Презентація "Competency approach aimed at forming subject connections"

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Презентація для вчителів англійської мови, яка допоможе у з'ясуванні компетентнісного підходу, спрямованого на формування предметних зв'язків, а також, набути певного досвіду та розглянути приклади, що представлені у презентації
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Номер слайду 1

Competency approach aimed at forming subject connections. Performed by: Baliuk Svitlana. English teacher of Zolochiv Lyceum #3

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Knowledge of a foreign language is willingness and ability to use a foreign language in everyday life in different situations and solve problems in certain activities. Acquisition of vital competencies can give a person the opportunity to navigate properly in modern society and information space. Therefore, we need to make the transition from education as a transfer of knowledge to productive learning when the increase of knowledge occurs through the process of creating a student’s own creative product.

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The leading means of achievement goals is the competency approach. The competency approach is one of the key ideological innovations of the new basic law ‘On Education’. The competency approach is the orientation of a person to such a combination of knowledge, ways of thinking, views, values, skills, abilities and other qualities that determine his or her ability to successfully realize himself or herself in learning, in the profession and in everyday life.

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The competency approach is the focus of educational process on achieving results, which are key and subject competencies. You can see some connection between categories: The competency approach Key competencies. Subject competencies. Integrated knowledge, skills, personality qualities, experience, attitudes. State requirements for the level of general education or professional training of students: names, explains, describes, gives examples, distinguishes, is able, analyzes and so on

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In the new state standard the following concept is used in this sense that competence is a complex phenomenon, it is readiness, the ability to practically or theoretically solve problems in a particular activity. The concept of competence includes not only cognitive and operational-technological components but also motivational, ethical, social and behavioral.

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COMPETENCEwantcan. I evaluate myself. Level of behavior need-motivational sphere. Level of education operational activity, which consists of knowledge, skills and training. Level of development reflexive sphere

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SUBJECT COMPETENCELanguage competence. Language inventory: Phonetics. Vocabulary. Grammar Socio-cultural competence. Sociolinguisticcompetence. Speech competence. Speaking. Reading. Writinglistening

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KEY COMPETENCE is a specially structured set of characteristics of the individual, which allows him to act effectively in various spheres of life and belongs to the general content of educational standards. According to the new basic law ‘On Education’ and the Concept of the ‘New Ukrainian School’, the key competencies are as follows: 1. Communication in the state language.2. Communication in foreign languages.3. Mathematical competence. 4. Basic competencies in natural sciences and technologies.5. Information and digital competence.6. Ability to learn throughout life.7. Initiative and entrepreneurship.8. Social and civil competencies.9. Awareness and self-expression in the field of culture.10. Environmental literacy and healthy living. All these competencies are equally important and interrelated. Children acquire each of them at the lessons while learning a foreign language at all stages of education.

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By means of a foreign language of a foreign language teacher must form all both subject and key competencies. But the successful development of key competencies depends on a sufficient level of formation of subject competence. The following skills are common:- ability to read and understand what is read;- ability to express an opinion orally and in writing;- ability to logically justify the position;- take the initiative;- create;- ability to solve problems, assess risks and make decisions;- apply emotional intelligence;- ability to work in a team and the ability to think critically.

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My lessons. In the visual way of presenting vocabulary I use photos, pictures, cards, tables, posters and objects themselves to reveal the meaning of words denoting real objects, emotions, feelings, etc. The clarity of what is depicted does not require time to semanticize the vocabulary, saves time and increases the interest and activity of students in English lessons.

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Also I use multimedia presentations, audio and video materials, self-developed electronic tests and tasks.

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We make a lot of projects on various topics

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Of course, play lexical grammar games, use free and printable worksheets, interactive worksheets

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“KNOW-WANT TO KNOW- LEARNED”Students are asked questions for independent reflection on the chosen topic. The answers are written by each student in the columns “KNOW” and “WANT TO KNOW” in the table. The last column can be filled after the next stage – comprehension or you can have a discussion in pairs or teams right away. Then students fill the last column of the table. Followed by a joint discussion of whether columns 2 and 3 matched. The column “WANT TO KNOW” gives impetus to further search for new information yourself until the next lesson.

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Find the mistakesІ. Tom mother were born on twenty desember.ІІ. Tom’s mother was born on the twentieth of December. Mistakes:1. Possessive Case;2. Past Simple3. Ordinal Numerals;4. Spelling.

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Critical thinking. Using illustrations, synonyms or idioms, proverbs and sayings, pupils should make their assumptions about the topic of the lesson and what they know about it. Англійське прислів`я. Дослівний переклад. Український еквівалент. A cat with nine lives. Кішка з дев‘ятьма життями. Живучий, як кішка. A drop in the ocean. Крапля в океаніКрапля в моріA man is known by the company he keeps. Людина пізнається по її оточенні. Скажи мені, хто твій друг, і я скажу, хто ти. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Друг пізнається в біді(аналогічно)A blessing in disguise. A dime a dozen. Beat around the bush. Better late than never. Bite the bullet

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Essay. Students are given the task to write a reasoned essay on the topic. Web-quest. It is a mini-project, most of the information is taken from the internet;It is a problem with role-playing elements.

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It is necessary to teach children not because they should think but how they should think – to develop skills of analysis, synthesis, search and rethinking of information, to teach to ask additional questions, to find non-standard solutions, to analyze their owndeeds and actions.

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Thanks for attention

5 вересня 2021
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