Презентація на тему "Abraham Lincoln".

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Презентація про відомого президента Америки А. Лінкольна. Презентація містить основну інформацію та надбання цієї людини.
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Who was Abraham Lincoln? He was the 16th US president (1861 to 1865 )He is considered one of the three greatest US presidents Abraham Lincoln’s birthday (February 12th) was a holiday for many years throughout the country. “of the people, by the people, for the people”. 

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Abraham Lincoln is well known for his very characteristic and recognizable appearance. Photos and facts about Lincoln tell us that he was an extremely tall man with a thin build. Abraham Lincoln never went to college. He only had about 18 months of schooling when he was young. Appearance

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Family Life. He was very poor when he proposed Mary Todd and her family did not approve. He married Mary Todd in 1842 and they lived in Springfield, Illinois near his law office. He and Mary had four children: Robert, Edward, William and Thomas. Only one of them, Robert, lived to adulthood. Lincoln grew up in a highly religious Baptist family. Although Lincoln never joined any established church.

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Political Beliefs At that time, there was slavery in most of the southern US states, but not in the northern states. Lincoln opposed slavery. He believed the US (also called the “Union”) should stay one country.

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The Civil War Lincoln was determined to end slavery and keep the country together. In one of his speeches, he said: "Both parties deprecated war, but one of them would make war rather than let the Nation survive, and the other would accept war rather than let it perish, and the war came."

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The End of the War The North won the war in 1865. Slavery became illegal. The US remained one whole country. A few days later, President Lincoln and his wife went to see a play. While watching the play, he was shot and killed. He was the first US president to be assassinated.

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Lincoln Memorial The Lincoln Memorial in Washington

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Money. Lincoln’s profile is on the penny. On the back side is the Lincoln Memorial. His picture is also on the $5 bill.

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10 Facts about Abraham Lincoln. He got the nickname "Honest Abe" because he did actually say once that he could not tell a lie.  Poisoned milk killed Lincoln’s mother  He didn’t drink, smoke, or chew. Lincoln was a simple man of tastes, and he never drank in the White House. Lincoln kept his important documents inside his hat. Lincoln was seemingly obsessed with cats. Lincoln battled depression for much of his life. Lincoln didn’t play musical instruments. Lincoln’s life was saved twice when he was young. Lincoln was the first president to use the telegraph. Among his favorite foods were bacon, apples and oysters.

4 квітня 2023
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