Презентація.Extreme kinds of sport.

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This presentation is about different kinds of sport, especially extreme ones.
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Extreme kinds of sport

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Basic knowledge. An extreme sport is a popular term for certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger. These activities often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts. Athletes in these activities compete not only against other athletes, but also against environmental obstacles and challenges.

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Bouldering. Bouldering is known as the rawest and purest form of rock climbing. Athletes climb rock faces with security ropes or harnesses. They test their skills by starting from the floor with short climbing routes on specifically designed, low-height climbing walls, allowing the athlete to climb without any major risks of injury from a fall. This form of climbing can be done without any equipment. Still, most will use climbing shoes and chalk to allow for extended climbing.

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Freediving. When you’re scuba diving, you’re literally in a situation where you could be physically unable to breathe if something goes wrong. Most divers have oxygen tanks with them, but some athletes disregard this normal equipment and opt to freedive. Like many of these top extreme sports, freediving is exactly what it sounds like – a diver goes down with no survival equipment other than flippers. They plan on making the descent and ascent on a single breath of air. The pressure changes of deep diving, physical exertion it takes to climb back to the surface and mental panic that can set in make this more than just holding your breath for a really long time.

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Wingsuit Flying. Right now, wingsuit flying is probably the closest humans can get to controlled, non-machine-assisted flying. Wingsuit flying is a variation of sky diving in which the “pilot” or jumper wears a special suit that essentially makes them look like a flying squirrel. This specialized suit features “wings” along the side of the body and between the legs. The wings have air pockets that give the pilot more lift, allowing them to fall slower and control where they go with an amazing amount of precision. Wingsuit flying can take place from a helicopter or off a base and some expert flyers get incredibly close to mountainsides and even cruise in a controlled free fall through ravines.

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Curling. Curling is a type of extreme sport where players slide stones on a sheet of ice towards a target area which is segmented into four concentric circles. It is related to bowls and shuffleboard. Two teams, each with four players, take turns sliding heavy, polished granite stones, also called rocks, across the ice curling sheet towards the house, a circular target marked on the ice. Each team has eight stones. The purpose is to accumulate the highest score for a game; points are scored for the stones resting closest to the center of the house at the conclusion of each end, which is completed when both teams have thrown all of their stones. A game usually consists of eight or ten ends.

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Dog Sledding. Even though widely used as a means of transportation, dog sledding can also be a type of extreme sport, also known as dog sled racing. It includes a sled that is pulled by one or more sled dogs traveling over ice and through the snow. There is a great number of different types of sleds used, depending on their function. In Greenland, the dogs pull in a fan shape in front of the sled opposed to other regions where to dogs pull side by side in pairs.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing extreme sports?

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Advantages. Help: to vary our monotonous life; to escape from daily routine; to learn valuable skills; to work as a team; to study first aid and rescue; to stay calm in emergency; to deal with problems; to overcome fears;

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give an opportunity to feel excitement;make us more self-confident and self-disciplined; give a chance to be close to nature; make us understand the role of human being on the earth; help us become more independent. Advantages

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Disadvantagescarry great risk of being seriously injured; you may have health problems in later life; require a lot of exhausting practice, take much energy; are expensive; require reliable equipment; are addictive!

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Ice Canoeing. Once a means of winter transport, ice canoeing has eventually become a sport that’s been gaining popularity over the years. The sport involves crews of five athletes who alternately push their canoe across the ice on the frozen parts of the river, and row in a river with currents of four knots, tides of over 15 ft, and ice blocks weighing a few tones blown by the wind. The sport also involves shoes with bolts screwed to the bottom to keep the athlete’s traction on the ice.

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Mountaineering. Mountaineering is the sport of climbing mountains. Traditionally, mountaineering is referred to as the sport of reaching the highest point of unclimbed big mountains. Despite popular belief, mountaineering doesn’t call for lots of expensive, technical mountaineering equipment, such as special mountaineering jackets and mountaineering boots. It all depends on what type of mountain terrain you are climbing. Today, mountaineering is divided into many subcategories which include traditional and sports rock climbing, hill walking, ice climbing, and alpinism or winter mountaineering.

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Rallying. Rallying is a form of motorsport that is performed on public or private roads with specially built road-legal cars and track roads. The sport is not done on a circuit but rather in a point-to-point format where participants and their co-drivers drive between set control points, leaving at regular intervals from one or more start points.

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What qualities should people have to do extreme sports?

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positive energycouragesurvival instinctability to evaluate risksense of adventurephysical strengthquick reactionssense of humourdeterminationsense of balancegood healthcareco-operative skillsstamina

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Thank you for your attention!

16 березня 2021
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