Презентація на тему "“Національно-патріотичне виховання на уроках української мови. Моделювання життєвих і проблемних ситуацій”"

Про матеріал
Презентація на тему “Національно-патріотичне виховання на уроках української мови. Моделювання життєвих і проблемних ситуацій”. З практичного досвіду.
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Номер слайду 2

Номер слайду 3

Соціокультурна змістова лінія. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible

Номер слайду 4

Умови сьогодення

Номер слайду 5

Правило вживання великої літери. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably inextricable

Номер слайду 6

Номер слайду 7

Фольклорні форми

Номер слайду 8

Тексти виховного і повчального змісту. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words01

Номер слайду 9

Бесіди, проєкти і листівки патріотичного змісту. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible, Otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of the viewer, Which is counterproductive. Just as we all want to change the world and bring light to others, But more often we just need to sow a seed, Naturally there is a breeze, Rain and dew nourish. Enter is here

Номер слайду 10

тематичні урокиквести Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible

Номер слайду 11

Літературні кав’ярніУроки під відкритим небом. Demonstrate Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably inextricable

Номер слайду 12

Ігри у формі бесід і мандрівок

Номер слайду 13

Вправи. Диктанти,Перекази

Номер слайду 14

Створення казок. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words01 Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words02 Just as we all want to change the world and bring light to others, But more often we just need to sow a seed, Naturally there is a breeze, Rain and dew nourish. When you express your views properly

Номер слайду 15

Робота зі словниками та кубиком Блума. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably inextricable. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably inextricable. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably inextricable

Номер слайду 16

Літературні читання

Номер слайду 17

Дякую за увагу !

Номер слайду 18

But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words. But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words. But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words. But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words

Номер слайду 19

Education. Demonstrate Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably inextricable. Demonstrate Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably inextricable. Demonstrate Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably inextricable. Demonstrate Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably inextricable

Номер слайду 20

Education78%Demonstrate Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible, Otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of the viewer, Which is counterproductive. Just as we all want to change the world and bring light to others, But more often we just need to sow a seed, 68%Demonstrate Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible, Otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of the viewer, Which is counterproductive. Just as we all want to change the world and bring light to others, But more often we just need to sow a seed,

Номер слайду 21

PART FOURCartoon Education. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible

Номер слайду 22

Education. Click here to add the text. In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release. Just as we all want to change the world and bring light to others, But more often we just need to sow a seed, Naturally there is a breeze, Rain and dew nourish. When you express your views properly. In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release. Demonstrate In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release. Demonstrate In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release. Demonstrate In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release. Demonstrate

Номер слайду 23

Education. Click here to add the text. In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible, Otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of the viewer, Which is counterproductive. Just as we all want to change the world and bring light to others, But more often we just need to sow a seed02 Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words. Demonstrate 01 Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words. Demonstrate

Номер слайду 24

Education. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible, Otherwise it is easy to cause the reading pressure of the viewer, Which is counterproductive. Just as we all want to change the world and bring light to others, But more often we just need to sow a seed. In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release

Номер слайду 25

Education. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words. In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release01 Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words. In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release02 Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words. In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release03 Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words. In order to demonstrate the good effect of the release04

Номер слайду 26

Thanks for watching. Your text has been concise and beautiful, But the information is inextricably Inextricable and needs to be expressed in more words; But please refine the essence of your thought as much as possible

26 грудня 2023
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