Presentation "Funny Arts Guide"

Про матеріал
Illustrations, vocabulary on the topic Arts, link to the game based on the information from the presentation
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Fine Arts

Funny Guide

If you are completely ignorant of painting and cannot distinguish Picasso's paintings from those of Da Vinci, there is the most simple, comical guide to the works of the classics,

If you see a ballerina, it's Degas


imageIf there is some kind of drug addiction in the picture, it's Dali

imageIf the picture shows women with f imageeyebrows - this is Frida

If there are a lot of people in the picture, but some kind of weird game is going on - this is Bosch

If there are a lot of people in the picture, but everything looks quite normal - this is Brueghel

If in the picture all the people,

women, look like terrorist putin , this is van Eyck


If people in the picture have some bodily deformities -

this is Picasso

imageIf the men in the picture look like curly women with cow eyes,




If the picture is painted in dark colors, and people have a suffering expression on their faces, this is Titian


If everyone is naked, beautiful and constantly crowded this is Michelangelo


If the colors in the picture are as contrasting as possible, and people have emaciated bearded faces, this is El Greco


If there is a color Excel table with different-sized squares

in the picture, this is Mondrian


If the picture shows landscapes from The Lord of the Rings with a strange blue fog and curly Madonnas with aristocratic noses, this is Da Vinci

If everyone in the picture has huge fifth points - this is Rubens

If the picture consists of multi-colored strokes, but there is no one -

this is Monet

If the picture consists of multicolored strokes, and it depicts sad people who left the party, this is


imageIf people in a painting look like bums l it by dim streetlights,


Let's play Find the match bt23


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