “Star Hour" contest “The job of my dream!"

You are students of Lyubotin Lyceum of railway transport and this means that in future you will be qualified railway workers. It's not easy to make the right choice of a job, is it? On the one hand young people want to acquire and accumulate knowledge, develop their skills. On the other hand it is not easy to make yourself study hard for many years. Our country chose the course of European integration and many railway workers had already worked on international routes. That's why knowledge of English will be useful for you in future.

First of all, I would like to invite our guests to become a jury in our contest. Are you agree?

II. Основна частина.

  • 1.And now it's time to introduce our participants. Please, the captains introduce their teams.

(представлення презентацій, капітани читають текст)

Команда №1

Our team is railway cashiers. Our motto: We are united — we are the best.

Our future profession is railway cashier.

Meeting with the railway cashier at the railway ticket office is the beginning of the train travel, because for travel you need a ticket that will be sold by the railway cashier.

The railway cashier issues tickets, seat and other reservations (for sleeping compartments, for example) to passengers who are intending to travel by train, accepts, keeps records of, and hands over, the money taken in. Compiles accounts of the cash register.

I like our lyceum very much and that`s why I`d like to tell some words about it.

They say, live and learn. And the place where we continue our learning is our lyceum. It is the place where we meet almost all our friends, the place where every day brings new emotions and new experience. So I like my lyceum because it gives me the opportunity to gain knowledge, to communicate with friends, to explore the world.

Thank you for attention.

Команда №2

Our team is train conductors. Our motto: Small steps, Big results. It is all about us!

The job of our dream is train conductor.

Many young people are attracted by the romance of the conductor's profession, the desire to see the different corners of our country, the opportunity to communicate with thousands of passengers, among whom there are so many interesting interlocutors.

Responsibilities of a train Conductor

checking the carriages are clean before the start of a journey

making sure equipment, doors and controls are working properly

walking through carriages during the journey, checking tickets and travel documents

answering passengers' questions about routes, arrival times and connections

making announcements over the public address system

making sure passengers get on and off the train safely

And if you decided to devote yourself to this difficult but noble cause, we inform you that the profession of a train conductor can be trained in our lyceum. (Lyubotyn lyceum of railway transport). Here you can get a good education and regarding professional practice at the railway station in Lyubotyn.

Thank you for attention.

  • 2.Thank you for your presentations. Now the second task is to make up some words. To make a right choice you should consider your traits of character. To become a good train Conductors you must be sociable and responsible. The work of railroad cashier must be kind, responsible and clever people. Look at the laptops, click on the link https://learningapps.org/display?v=pcba1k0jj17 and write. What should be qualities to become a good specialist?

active активний

ambitious цілеспрямований

strong-willed вольовий

kind добрий

reliable надійний

responsible відповідальний

clever розумний

generous щедрий

charming чарівний

Conscientious сумлінний

Cultural освідчений

Communicative товариський

Decent порядний

Honest чесний

Neat охайний

  • 3.Перегляд відео.

And now I propose you watch the video about History of Ukrainian railways development.

Play “Sea-fight".

You can choose one of the numbers on the screen and say what of this statement are true or false.

For each right answer I`ll give you one star.

It's a pity but the move goes to another team.

1.Nowadays “Ukrzaliznytsia" is the second largest rail transporter on the Euro-Asian continent. (false)

2.The first railroad Lviv – Peremyshl (97,6 km long) was built in 1861. (true)

3.Nevertheless, in 1987 the length of all tracks in use was 28,7 thousand km and Ukraine took one of the leading places in the USSR. (false 22,7)

4.After Ukraine gained its independence in 1991 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine unified five state railroad companies and proclaimed “Ukrzaliznytsia" the only Ukrainian railway network operator. (false 6)

5.The first capital express train “Kyiv – Kharkiv" was launched in 2002. (true)

6.On the eve of Euro 2012 Ukrainian railways bought five high-speed trains from Hyundai Rotem (InterCity+) (false 10)

7.Between 1991 and 2013 approximately 3000 km of railroad tracks were electrified, thus lowering the cost price of transporting. (false 2500)

8.According to the classification of Ukrainian railway lines, all trains designed for passenger transporting are divided into Daytime trains and Nighttime trains. (true)

9.Odesa train station, the largest, has the most developed infrastructure. (false)

10.There are two ways of buying train tickets in Ukraine: in ticket offices and via Internet. (true)

  • 4.Інтерв'ю.

Today on our contest, present American and Ukrainian journalists.

They will take the interview. I hope that you will be answer on their questions honestly and don't be shy.

  • 1)Prove that it is better to have badly paid but interesting job.
  • I think that first and foremost one should think about the satisfaction that the job can bring. First, good feelings bring more good feelings so if you feel good at work you will feel good in life. Second, if you get satisfaction from your job, you like it and you do it better than you would otherwise. As a rule one can get a good salary for anything that they can do well.

2) Prove that it is better to have well-paid but not interesting job.

  • On the other hand there are a lot of things that depend on money. People need food, clothes and shelter. Many want to travel and all these things require money. So one should think about money first.
  • And now ask the questions to our quests.
  • 1)Why have you chosen the profession of a teacher? -What should be done to make this profession more prestigious?
  • 2)What do you like in your profession? May be don't like?
  • 3)If you were to begin from the beginning what career would you make?

Teacher: I'd like to say that sometimes it's hard to choose between money and satisfaction but I always try to remember the words from a famous speech of Steve Jobs, “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do." So I believe that if you choose satisfaction money will come eventually.

  • 5.The final and creative task.

Are you ready to show your dialogues?

Команда №1

Cashier: Yes, sir?

Passenger: I'd a like a two-way ticket to Kyiv, please.

Cashier: Which date and time?

Passenger: Tomorrow morning, please.

Cashier: There is a train leaving at 7.35 and another one at 9.15.

Passenger: The first one will do.

Cashier: How many tickets do you need, sir?

Passenger: Two, please.

Cashier: First class or second?

Passenger: First-class.

Cashier: When do you plan to return?

Passenger: The same day in the evening.

Cashier: There are two trains leaving from Kyiv. The first is at 7 pm and the second one leaves at 9.45 pm.

Passenger: I'd choose the one that leaves at 9.45. Пассажир: Я бы предпочел тот, который в 21.45.

Cashier: That's 400 hryvnias.

Passenger: Here you are.

Cashier: The train leaving in the morning starts from platform 5.

Passenger: Thank you.

Cashier: Have a good trip, sir.

Команда №2. Act the situation “In the compartment"

- Hello. Can I have your ticket, please?

- Sure. Here you are.

- Thank you. Is everything OK in here? Are you comfortable?

- Yes, it's very nice. But can I open the window? It's getting a bit stuffy in the compartment.

- Well. You can while the train is still on the platform. But when the train leaves you should close it. Don't worry the air conditioning system will be on.

- Fine. Can I have something to drink, please?

- What would you like: tea or coffee?

- I'd like some tea with lemon, please. And don't forget the sugar.

- I can also offer you mineral water, chips, biscuits and pastry.

- I think some biscuits would be fine with my tea.

- OK. Would you like to read the latest newspapers or magazines?

- Are they in English?

- Yes, there are some English ones.

- Great. I guess I'll do that a bit later. Thanks. And when do we arrive?

- The train arrives at 8.15. I will wake you up at 7.15.

- Very well. By the way, what about the bed linen? I'd like to make my bed and have a rest.

- I'll bring your tea, biscuits and the bed linen in 5 minutes. Have a nice trip!

- Thank you very much!

III. Заключна частина. Підбиття підсумків гри.

Teacher: team number 1has _____stars

The team number 2has _____stars. The team “…" is the winner

Teacher: Friends, do you like the game? Do you want to have smth like that again? Draw your impressions on the smile. With best wishes.


Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1


Номер слайду 2

{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}123456789101112131415

Номер слайду 3

Nowadays “Ukrzaliznytsia” is the second largest rail transporter on the Euro-Asian continent.

Номер слайду 4

The first railroad Lviv – Peremyshl (97,6 km long) was built in 1861.

Номер слайду 5

Nevertheless, in 1987 the length of all tracks in use was 28,7 thousand km and Ukraine took one of the leading places in the USSR.

Номер слайду 6

After Ukraine gained its independence in 1991 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine unified five state railroad companies.

Номер слайду 7

The first capital express train “Kyiv – Kharkiv” was launched in 2002.

Номер слайду 8

On the eve of Euro 2012 Ukrainian railways bought five high-speed trains from Hyundai Rotem (Inter City+)

Номер слайду 9

Between 1991 and 2013 approximately 3000 km of railroad tracks were electrified, thus lowering the cost price of transporting.

Номер слайду 10

According to the classification of Ukrainian railway lines, all trains designed for passenger transporting are divided into Daytime trains and Nighttime trains.

Номер слайду 11

Odesa train station, the largest in Ukraine, has the most developed infrastructure

Номер слайду 12

There are two ways of buying train tickets in Ukraine: in ticket offices and via Internet.

Номер слайду 13

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