Презентація - 6 клас.Тема "Travelling".

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Серія матеріалів до циклу уроків з англійської мови у 6-му класі по темі "Travelling".Цей матеріал можна використовувати для друкування карток.Містить понад 60 слайдів із завданнями,придатних для роздрукування.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Travelling Means of Transport (Засоби Транспорту)

Номер слайду 2


Номер слайду 3


Номер слайду 4


Номер слайду 5


Номер слайду 6


Номер слайду 7


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Номер слайду 13


Номер слайду 14


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Номер слайду 16

hot air balloon

Номер слайду 17


Номер слайду 18


Номер слайду 19


Номер слайду 20

subway/the underground

Номер слайду 21


Номер слайду 22


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Номер слайду 24

How can people travel?by boatby busby trainby bicycleby carby shipby planeon foot(hiking)

Номер слайду 25

IF YOU WANT TO GET SOMEWHERE YOU CAN GO THERE BY…cartrainhotair balloon helicopterplanebikeshipboatbuscoach. On foot(hiking)

Номер слайду 26

Describe ways of travelling. Travellingby busby carby trainby planeby shipby boatby bicycleby motorcycleon footon horsebackisthe most dangerousthe safestthe fastestthe slowestthe most expensivethe cheapestthe most comfortablethe most uncomfortablethe most excitingthe most boringthe bestthe worst

Номер слайду 27

Тhe words in these sentences have been pushed together. Find out what they are by separating then again.1. Iusuallytraveltoworkbycar.2. Thebusstopsatthesupermarketintown.3. Travellingisverypopularnowadays.4. Manypeopleliketotravelbycar. Finish the sentences.1. The fastest way of travelling is … (by plane).2. Travelling by train is slower than … (by plane).3. When travelling by car you can make your own time-… (table).4. There are many ways of getting about the … (town).

Номер слайду 28

People travel because they want to…..

Номер слайду 29

Why travel to the UK?I want to travel to the UK in order…... TO KNOW CUSTOMSto meet peopleto visit new placesto practice English to learn more about cultureto enjoy sightsto take part in the festivalsto learn more about the Royal Family

Номер слайду 30

I like to travel… наодинці alone з друзями with friends з батьками with parents з собакою with a dog с дідусем /бабусею with grandparents

Номер слайду 31

While travelling we often go sightseeing. As a rule, tourists visit some of these places: cathedral church theatre palace park monument statue bridge

Номер слайду 32


Номер слайду 33

THINGS THAT TOURISTS OFTEN DO ON HOLIDAYS:look round;take photographs;spend a lot of money;buy souvenirs;do shopping;lose their way;go sightseeing;have a good time.

Номер слайду 34

Have you ever been to these places? Which of them would you like to visit most of all? ppt_x

Номер слайду 35

What does travelling mean to you?As for me it…. Develops our outlook. Helps us to relax. Gives us adventures. Helps us to make friends. Helps us to study foreign languages. Gives us knowledge about the country. Develops our imagination

Номер слайду 36

WHAT KIND OF HOLIDAY DO YOUPREFER?1. You are on holidays. Now you can. . .a) go to bed late.b) do what you want.c) visit unknown cities.2. You are on a desert island. The first thing you do is...a) look for food and water.b) look for place to sleep at night.c) explore the island.3. You are leaving for holidays. Your luggage is. . . a) one suitcase.b) two suitcases.c) one bag. 4. Holidays are the right time to...a) relax.b) do shopping.c) go for a walk in the woods.5. Your most enjoyable holiday is...a) a sea cruise.b) in a hotel with a swimming-pool.c) in the wood or near the lake.6. Why do you go on holidays?a) to relax.b) to see something different from everyday life.c) to discover new places. MOSTLY A’s. You don’t like holidays that are full of activities. You prefer relaxing in a quiet place. Holidays mean you at last have time to read a good book. MOSTLY B’s. You want an unusual holiday full offun and friendly people. MOSTLY C’s. You love nature and adventures. The best holiday for you is camping.

Номер слайду 37

What do you think about travelling? Do you like to travel?Why do you travel?Do you believe that travelling is dangerous?Is it expensive?Is it your hobby?

Номер слайду 38

1. I prefer to live in an English family in London.2. My brother wishes to be a guide and travel a lot.3. The children prefer to go to the country.4. He wishes to see as many places as possible for two weeks.5. I want to attend English-speaking courses.6. Jane prefers to go by plane. Transform the sentences using would + Infinitive (б) (п.ф.дієсл.)

Номер слайду 39

We always can raise our spirits singing a song: THE TRAVEL SONGMonday in Athens. Tuesday in Madrid. Wednesday in Canberra. Thursday in bed!Let’s fly to Kyiv. Then to new York. Let’s go to London and rock, rock, rock!He likes Tokyo. She likes Rome. They like Paris. We all like home.

Номер слайду 40

Act the situation using the following key phrases: What time does this plane get to New York, please? Which platform does the 9 o’clock bus go from, please?Is there a train to Oxford at about 11 o’clock, please?How much does the return/one way ticket to Paris cost, please?When is the next train to London, please?

Номер слайду 41

We go by car and we go by train We go by boat and we go by plane. We go by land and sea and air. We go, go, go from here to there POEM:

Номер слайду 42

1. Is travelling popular nowadays?2. What means of travelling do you know?3. Which is the fastest way of travelling?4. How do people travel when they go for abroad?5. Is travelling by car faster or slower than by train?6. Do you like to travel by train?7. Do you like to travel by car?8. Using what means of transport can you travel by land?9. Using what means of transport can you travel by sea?10. Using what means of transport can you travel by air?

Номер слайду 43

Прочитайте тексти і відгадайте, про який вид транспорту йдеться. Text 1 It is the fastest way of traveling. It can take you from one town to the other one in time. The seats are comfortable. That is a pity but sometimesyou can see very little from the windows. The things are too small to see them. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can not travel by it. Text 2 This way of traveling is fast. You can stop at any place you like and go where you like. You need no tickets. Usually families go by it.

Номер слайду 44

Text 3 This is the slowest way of traveling. Both young and old people like it. You need not worry about the tickets. The only thing you need is a rucksack. You can visit many places in such away. Text 4 This way of traveling is fast. The carriages are comfortable. It is so pleasant to travel in them. You can see a lot of interesting things from carriage windows. You can make a long journey on land by it.

Номер слайду 45

{F4285469-1387-49 A2-9098-6 DC7 B94 F96 D1}We go by car. And we go by train. We go by boat. And we go by plane. We go by land,And sea and air. We go, go, go. From here to there.— Do you like to travel?— Which types of travel have you tried?— How do you get to school?— When do you prefer to travel?

Номер слайду 46

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Номер слайду 48

Speaking: Travelling by plane is the fastest. You can get to many cities onlyin a few hours. You can stop wherever you like. During the trip you can sit comfortably in the armchair and read, eat or sleep. During the trip you need no tickets. People can visit many countries by plane. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can not travel by it. Hiking is interesting and it is also good for health. This way oftravelling is the fastest. You can visit many interesting places. It helps to learn many interesting things and enjoy beautiful places. You don’t need to think about the tickets and timetable. Hiking helps physical training. You can get to many cities in a few hours. Travelling by train is rather fast and not so expensive. When youare going by train you can sit comfortably in your carriage. You can stop wherever you like. You can read and sleep. For this way of travelling you need no tickets. It is good for your health. You can see the country you are travelling through and not only the clouds as you are flying.

Номер слайду 49

In my opinion the best way of travelling is hiking. We like to travel on foot because it is not expensive. Travelling on foot has many advantages. For example you need no tickets and you don’t miss the train. Schoolchildren have long summer holidays. That’s why it is the best way of travelling with your friends. In my opinion travelling by train is not expensive. It is not tiring trip, because you can sit in the comfortable seat in your carriage. Youcan spend the time with pleasure. For example you can read and sleep. That’s why a lot of people travel by train.

Номер слайду 50

Аудіювання. Учитель роздає картки для самостійної роботи і двічі читає текст. Учні важно слухають. У зразках тексту пропущені певні слова, які учні повинні вписати. Після прослуховування учні читають текст ланцюжком. Travelling1. Travelling is very popular nowadays. Go to a … station, a port or an airport in our country or abroad and you will see hundreds of people who want to go as quickly as possible.2. The fastest way of … is … plane. With a modern airliner you can travel in one hour to a place which takes a day … by train.3. Travelling … train is slower than by plane, but it has it’s … . There are sleepers and dinning-car in passenger trains which make even the longest … enjoyable.4. Some people like to … ship and enjoy a sea … or a river trip. Many people like to travel … car. It also has its …; you will never miss the train, ship or plane; you can make your own time-table. … by car is popular for pleasure trips.

Номер слайду 51

Перевірка розуміння прослуханого1. Travelling is very popular nowadays. Go to a railway station, a port or an airport in our country or abroad and you will see hundreds of people who want to go as quickly as possible.2. The fastest way of travelling is by plane. With a modern airliner you can travel in one hour to a place which takes a day to travel by train.3. Travelling by train is slower than by plane, but it has it’s advantages. There are sleepers and dinning-car in passenger trains whic make even the longest journey enjoyable.4. Some people like to travel by ship and enjoy a sea voyage or a river trip. Many people like to travel by car. It also has its advantages; you will never miss the train, ship or plane; you can make your own time-table. Travelling by car is popular for pleasure trips.

Номер слайду 52

I. Match the collocations with their translation (page 144 - 145)The best way а/ відкривати нові речіGet to know b/ організовувати все, домовитись про всеon vacation c/ вирушити у подорож. Discover new things d/ найкращий спосіб. Arrange everything e/ дізнатися, пізнати. Travel agency f/ недоліки. Go on a trip g/ у відпустціFly (flew-2) by plane h/ визначні місця міста It’s for sure i/ без сумніву. Advantages j/ летіти літаком. Disadvantages k/ турагенція. Sights of a city l/ переваги

Номер слайду 53

II. Use the collocations from exercise 1 and complete sentences. Big Ben is one of the main (одне з головних) _____ of London. Planning a holiday he decided (вирішив) to go to the _____._____ to learn English is to live in an English family. Mr. Brown is not at work. He is _____ in China. I would like to work at the _____ after university. He wanted (хотів) to gо_____ to Kyiv but there were no tickets (квитків). It’s for sure that travelling to other countries you _____ new things. You should (слід) _____ before going on a trip. The best way___new people is to spend (провести) much time with them. Speed (швидкість) and comfort are the main ____of travelling by plane. Expensive tickets are a great _____ of flying by plane.

Номер слайду 54

Learn the new vocabulary. Carriage [ˈkærɪdʒ] – вагон; Cruise [kru:z] круіз; (to)land-приземлятися. Flight [ flait ] – політ, рейс (літака)Passenger [ˈpæsɪndʒə(r)] – пасажир. Platform [ˈplætfɔːm] – платформа; holiday package - путівка (to)return [rɪˈtɜːn] – повертатися;Return (ticket) – квиток туди і назад. Single (ticket) [ˈsɪŋɡl ] – квиток в одну сторону(to) travel on business – подорожувати у справах, їхати у відрядженняa travel for pleasure [ˈpleʒə(r)] – подорож для розваги, відпочинку(left - 2 i 3 форма) Leave ( from) [li:v] – від’їжджати (від), виїжджати. Зразок: Я виїхав із Києва до Львову. I left Kyiv for Lviv.go sightseeing [ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ] - оглядати визначні місцяgo abroad [əˈbrɔːd] - поїхати закордон; (to) book tickets in advance [ədˈvɑːns] забронювати квитки заздалегідь

Номер слайду 55

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферуІ. Answer the questions.1. Is traveling popular nowadays?2. What means of traveling do you know?3. Which is the fastest way of traveling?4. How do people travel when they go for abroad?5. Is traveling by car faster or slower than by train?6. Do you like to travel by train?7. Do you like to travel by car?ІІ. Read the sentence and select the correct and incorrect statements.1. Travelling is not popular nowadays.2. We can not imagine our life without transport.3. We must cross the street when the light is green.4. Trams, trolley-buses and buses do not stop at special stops.5. The metro is the fastest way to get about town.

Номер слайду 56

travel - це загальне слово для позначення будь-якого переміщення з місця на місце, зазвичай на великі відстані. Ще travel часто виступає дієсловом: I travel 100 km to my camp every summer - Я їжджу (подорожую) 100 км до мого табору щоліта. Air travel is more expensive than railway. Авіаперельоти дорожче, ніж проїзд поїздом.space travel-космічні подорожbusiness travel-ділова поїздкаa travel agency-туристична агенція

Номер слайду 57

Journey - довга поїздка, маршрут (в основному по суші)Journey означає тривалий переміщення з одного місця в інше, часто на автомобілі. How long does your journey to Berlin take? Як довго триває ваша подорож до Берліна? See the events and organize your journeys. Дивіться події і плануйте свої поїздки.a bus journey-подорож на автобусіthe journey to school-поїздка (подорож) в школуmy journey to work-моя поїздка (подорож) на роботу

Номер слайду 58

Trip - коротка поїздка, рейс. Слово trip описує невелику поїздку або ж весь процес поїздки кудись і повернення, наприклад рейс. I went on a business trip last week. Я Їздив у відрядження минулого тижня.a day trip - одноденна поїздкаa round trip - поїздка туди і назадa boat trip - подорож на човні

Номер слайду 59

Tour - тур, екскурсія, подорожІменник tour найчастіше використовується для позначення поїздки з будь-якої певною метою. shopping tour - поїздка за покупками sightseeing tour - огляд визначних пам'яток study tour - стажуванняsightseeing tour - огляд визначних пам'ятокwalking tour - піша екскурсіяguided tour - екскурсія з гідомworld tour - світове турне

Номер слайду 60

У наш час voyages менш поширені. Voyage - це дуже довга подорож, зазвичай морем або в космосі. Не дарма в самому слові заховане слово age-вік. Воно прийшло з Франції і стало міжнародним. А ось французьке "Bon voyage!" перекладається на англійську як Have a good trip! (Вдалої поїздки) або Have a good journey! (вдалої подорожі). A voyage around the world often takes four or five years. Подорож навколо світу часто займає чотири або п'ять років.

Номер слайду 61

Якщо вам це зрозуміло, тож бажаю вам відмінного trip, а краще journey. Намагайтеся більше travel по світу, влаштовуйте невеликі tour на вихідних. Ну і звичайно ж захоплюючого voyage з англійською мовою у майбутнє життя!

Номер слайду 62

6 С/Р-Travel, Trip, Journey, Voyage, Tour or Flight?If I had lots of money, I would like to have a ………. all over the world! Maybe a long, relaxing Mediterranean ………on a really beautiful ship? I love cruising. I would love to see Australia, too, but the ………takes about 24 hours which is too long on an aeroplane for me. I don’t like a long ……, especially in a car. When I go on a business ……… I usually………by train, as it is more comfortable. TRAVEL (v): an action of going from one place to another TRIP (n): a travelling to a place, do something and return JOURNEY (n): a long travelling from one place to another (business, leisure, pleasure) VOYAGE (n): a journey on a ship FLIGHT (n): a journey on a plane TOUR (n): a visit to a place or area, especially that one during which you look around the place or area and learn about it

Номер слайду 63

Етапи проектної роботи1. Демонстрація різних видів транспорту, за допомогою яких можна подорожувати: найшвидшого, найзручнішого, найприємнішого тощо.2. Інтерв’ювання однокласників (можна також принести заздалегідь підготовлені результати інтерв’ювання родичів, друзів).3. Аналіз та узагальнення результатів інтерв’ювання.4. Результат проектної роботи може бути оформлено у вигляді колажів, таблиць.5. Презентація учнями результатів проектної діяльності. Прослуховування інтерв’ю, розповідей.

Номер слайду 64

Have a good trip!

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