В даному матеріалі міститься презентація мовного табору "Friends" Мовчанівської загальноосвітньої школи І - ІІІ ступенів. Підготував вчитель англійської мови Кравченко В. В.,
Language summer camp “FRIENDS” Movchanivska secondary school I – III degrees
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Work plan in the summer language camp The first day Friendship Day a) Warm - ups b) Drawing on the asphalt called: "Happy friendship day” c) Watching video about friendship The second day The Day of the inventor a) Warm - ups b) Crafts from unnecessary things “Garbage show” c) Presentation of works The third day Song’s Day a) Warm - ups b) Listening, learning and performing songs in English c) Making leaflets and their signature The fourth day The Children’s Day a) Warm - ups b) Conversation: "The 1st of June is the Children’s Day” c) Flashmob: "The 1st of June is the Children’s Day” The fifth day Environment and sport Day a) Warm - ups b) Sport game «Fixing of vocabulary» c) Excursion to the military training ground The sixth day Excursion day a) Warm - ups b) Watching cartoons c) Excursion to the butter factory and the police office in Ruzhyn The seventh day The Day of farewell to the camp a) Warm - ups b) Performing a song or dance
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The first day Drawing on the asphalt called: "Happy friendship day”
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The second day Crafts from unnecessary things “Garbage show”
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The third dayMaking leaflets and their signature
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The fourth day Flashmob: "The 1st of June is the Children’s Day”
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The fifth dayExcursion to the military training ground
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The sixth dayExcursion to the police office in Ruzhyn