Present and Past speculations Date: Name:
1. I like the idea of being a ..., lying under the sun and doing nothing.
Select 2 answers
ATourist BHolidaymaker
CStranger DForeigner
2. That wasn't a cat! We heard an awful ..., it must have been a lion!
Select 2 answers
ACry BHowl
CSong DRoar
3. - Is it your neighbour? - Yes, he lives ...
ANext house
BNext building
CNext flat
DNext door
4. My dream is to buy ... and be able to go anywhere I like.
AResort BHotel room
5. - Do you think it's normal that this girl sings on the street? - Yes, it's completely acceptable here. Lots of people here earn money by ...
Select 2 answers
ABusking BAsking
CDoing stunts DStealing
6. Don't be afraid of my bear, it's completely
Select 2 answers
ADangerous BDomesticated
CHonest DTame
7. The UK and the USA are divided into ...
Select 2 answers
ARegions BAreas
CCounties DStates
8. She's already got her master's degree and is preparing a thesis now. She's a ...
AResearch B
Scientist student
9. - Denny, why is your jar empty?? - My pets are ... now. I decided that they also need to stretch their legs from time to time. - Are you joking?! Do you want to say that two huge tarantulas are somewhere in the house now??! AFree BIn the prison COn the loose DEscaped |