Презентація для заняття на тему "Усне введення підтеми "Internet facts". Систематизація граматичного матеріалу: Reported speech".

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Презентація для відкритого заняття на тему "Усне введення підтеми "Internet facts". Систематизація граматичного матеріалу та виконання граматичних вправ:"

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Internet FAQs. Reported Speech

Номер слайду 2

At the end of the lesson you will be able:- to use appropriate vocabulary doing the tasks on the theme the Internet; - to summarize the information given in the text and video; - to formulate sentences in Reported Speech; - to express your own opinion on the topic.

Номер слайду 3

Do you agree that nowadays we can’t imagine our life without computers, mobile phones and the internet?What do you know about the internet? What interesting facts do you know?

Номер слайду 4

1234 5 6 78 9 10 1112

Номер слайду 5

123 Bill Gates. Mark Zuckerberg. Vint Cerf

Номер слайду 6

To match the words/phrases to the definitions:{8 A107856-5554-42 FB-B03 E-39 F5 DBC370 BA}the Internetthe Weba web sitesurfing the Nete–maildownloadingmoving from one document or web site to another, to find information;coping information from a web site to your own computer;a network of computers all over the world, joined by phone lines, satellite or cable;a system linking millions of documents stored on Internet computers around the world;the place on the Internet where a company/organisation/ etc. stores its documents;electronic messages sent to someone over the Internet.

Номер слайду 7

Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9

Номер слайду 10

1. Who was working on the design of what we now call the Internet? Bill Gates; Bob Kahn; Steve Jobs.style.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.on

Номер слайду 11

2. When did Vint Cerf and his partner Bob Kahn begin working on the design of what we now call Internet?a) 1970s;b) 1870s;c) 1990s.style.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.on

Номер слайду 12

3. What did ARPANET stand for?a) Actual Research Project Agency Network;b) Advanced Research Project Agency Network;c) Advanced Research Project Against Network.style.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.on

Номер слайду 13

4. Who conducted the research?a) Justice Department;b) State Department;c) Defense Department.style.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.on

Номер слайду 14

5. Is anybody in charge of the internet?a) nobody and maybe another answer is everybody;b) the government controls it;c) Bill Gates.style.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.on

Номер слайду 15

6. What is the Internet made up for?a) a small number of independently operated networks;b) an incredibly large number of dependent networks;c) an incredibly large number of independently operated networks.style.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.on

Номер слайду 16

7. Is there central control?a) there is central control;b) there’s no central control.style.colorfillcolorfill.typefill.on

Номер слайду 17

FAQs [ɛf-eɪ-kjuːz] – Frequently Asked questions – питання, які часто ставлятьсяan invention [ɪnˈvɛnʃən] – винахідmainly [ˈmeɪnli] – переважно, здебільшогоa network [ˈnɛtwɜːk] - мережаto exchange information [ɪksˈʧeɪnʤ ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən] – обмінюватись інформацієюto link [ lɪŋk] – з’єднати, сполучатиto store [stɔː] - зберігатиto enter the address [ˈɛntə ði əˈdrɛs] – вводити адресуto appear [əˈpɪə] – виникати, з’являтисьto click [klɪk] - натискатиto surf the net [sɜːf ðə nɛt] – користуватись інтернетомto chat [ʧæt] - спілкуватися

Номер слайду 18

1. What exactly is the Internet?2. What do I need in order to use the Internet?3. How do I surf the Net?4. That’s the same thing as the Web, isn’t it?5. What can I use the Internet for?6. What is a web site, and how do I visit one?

Номер слайду 19

The Internet: FAQs(Frequently Asked questions)The Internet is without doubt one of the most important inventions in history. It was started in 1968 by the US government, but at first it was used mainly by scientists. Since 1990 when the World Wide Web was created, it has changed the world, and its uses are growing every day.

Номер слайду 20

1. What exactly is the Internet?The Internet is a network (several networks, in fact) of millions of computers around the world, connected by phone lines, satellite or cable, so that all the computers on the net can exchange information with each other.

Номер слайду 21

2. That’s the same thing as the Web, isn’t it?Not quite. The Internet links computers, and the World Wide Web is a system which links the information stored inside these computers.

Номер слайду 22

3. What is a web site, and how do I visit one?A company or organization stores its information in electronic documents on one of the Internet computers, somewhere in the world. This computer space – the company’s web site – has an address, in the same way that every telephone has a number. To visit a web site, you simply enter the address. Your computer is connected to the web site, a document is downloaded, and a page appears on your computer screen.

Номер слайду 23

4. How do I surf the Net?When you visit a web site looking for information, some words on the page may be underlined, showing that there is more information about the subject in another document. If you click on one of these words, the Web automatically connects your computer to a new document or web site, even if this is stored thousands of kilometers away. You’re surfing the net!

Номер слайду 24

5. What can I use the Internet for?The main use of the Internet is to find information – for your schoolwork or job, or just to find out more about your hobbies, sports or current events. You can also use the Internet to read newspapers and magazines, play games, plan your holiday or buy things from your favourite shop. E–mail makes it possible to send electronic messages anywhere in the world in seconds, and you can use the Internet to ‘chat’ with people and make new friends.

Номер слайду 25

6. What do I need in order to use the Internet?If you don’t already use the Internet, all you need to get started is a computer, a modem and a phone line. Using the Internet is getting cheaper and easier all the time. Are you ready to surf the Net? There’s a whole exciting Internet world out there waiting for you.

Номер слайду 26

What do YOU think of the Internet? Why do people use the Internet for? For example, YOU? Why do you use it?What are the negative effects of the Internet?

Номер слайду 27

{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}To begin with, …  Ми почнемо з того, що ... Firstly, ... / Secondly, ... / Finally. По-перше, ... / По-друге, .../НарештіOne argument in support of ...  Одним з аргументів на підтримку цього є... The first thing that needs to be said is ... В першу чергу, необхідно сказати, що ... Another good thing about … is that. Також позитивний момент заключається в. For the great majority of people ... Для більшості людей ... What is more,Більш того, ... On the other hand, we can observe that ... З іншого боку, ми можемо спостерігати, що…The other side of the coin is, however, that. Однак, з іншого боку, ... . From these facts, one may conclude that... На основі викладених фактів, ми можемо зробити висновок про те, що... Thus, ... / Therefore,... Тому... ./ Таким чином.... The most common argument against this is that ... . Найпоширеніший аргумент проти цього є те, що... . In conclusion, I can say that although … . Завершуючи, я можу сказати, що ... . To draw the conclusion, one can say that … Підводячи підсумки, можна сказати, що ... .

Номер слайду 28

To retell the text “Internet Fa. Qs”.

Номер слайду 29

Thank you for attention!

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